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Lecture 3 CULTURE OF KYIV RUS Lecturer Galyna Miasoid Lecture 3 CULTURE OF KYIV RUS Lecturer Galyna Miasoid

980 - religious reform of King Vladimir (Volodymyr) ¡ King Volodymyr (Vladimir) tried to 980 - religious reform of King Vladimir (Volodymyr) ¡ King Volodymyr (Vladimir) tried to reform polytheistic paganism, which he considered to be a barrier for Kyiv Rus internal and external policy, to transform it into monotheistic, where Perun was the supreme god.

Reasons for choice of Christianity Monotheism (one God power), hierarchy of Saints, the idea Reasons for choice of Christianity Monotheism (one God power), hierarchy of Saints, the idea of after -death compensation, specific service, etc, all these points coincided with needs of King’s authority. ¡ Such form of religion could integrate East Slavonic tribes in one state and help to develop political, commercial and cultural relations with Christian states. ¡

988 Rus was baptised Baptizing of Rus stimulated the development of various arts and 988 Rus was baptised Baptizing of Rus stimulated the development of various arts and spheres of culture. ¡ Among them were literature and science, education and architecture. ¡

Peculiarities of Christianity in Rus no sculptural compositions inside the churches ¡ divine service Peculiarities of Christianity in Rus no sculptural compositions inside the churches ¡ divine service was administered in native language ¡

Cities of Kyiv Rus Kyiv, Chernigiv, Pereyaslav, Galych, Kholm were outstanding and important centers Cities of Kyiv Rus Kyiv, Chernigiv, Pereyaslav, Galych, Kholm were outstanding and important centers of old-Russian culture. ¡ Kyiv had been transformed into the big cultural center, center of handicraft and trade during the time of Yaroslav the Wise. ¡

The architecture of Kyiv Rus. 988 - the key landmarks of the previous Vedic The architecture of Kyiv Rus. 988 - the key landmarks of the previous Vedic tradition were intentionally destroyed in the process of the Rus Christianizing, as they were viewed as pagan ones. ¡ 10 -11 centuries A. D. - the Byzantine type of church dominated – with 5 or 7 domes, surrounded by galleries. ¡

The Desyatina (Tithes) Church, Kyiv ¡ 989 -996 - the first stone church in The Desyatina (Tithes) Church, Kyiv ¡ 989 -996 - the first stone church in Kyiv

Saint Sophia Cathedral, Kyiv ¡ 1036 - the Mother Church of Ukraine Saint Sophia Cathedral, Kyiv ¡ 1036 - the Mother Church of Ukraine

Golden Gates of Kyiv, reconstructed ¡ a strong main gateway Golden Gates of Kyiv, reconstructed ¡ a strong main gateway

The Cathedral of the Transfiguration of the Saviour in Chernigov The Cathedral of the Transfiguration of the Saviour in Chernigov

St. Vasiliy Cathedral in Ovruch, Zhytomyr region ¡ the best example to understand how St. Vasiliy Cathedral in Ovruch, Zhytomyr region ¡ the best example to understand how temples of the 10 th-11 th centuries looked outside.

Architecture of Kyiv Rus in the early 12 century A. D. Romanesque style features Architecture of Kyiv Rus in the early 12 century A. D. Romanesque style features appeared ¡ the Kyiv School of temple architecture appears, presented by numerous one-dome churches with laconic decor. ¡

The Holy Mother Pirogoschi Church, Kyiv a typical sample of the Rus temple architecture The Holy Mother Pirogoschi Church, Kyiv a typical sample of the Rus temple architecture at the beginning of the 12 th century

Architecture of Kyiv Rus in the late 12 century A. D. ¡ rapid development Architecture of Kyiv Rus in the late 12 century A. D. ¡ rapid development of regional schools (Galicia-Volyn, Chernigov. Seversk and others).

Pyatnitskaya Church, Chernigov ¡ ¡ late 12 th - early 13 th century, reconstruction Pyatnitskaya Church, Chernigov ¡ ¡ late 12 th - early 13 th century, reconstruction The Chernigov. Seversk school is characterized by increasing the height of the temple, lengthening the drum of the conical shape dome

Church of St. Panteleimon, Galych (Shevchenkovo, Ivano-Frankivsk region) ¡ ¡ ¡ the only surviving Church of St. Panteleimon, Galych (Shevchenkovo, Ivano-Frankivsk region) ¡ ¡ ¡ the only surviving monument of the Galicia-Volyn school of ancient architecture Old Rus threedimensional structure Roman influence in the decor and the composition of facades

Goryanska Rotunda (Round house) in Uzhhorod ¡ 11 th-12 th centuries, a unique building, Goryanska Rotunda (Round house) in Uzhhorod ¡ 11 th-12 th centuries, a unique building, which has no analogues in Central Europe

