Lecture 3-4.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 11
Lecture 3 -4 Ecological laws and ecological regularities form the principles of rational nature use. Rational use of exhaustible natural resources. -
Lesson purposes: to acquaint students about natural resources, laws. Form of carrying out of lesson: General information. Information in the form of presentation Plan of carrying out lesson: Acquaintance with a subject, purposes of lesson.
Environmental legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan is based on the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan and consists of this Code and other normative legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The basic principles of ecological legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan are: - ensuring sustainable development of the Republic of Kazakhstan; -ensuring environmental safety; -the ecosystem approach in regulating environmental relations; -state regulation in the field of environmental protection and Governmental Administration in the field of use natural resources; -mandatory preventive measures to prevent environmental pollution and suffered damage in any other form -inevitability of responsibility for violation of ecological legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan -mandatory compensation for damage caused to the environment
- payment and authorization procedure for environmental impact; - application of the best environmentally clean and resource-saving technologies in the use of natural resources and the impact on the environment; - cooperation, coordination and publicity of the activities of state bodies on protection of the environment; - stimulation natural resource users to prevent, reduce and eliminate pollution of the environment, reduce waste; - accessibility of environmental information; - ensuring national interests in the use of natural resources and impact on the environment - harmonization of ecological legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the principles and norms of international law;
Environmental legislation is a collection of many laws and regulations aimed at protecting the environment from harmful actions. Environmental legislation is the collection of laws and regulations pertaining to air quality, water quality, the wilderness, endangered wildlife and other environmental factors. Environmental legislation as The umbrella covers many laws and regulations, yet they all work together toward a common goal, which is regulating the interaction between man and the natural world to reduce threats to the environment and increase public health. So, environmental laws need to consider everything, from the air we breathe to the natural resources we rely on to the plants and animals that share this world with us.
environmentalism, which is a movement toward protecting the natural environment against hazards and pollutants, matured into a public and political force.
The law " About protection of natural Environment " is a complex normative act, designed to cover wide questions of use and protection of all types of natural resources: land, mineral resources, forests, water and fauna. This law is primarily intended to ensure the protection of human rights and favorable for life and health environment. The most important component of the of nature protection legislation - land law, which consists of many of normative legal acts, designed to regulate land relations in the Republic. Among them is primarily include the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, having the force of law, "Obout Land" from December 22, 1995
Relations for use and protection of subsoil are regulated by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, having the force of law "On Subsoil and Subsoil Use" dated January 27, 1996 The decree on the new solves a number of interrelated of such questions about Subsoil and Subsoil Use, as the subject of ownership of subsoil, the competence executive organs in the sphere of subsoil use; subsurface use rights and licensing of exploration and mining; contracts for exploration and mining; protection of Subsoil and the environment.
Water Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, adopted March 31, 1993, regulates public water relations for the most rational use and the strictest protection of water resources. Its importance is great not only for the protection of this natural component, and the whole environment. It serves as the base, the title act of the whole system of republican water legislation.
Forest Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, adopted on 23 January 1993 designed to ensure legal regulation of public forest relations for the purpose of a more rational use, reproduction, protection and conservation of forest resources.
Law "On protection, reproduction and use of fauna", adopted on 21 October put into effect from 7 December 1993. It is the base, the title act of the whole system of republican legislation on the protection, reproduction and use of fauna. With and through its rules and requirements provided legal regulation of the social, relations that arise in the Republic about in relation to the protection, reproduction and use fauna. Law "On Air Protection" was adopted June 12, 1981 It is also vital, highly desired public-legal document. There are separate normative legal acts on the organization and provision of air protection.