Скачать презентацию Lecture 13 Continuous Time Markov Chains Topics Скачать презентацию Lecture 13 Continuous Time Markov Chains Topics


  • Количество слайдов: 41

Lecture 13 – Continuous. Time Markov Chains Topics • Markovian property • Exponential distribution Lecture 13 – Continuous. Time Markov Chains Topics • Markovian property • Exponential distribution • Rate matrix • ATM Example • Birth and death processes • Queuing systems

Markovian Property for CTMCs Stochastic process: {Yt : t 0 }, where Yt is Markovian Property for CTMCs Stochastic process: {Yt : t 0 }, where Yt is a nonnegative integer CTMC is similar to that of a DTMC except “one-step” has no meaning in continuous time so the Markovian property must hold for all future times instead of just for one step. Definition 1: The process Y = {Yt : t ≥ 0 } with state space S is a CTMC if the following condition holds for all j Î S, and t, s ≥ 0 Pr{Yt+s = j | Yu , u ≤ s } = Pr{Yt+s = j | Ys }. In addition, the chain is said to have stationary transitions if Pr{Yt+s = j | Ys = i } = Pr{Yt = j | Y 0 = i }. Interpretation: First equation says that the conditional distribution of the future Yt+s given the present Ys and the past Yu, 0 ≤ u ≤ s, depends only on the present and is independent of the past. Second equation says that Pr{Yt+s = j | Ys = i } is independent of s.

Example of Definition 1 • Problem: Suppose that a CTMC enters state i at, Example of Definition 1 • Problem: Suppose that a CTMC enters state i at, say, time 0 and does not leave during the next 15 minutes; i. e. , a transition does not occur. • Question: What is the probability that a transition will not occur in the next 5 minutes? • Approach: Markovian property tells us that the probability that the process will remain in state i during the interval [15, 20] is just the unconditional probability that it stays in state i for at least 5 minutes. • Solution: Let Ti denote the amount of time that the process stays in state i before making a transition into a different state. Then Pr{ Ti > 20 | Ti > 15 } = Pr{ Ti > 5 } or, in general, Pr{Ti > s + t | Ti > s } = Pr{ Ti > t } for all s, t ≥ 0. Hence, the random variable Ti is memoryless and so is exponentially distributed.

Generalization of Example The Markovian property gives Pr{ Ti > s + t | Generalization of Example The Markovian property gives Pr{ Ti > s + t | Ti > s } = Pr{ Ti > t } for all s, t ≥ 0. Implication: The random variable Ti is memoryless and thus is exponentially distributed. Alternative definition of CTMC: A stochastic process having the properties that each time it enters state i, (i) the amount of time it spends in that state before making a transition into a different state is exponentially distributed with mean, say, 1/ i , and (ii) when the process leaves state i it next enters state j with some probability, say, pij , where pij must satisfy pii = 0, for all i Î S Sj pij = 1, for all i Î S

ATM Example (max of 5 in system) Statistics • Average time between arrivals = ATM Example (max of 5 in system) Statistics • Average time between arrivals = 30 sec (0. 5 min): = 2/min • Average service time = 24 sec (0. 4 min): = 2. 5/min Design questions • How many ATMs should there be? • Should the foyer be expanded? State-transition network

Exponential Distribution pdf: f (t ) = e– t for t ≥ 0 CDF: Exponential Distribution pdf: f (t ) = e– t for t ≥ 0 CDF: F (t ) = 1 – e– t for t ≥ 0 Parameters: Mean = 1/ Var = (1/ )2 Exponential distribution with Mean = 0. 5 ( = 2)

Poisson Process When the duration of the time between events is exponentially distributed, the Poisson Process When the duration of the time between events is exponentially distributed, the number of occurrences of the event in a given time interval has a Poisson distribution. Pr{ k arrivals in time t } = for k = 0, 1, … For the ATM example with = 2, the expected number of arrivals in the interval [0, t ] is 2 t.