Monasteries building In 13 th century there were 50 monasteries (17 of them were Monasteries building In 13 th century there were 50 monasteries (17 of them were in Kyiv). ¡ Kyiv-Pechers’k Lavra (Laura) – a cave monastery was the biggest of them, founded by two monks Antoniy and Theodosiy Pechers’ki. ¡

The Holy Dormition Kiev-Pechersk Lavra ¡ played an important role in cultural development of The Holy Dormition Kiev-Pechersk Lavra ¡ played an important role in cultural development of Old Rus

The Holy Dormition Kiev-Pechersk Lavra An educational centre, the centre of Chronicles writing The Holy Dormition Kiev-Pechersk Lavra An educational centre, the centre of Chronicles writing

Painting in Kyiv Rus ¡ ¡ Monumental painting dominance Frescoes and mosaics in interior Painting in Kyiv Rus ¡ ¡ Monumental painting dominance Frescoes and mosaics in interior painting High (principal) altar in St. Sophia’s Cathedral, Kyiv

Painting in Kyiv Rus Iconographic scenes (Bible themes) combined with everyday ones ¡ Images’ Painting in Kyiv Rus Iconographic scenes (Bible themes) combined with everyday ones ¡ Images’ eyes focused ¡ Oranta (or the Virgin Mary Orant, Our Lady Orant) - one of the main images of icon-painting (Orant, or Oranta – is a figure in a posture of prayer, usually standing upright with raised arms in Christian art). ¡

Mosaic “Oranta” ¡ High (principal) altar in St. Sophia’s Cathedral, Kyiv Mosaic “Oranta” ¡ High (principal) altar in St. Sophia’s Cathedral, Kyiv

Icon-painting - one of the most important among fine arts in Kyiv Rus ¡ Icon-painting - one of the most important among fine arts in Kyiv Rus ¡ ¡ In Kyiv-Pechers’k monastery there was the biggest icony workshop. By the end of the 11 th century Kyiv iconpainting school was formed. Pechersk (Svenskaya) icon of Mother of God with reverend Anthony and Theodosiy Pechers’ki. About 1288

Literature of Kyiv Rus translated and original ¡ Literary language was Old Church Slavonic, Literature of Kyiv Rus translated and original ¡ Literary language was Old Church Slavonic, created by Bulgarian educators Cyril and Methodius ¡

Translated Literature ¡ ¡ Translated biblical texts (hagiography, or Life of Saints; the Apocrypha; Translated Literature ¡ ¡ Translated biblical texts (hagiography, or Life of Saints; the Apocrypha; Patericon, or patrology) and secular historical, narrative, and natural-scientific texts are original works from Byzantium, Bulgaria, and Rome. The New Testament (the Gospel Book), the Apostle, Book of Psalms, the Pentateuch, and Genesis were most often translated from the Bible.

“Ostromirovo evangeliye, ” “Ostromir Gospel” or “the Ostromir Codex” ¡ Ostromirovo evangeliye. The opening “Ostromirovo evangeliye, ” “Ostromir Gospel” or “the Ostromir Codex” ¡ Ostromirovo evangeliye. The opening page: “In the beginning was the Word” (Gospel of John. Chapter 1, 1– 7) ¡ the oldest dated Rus manuscript, 1056 -1057

Original Literature includes texts, written by Kyiv authors: parting words, parables, pastorals, and Chronicles: Original Literature includes texts, written by Kyiv authors: parting words, parables, pastorals, and Chronicles: 1. “Sermon on Law and Grace”, where Law meant the Old Testament, and Grace meant The New Testament by Metropolitan Hilarion, 2. “The Tale of Fire Years” by monk Nestor. 3. The oldest written record of Kiev Rus is a “Collection of Svyatoslav” by Deacon John (1073 -1076), which contains both religious texts and works of ancient writers, explaining the rules of human behaviour at different circumstances ¡

Chronicle Writing ¡ ¡ ¡ Chronicle - a continuous historical account of events arranged Chronicle Writing ¡ ¡ ¡ Chronicle - a continuous historical account of events arranged in order of time without analysis or interpretation The most prominent is the “Primary Chronicle”, or “The Tale of Bygone years” written by Nestor, a monk in Kyiv. Pechersk Lavra in 1113. Another valuable literary text is “Teachings of Vladimir Monomakh to his children”.

Hagiography, or Lives of Saints ¡ The collection of hagiographies and spiritual instructions of Hagiography, or Lives of Saints ¡ The collection of hagiographies and spiritual instructions of the ascetic monks of definite territory is called ‘Paterikon’ since earliest times. The Kiev-Pechersky Paterikon, 15531554, a page

“Lay of Igor’s Warfar” ¡ ¡ ¡ 1187 - A major epic poem, a “Lay of Igor’s Warfar” ¡ ¡ ¡ 1187 - A major epic poem, a true masterpiece of Kyiv Rus literature. It describes the unsuccessful campaign of Russian Kings under command of King Igor Svyatoslavovich against Polovtsi (or Cumans/Komans) in 1185. This poem appealed for unity of all the Rusichi, for the end of the fratricidal feuds.

