- Количество слайдов: 23
Leaving Certificate Applied Overview The Professional Development Service for Teachers is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan
What is the Leaving Certificate Applied? • It is a distinct, self-contained two-year Leaving Certificate programme aimed at preparing students for adult and working life • It emphasises forms of achievement and excellence which the established Leaving Certificate has not recognised in the past
Who would benefit most? • Students who are not adequately catered for by other Leaving Certificate programmes • Students who choose not to opt for those programmes
Rationale • Prepares students for adult and working life • Recognises talents of all pupils • Promotes communication and decision making skills • Applies knowledge and skills to the solution of real problems
Curriculum CURRICULUM Vocational Preparation & Guidance English & Communications Vocational Education Mathematical Applications Vocational Specialisms – this year Engineering and graphics and construction Information Communication Technology General Education Arts Education Social Education Languages Leisure & Recreation Religious Education Science
Structure – 4 Key Sessions Fifth year Session 1 September December Session 2 January June Sixth year Session 3 September -January 6 th year Session 4 January 2018 June Sixth year (LC EXAMS)
Assessment High Credit Values 90% Attendance Key Assignments Tasks Exams Final Exams in fifth and sixth year
Assessment Students can earn 200 LCA course credits. Key Assignments – 62 credits – 31% Student Tasks – 70 credits – 35% Final Exams- 68 credits – 34%
Key assignments – 62 credits Classwork based – Can only be earned through 90% attendance + Completion of 4 key assignments per subject. 90% attendance is key. Doctors notes for all absences.
Final Exams • Final exams are held at the end of 6 th Year in the following subjects only – > English and Communications > Engineering - practical in school also > Graphics and Construction – practical also > Modern Language (Spanish/ Italian) > Social Education > Mathematical Applications.
Work Experience • Encourage students to get work Experience – Latest Start date is Tuesday September 19 th • Students should be on work experience every Tuesday. • Please find a new work experience students are not supposed to go to the same workplace twice
LCA and the Local Community Learning in Leaving Certificate Applied involves students in many out-of-school activities including: • Work Experience • Enterprise • Visits outside school • Investigations in the community • Working with community groups • Outings e. g. outdoor education etc. • Interviews • Surveys • Visitors etc.
Trips / Outings /PE • Wednesday Afternoons (Treble leisure and recreation) • Trips / Activities / Meditation • Cost • Permission forms
LCA in school learning experiences. Learning in Leaving Certificate Applied involves students in new and different learning experiences in school including: Group work/Discussion Brainstorming Oral Presentations Visitor to the classroom Role Play Questionnaires/Surveys/Displays/Exhibitions
FREEDOM To engage in a different and new range of learning experiences both in and out of school LEAVING CERTIFICAT E APPLIED STUDENTS RESPONSIBILTY To take personal responsibility for their learning and to approach all activities in a mature, responsible fashion
Leaving Certificate Applied Qualification Certificate awarded at three levels: Pass 60 -69 % (120 - 139 credits) Merit 70 -84 % (140 - 169 credits) Distinction 85 -100 % (170 - 200 credits)
LCA 2016 - Results • 8 Distinction • 3 Merit
Opening up New Options The Leaving Certificate Applied Route Map Further Leaving Education Certificate Post Leaving Applied Certificate Course Further & Higher Education • Vocational Preparation • Vocational Education SOLAS Apprenticeships Careers
Eligibility for third level • A student who has been awarded the Leaving Certificate Applied can go on to a very wide range of Post-Leaving Certificate courses (PLCs). • The PLC courses can lead on to a National Certificate Level 2 (FETAC Level 2). These are generally one-year full-time courses. • There are more than 50 awards available in five broad areas – Art/Design, Business, Science, Services/Leisure and Communications/Media studies.
Eligibility for third level • Students with the Leaving Certificate Applied cannot gain direct entry through the Central Applications Office (CAO) system to the universities or Colleges of Technology. • However, those who get a Further Education and Training Awards (FETAC) Level 2 award can be eligible for some third-level courses in the Institutes of Technology and through these to some degree programmes.
• LCA Communication with parents • LCA website • http: //www. stcolmcilles. ie/lca. html • E-mails
How LCA helped me “I just feel with LCA you get better one on one teaching” “It taught me about hidden skills and talents I had and it set me on The right career path” “You also get to learn more about your self and what you’re capable of doing. ” “it wa s my f and he oundation lped m become e what I am tod ay” “I think it matures you a bit more and it really prepares you for when you leave school” the 4 loved really ions of “I sess rience” expe work
Why I chose LCA I wanted to do LCA because it was a more active course and was very different from the Traditional Leaving Certificate. Cathy What I liked about it was the fact that you got credits as you went along and I liked doing the tasks and assignments. Danielle I felt that there were more opportunities in LCA for me and I liked the idea of continual assessment. Kimberly I chose to do LCA because I enjoyed doing project work and independent research. Tara I had heard that LCA was mainly based on continuous assessment. That was very appealing to me. Tanya I loved the idea of doing projects and assignments in LCA so that’s why I chose to do it. Darren I decided to do LCA because I felt it would help me learn more about life today. Suzanne