Rate Diagram • For CTMCs, activities are better represented by their rate of occurrence, Rate Diagram • For CTMCs, activities are better represented by their rate of occurrence, so rather than using a state-transition network we use a rate diagram or rate network. • This network is easily constructed from the state-transition network by replacing the activity designation by the activity rate. ATM Network Transient analysis

Rate Matrix A computationally more convenient alternative to the rate diagram is the rate Rate Matrix A computationally more convenient alternative to the rate diagram is the rate matrix R whose element rij is the transition rate from state i to j. In general, rij = pij or rij = pij General rate matrix Rate matrix for ATM example

Transient Analysis • Determine the probability that the system will be in a particular Transient Analysis • Determine the probability that the system will be in a particular state at time t. • The transient probabilities are a function of the initial state. • Unconditional probability vector: q(t ) = (q 0(t ), q 1(t ), q 2(t ), …, qm-1(t )) • Requirement:

Transient Analysis (cont’d) • For some small interval of time ∆, let n = Transient Analysis (cont’d) • For some small interval of time ∆, let n = t/∆ be the number of steps or increments required to represent t. • The transient solution of the process can be approximated at time t = n∆ with a DTMC by solving the following equation: q(n∆) = q(0)P(n) or q(n∆+∆) = q(n∆)P where P is a state-transition matrix determined from the rate matrix R.

Transition Matrix for Transient Analysis Let ai be the sum of all transition rates Transition Matrix for Transient Analysis Let ai be the sum of all transition rates out of state i ; that is, and let pij rij. Then

Transition Matrix for ATM Example Rate network Transition Matrix for ATM Example Rate network

Transient Analysis for ATM Example • Assume system is empty at t = 0. Transient Analysis for ATM Example • Assume system is empty at t = 0. • We wish to approximate the transient probabilities at t = 1 min. • Initial probability vector: q(0) = (1, 0, 0, 0) • Use equation q(n∆) = q(0)P(n) • Number of steps: n = t/∆ = 1/∆ – Case 1: ∆ = 0. 05 n = 20 steps (1 min) q(20∆) = q(1) = (0. 433, 0. 291, 0. 162, 0. 075, 0. 029, 0. 011) – Case 2: ∆ = 0. 025 n = 40 steps (1 min) q(40∆) = q(1) = (0. 435, 0. 291, 0. 160, 0. 073, 0. 029, 0. 011) (almost identical)

Transient Solution for ATM Example (∆ = 0. 05, 0 t 1) Transient Solution for ATM Example (∆ = 0. 05, 0 t 1)

Steady-State Solutions • Definition: The probability that the system is in state i is Steady-State Solutions • Definition: The probability that the system is in state i is constant (independent of initial conditions). • Steady-state probability for state i : i. P = limt q(t ) • Vector: • Calculations in Chapter 15: must solve m simultaneous linear equations in m unknowns. • ATM example: – After 1 min with ∆ = 0. 25 q(1) = (0. 435, 0. 291, 0. 160, 0. 073, 0. 029, 0. 011) – In the limit P = (0. 271, 0. 217, 0. 173, 0. 139, 0. 111, 0. 089)

Transient Computations for ATM Example with ∆ = 0. 025 Transient Computations for ATM Example with ∆ = 0. 025

System Statistics • Provide managerial insights • Evaluate system performance and quality of service System Statistics • Provide managerial insights • Evaluate system performance and quality of service • Evaluate design options • ATM Example: – Proportion of time ATM is idle: – Efficiency (proportion of time busy): – Proportion of customers rejected: – Proportion of customers who wait: – Expected number in system:

ATM Example (cont’d) – Expected number in queue: – Throughput rate (average number passing ATM Example (cont’d) – Expected number in queue: – Throughput rate (average number passing through the system): – Balking rate (average number of customers lost): – Average time in system (given by Little’s law):

ATM Design Alternatives • Performance summary (contradictory? ) – Busy 73% of time – ATM Design Alternatives • Performance summary (contradictory? ) – Busy 73% of time – Space in foyer less than 40% utilized; that is, (average no. in systems / 5) 100% = 37. 36% – 9% of customers lost – Average wait in queue = 60(1. 139/1. 822) = 37 sec • Options – Add machines – Expand size of foyer – Add human teller

