Скачать презентацию Lecture 2 Magnetic field 1 magnetic field Скачать презентацию Lecture 2 Magnetic field 1 magnetic field

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Lecture 2 Magnetic field. • 1. magnetic field and its characteristics. • 2. Ampere's Lecture 2 Magnetic field. • 1. magnetic field and its characteristics. • 2. Ampere's law. • 3. Lorentz force. • 4. magnetic properties of substances. 1

In 1820, Danish physicist Ersted discovered the magnetic effect of the current 2 In 1820, Danish physicist Ersted discovered the magnetic effect of the current 2

In the same year the French physicist Ampere discovered a mechanical interaction of currents In the same year the French physicist Ampere discovered a mechanical interaction of currents and established the law of this interaction. 3

For two parallel infinitely long conductors Amper set: I 1 r F I 2 For two parallel infinitely long conductors Amper set: I 1 r F I 2 F = k I I 1 2 l r where k - coefficient of proportionality. 4

The magnetic field - a special kind of matter by which the interaction between The magnetic field - a special kind of matter by which the interaction between moving electrically charged particles. 5

Every moving electrical charge creates a magnetic field surrounding space that can act on Every moving electrical charge creates a magnetic field surrounding space that can act on other moving charges. 6

The main properties of the magnetic field: • The magnetic field generated by an The main properties of the magnetic field: • The magnetic field generated by an electric current (moving charges). • The magnetic field is detected by the action of an electric current (moving charges). • The magnetic field is a force field. Force characteristics of the magnetic field is called magnetic induction vector (B). 7

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Бұрғы ережесі: I В Бұрғы ережесі: I В

3. Оң қол ережесі: В I 3. Оң қол ережесі: В I

The superposition principle The magnetic induction field of currents at a point equal to The superposition principle The magnetic induction field of currents at a point equal to the geometric sum of the vectors of each of the fields of induction currents separately: r B = n å i =1 r Bi 11

The lines of magnetic induction are always closed. Fields with closed field lines is The lines of magnetic induction are always closed. Fields with closed field lines is called a vortex. The magnetic field - the vortex field. 12

Сравнительная характеристика свойств магнитного и электрического полей • Электрическое поле существует в пространстве вокруг Сравнительная характеристика свойств магнитного и электрического полей • Электрическое поле существует в пространстве вокруг покоящихся или движущихся зарядов. Магнитное поле порождается только движущимися зарядами. Электрическое поле материально, так как оно действует на тела и, следовательно, обладает энергией. Магнитное поле материально, так как оно действует на тела и, следовательно, обладает энергией. Электрическое поле можно обнаружить с помощью предварительно не наэлектризованных тел в результате их притяжения к наэлектризованным. Магнитное поле обнаруживается по его действию только на движущиеся заряды. Силовые линии начинаются на положительном заряде и уходят в бесконечность (или заканчиваются на отрицательном заряде). Линии магнитной индукции замкнуты. Магнитное поле – вихревое поле. Для электрических полей применим принцип суперпозиции. Для магнитных полей применим принцип суперпозиции. 13

Как установил Ампер, на проводник с током, помещенный в магнитное поле, действует сила. F Как установил Ампер, на проводник с током, помещенный в магнитное поле, действует сила. F = I В Δ l sin α I r B^ α r F r BII Δl r B Ampere force is maximum at sin α = 1, Fmax = I В Δ l , Fmax B= I Δl 14

F = В I l sin α - Ampere's law Module Ampere force is F = В I l sin α - Ampere's law Module Ampere force is the product unit of magnetic induction on the strength of the current, the length of the portion of the conductor and the sine of the angle between the direction of the magnetic induction and current direction on the section of the conductor. The direction of the Ampere force is determined by the left-hand rule. If the left hand positioned so that the perpendicular component of the magnetic induction was part of a hand four fingers showing elongated direction of the current, then bent by 90 ° thumb shows the direction of the Ampere force. 15

The action of a magnetic field on a moving charge The force acting on The action of a magnetic field on a moving charge The force acting on a charged particle moving in a magnetic field, called the Lorentz force: 16

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Magnetic properties of matter Ampere's hypothesis - the magnetic properties of the body can Magnetic properties of matter Ampere's hypothesis - the magnetic properties of the body can be attributed to circulating currents inside it. Substances (matter) ferromagnets paramagnetic diamagnetics