Miniature manuscript and miniature painting characterized by ¡ third-dimensional graphic brushwork, ¡ stylized silhouettes Miniature manuscript and miniature painting characterized by ¡ third-dimensional graphic brushwork, ¡ stylized silhouettes of plant and geometric ornament, ¡ head ornaments, depicting either people, or birds or animals. Luke the Evangelist. Miniature painting from Ostromirovo evangeliye. 1056 -1057

MUSIC In Kyiv Rus ¡ ¡ Three types of music: folk music, music of MUSIC In Kyiv Rus ¡ ¡ Three types of music: folk music, music of Kingly salons and church music Chimes music got special development. Popular musical instruments were a harp (gusli), wooden trumpets, horns, tamburines, pipe and tweeters. Numerous musical books, writing kondakar notation survived.

Market-place Theatre ¡ The basis of the market-place theatre was ‘skomorokhs’ (i. e. wandering Market-place Theatre ¡ The basis of the market-place theatre was ‘skomorokhs’ (i. e. wandering actors and minstrels) and Spiel Mann, who came from Germany and Byzantium. They were nice dancers, jugglers, actors, performed animals (usually bears), played popular instruments.

King Theatre ¡ ¡ ¡ King Theatre repertory was based on romances and was King Theatre ¡ ¡ ¡ King Theatre repertory was based on romances and was composed of dramatic poems accompanied by music. The main topics were: motherland protection, King service, etc. kings, army. With time such King theatre’s heroes as King, army, King’s wife, and boyars passed to market-place theatre sketches.

Education in Kyiv Rus The following school subjects were taught: writing, reading, arithmetics, foreign Education in Kyiv Rus The following school subjects were taught: writing, reading, arithmetics, foreign languages, rhetoric, singing, some poetics, geography, and history. ¡ Theology, philosophy, history were considered the main subjects. ¡

Medicine in Kyiv Rus ¡ ¡ The first doctors were fortune-tellers, witch doctors, magicians, Medicine in Kyiv Rus ¡ ¡ The first doctors were fortune-tellers, witch doctors, magicians, witches. They treated with spells and incantations. After Christianity was adopted a scientist and a doctor take the place of a witch doctor. The first known Ukrainian doctors were the monks of Kiev-Pechersk Monastery: Damian, Agalipt, Anthony, and Alimpint.

Medicine in Kyiv Rus ¡ ¡ ¡ The diseases were known and treated, as: Medicine in Kyiv Rus ¡ ¡ ¡ The diseases were known and treated, as: night blindness, stye and cancer. Treatment methods were: craniotomy, bloodletting, massage, hydrotherapy. The medicines were different natural substances derived from plants, animals and fish, and minerals, e. g. herbs, honey and flour, cod liver and mineral water, decoctions of herbs and roots. First herbals and doctor books were written. “Allimma” (“Masi” i. e. ointment), collected in the 12 th century is the oldest of nosographies (medical treatises)

¡ ¡ The Mongol invasion of the 13 th century destroyed the cities and ¡ ¡ The Mongol invasion of the 13 th century destroyed the cities and villages, architectural monuments (palaces, monasteries), paintings and manuscripts, yet it could not destroy all the heritage of the spiritual culture of Kyiv Rus. People saved and spread folklore, scientific knowledge, rebuilt the ruined cities, villages, cathedrals and monasteries, and restored the best of previous cultural traditions.

Seminar on theme 3 “Culture of Kyiv Rus” 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Seminar on theme 3 “Culture of Kyiv Rus” 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Historical and ideological preconditions of changes in cultural life of people of Rus. The architecture of Kyiv Rus. Painting. Literature. Chronicles’ writing, Music and theatre. Education and medicine.

To be studied individually UKRAINIAN CULTURE UNDER MONGOL-TATAR INVASION. ¡ CULTURE OF THE KINGDOM To be studied individually UKRAINIAN CULTURE UNDER MONGOL-TATAR INVASION. ¡ CULTURE OF THE KINGDOM OF GALICIA-VOLHYNIA (the resource is available at the Foreign Language Department, building C (3), Room 3202) ¡

Ukrainian Culture under Mongol Tatar Invasion. Culture of the Kingdom of Galicia-Volhynia ¡ ¡ Ukrainian Culture under Mongol Tatar Invasion. Culture of the Kingdom of Galicia-Volhynia ¡ ¡ ¡ Historical conditions of cultural development. Education Literature and chronicle writing. Architecture. Fine arts. Points for Individual study are to be presented at consultation hours individually (see your lecture’ s consultation hours schedule at the Foreign Language Department, building C (3), Room 3202)

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