Add More ATMs Rate diagram for 3 ATMs: = 2, = 2. 5 Comparative Add More ATMs Rate diagram for 3 ATMs: = 2, = 2. 5 Comparative analysis

Add Human Teller • Performance – Average service rate for teller: 1 = 1/min Add Human Teller • Performance – Average service rate for teller: 1 = 1/min – Average service rate for ATM: 2 = 2. 5/min – Arrival rate: = 2/min • Two-server queuing system – Indices: teller = 1; ATM = 2 • State variables: s = (s 1, s 2, s 3)

Add Human Teller (cont’d) • Events – Arrival = a – Service completion for Add Human Teller (cont’d) • Events – Arrival = a – Service completion for teller = d 1 – Service completion for ATM = d 2 • State-transition network • Explanation: s = (110); teller and ATM are busy, no customers are waiting.

Add Human Teller (cont’d) • Event rates – Arrival: = 2/min – Service completion Add Human Teller (cont’d) • Event rates – Arrival: = 2/min – Service completion for teller: 1 = 1 – Service completion for ATM: 2 = 2. 5 • Rate diagram

Add Human Teller (cont’d) Rate matrix R = (rij) where rij = transition rate Add Human Teller (cont’d) Rate matrix R = (rij) where rij = transition rate from state i to state j Explanation: r 43 = 1 + 2. 5 = 3. 5 where state 4 = (111) and state 3 = (110)

Comparisons For ATM Example Steady-state solution for human teller: s = (000) (010) (100) Comparisons For ATM Example Steady-state solution for human teller: s = (000) (010) (100) (111) (112) (113) πP = (0. 214, 0. 046, 0. 313, 0. 205, 0. 117, 0. 067, 0. 038)

Pure Birth Processes Example: Hurricanes Rate matrix Properties (let i be arrival rate for Pure Birth Processes Example: Hurricanes Rate matrix Properties (let i be arrival rate for state i ) • Markov process if time between arrivals has exponential distribution • No steady state [transient probabilities are governed by Poisson distribution: pk(t ) = ( t )ke- t/k !, k = 0, 1, 2, … ] • Probability of N (t ) arrivals in time t is n: Pr{ N (t ) n } =

Pure Death Processes Examples • Delivery of packages • Completion of 10 course study Pure Death Processes Examples • Delivery of packages • Completion of 10 course study units Rate matrix • Let i be completion rate for state i • State space S = (0, 1, …, 10} Steady state probability vector: πP = (1, 0, …, 0) State 0 is an absorbing state

Pure Death Process Example • Assume all units have the same completion rate: rk, Pure Death Process Example • Assume all units have the same completion rate: rk, k– 1 = µk = µ, k = 1, …, 10 • Then transient probabilities are: p 10–k(t ) = ( t )ke- t/k !, 0 k < 10, and p 0(t ) = 1 – p 1(t ) – · · · – p 10(t ) • Let = 1 completions per week • Probability of completing k units in t = 14 weeks:

Pure Death Process Example (cont’d) • Transient probabilities for k units remaining: pk(t ) Pure Death Process Example (cont’d) • Transient probabilities for k units remaining: pk(t ) = ( t )10–ke- t/(10–k) !, 0 k < 10, and p 0(t ) = 1 – p 1(t ) – · · · – p 10(t ) • Let = 1 completions per week • Probability of k units remaining in t = 14 weeks:

General Birth and Death Processes Examples • Repair shop for a taxi company • General Birth and Death Processes Examples • Repair shop for a taxi company • Intensive care unit in hospital (turnover of nurses) Rate matrix • Assume 7 states • Typically, and depend on state • Steady state probabilities, P, will exist

Queuing Systems Input source Customers Queue Service mechanism Departures Queue Discipline: Order in which Queuing Systems Input source Customers Queue Service mechanism Departures Queue Discipline: Order in which customers are served; FIFO, LIFO, Random, Priority Five Field Notation: Arrival distribution / Service distribution / Number of servers / Maximum number in the system / Number in the calling population

Queuing Notation Distributions (interarrival and service times) M = Exponential D = Constant time Queuing Notation Distributions (interarrival and service times) M = Exponential D = Constant time Ek = Erlang GI = General independent (arrivals only) G = General Parameters s = number of servers K = Maximum number in system N = Size of calling population

Characteristics of Queues Infinite queue: e. g. , Mail order company (GI/G/s) Finite queue: Characteristics of Queues Infinite queue: e. g. , Mail order company (GI/G/s) Finite queue: e. g. , Airline reservation system (M/M/s/K) a. Customer arrives but then leaves b. No more arrivals after K

Characteristics of Queues (continued) Finite input source: e. g. , Repair shop for taxi Characteristics of Queues (continued) Finite input source: e. g. , Repair shop for taxi company (N vehicles) with s service bays and limited capacity parking lot (K – s spaces). Each repair takes 1 day (GI/D/s/K/N). In this diagram N = K so we have GI/D/s/K/K system.

Single Channel Queue – Two Kinds of Service Bank teller: normal service (d ), Single Channel Queue – Two Kinds of Service Bank teller: normal service (d ), travelers checks (c ), idle (i ) Let p = portion of customers who buy travelers checks after normal service s 1 = number in system, where s 1 Î { 0, 1, 2, . . . } s 2 = status of teller, where s 2 Î {i, d, c } s = (s 1, s 2) Statetransition network

Single Channel Queue for Bank (cont’d) • State transitions w. r. t. customer departures Single Channel Queue for Bank (cont’d) • State transitions w. r. t. customer departures from teller – Current state: s = ( j, d ), j = 1, 2, … (teller busy) – Next state: either s' = ( j – 1, d ), departure with probability 1 – p, or s' = ( j, c ), get checks with probability p • State transitions w. r. t. customer departures after purchasing travelers checks – Current state: s = ( j, c ), j = 1, 2, … (customer buying checks) – Next state: s' = ( j – 1, d ), departure with probability 1 • State transitions w. r. t. customer arrivals – Current state: s = ( j, d or c), j = 1, 2, … (teller or checks busy) – Next state: s' = ( j +1, d or c), arrival with probability 1

Single Channel Queue for Bank (cont’d) • Rate of transitions – – Event: x Single Channel Queue for Bank (cont’d) • Rate of transitions – – Event: x (arrival or departure) Rate of event x : gx (where ga = , gd = 1, gc = 2) Conditional probability: p(s, s' | x ) or p(i, j|x ) Computations: rij = gxp(i, j |x ) • States -- assume limited no. customers at teller: K = 2 s 0 = (0, i ), s 1 = (1, d ), s 2 = (1, c ), s 3 = (2, d ), s 4 = (2, c ) • Rate matrix

Part Processing with Rework • Consider a machining operation in which there is a Part Processing with Rework • Consider a machining operation in which there is a 0. 4 probability that upon completion, a processed part will not be within tolerance. • Machine is in one of 3 states [ s = { (0), (1), (2) } ]: 0 = idle 1 = working on part for first time 2 = reworking part Events a = arrival d 1 = service completion from state 1 d 2 = service completion from state 2 State-transition network

Classification of States Accessible: Possible to go from state i to state j (path Classification of States Accessible: Possible to go from state i to state j (path exists in the network from i to j). Two states communicate if both are accessible from each other. A system is irreducible if all states communicate. State i is recurrent if the system will return to it some time in the future after leaving it. If a state is not recurrent, it is transient.

What You Should Know About Markov Chains • Definition of a CTMC. • What What You Should Know About Markov Chains • Definition of a CTMC. • What the difference is between a DTMC and a CTMC. • What the rate matrix and rate diagram are. • What is meant by a transient solution • What is meant by a steady-state solution. • What a birth-death process is. • Classification of the various types of queuing systems.