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Learning to Read using Synthetic Phonics Your School Logo www. getreadingright. com Here
Introducing… • Joe Bloggs • Names here. www. getreadingright. com
Something to think about! More than any other subject or skill, our children’s futures are all but determined by how well they learn to read. Children of the Code 2005 www. getreadingright. com
Something to think about! Statistically, more American children suffer long-term life-harm from the process of learning to read than from parental abuse, accidents, and all other childhood diseases and disorders combined. Children of the Code 2005 www. getreadingright. com
Something to think about! In purely economic terms, reading related difficulties cost the U. S. more than the war on terrorism, crime, and drugs combined. Children of the Code 2005 www. getreadingright. com
What’s Happening? • A good, hard look at literacy rates world wide. • An acknowledgement that there needs to be improvement. • A return to evidence based decision making in schools. • A back to the “New Basics” way of teaching beginning reading. www. getreadingright. com
Teaching Reading • We recognise that the teaching of reading has attracted the interest of the media in recent times. • Synthetic phonics is no fad. It is based on findings of evidence-based research about how children best learn to read. • Its so effective that it’s mandatory for every school in England Wales to teach reading with Synthetic Phonics. www. getreadingright. com
Australian Government Department of Education, Science and Training Teaching Reading Report and Recommendations National Inquiry into the Teaching of Literacy December 2005 www. getreadingright. com
What is Synthetic Phonics? This is a method that teaches children how spoken words are composed of sounds called phonemes and, how the letters in words correspond to those phonemes. www. getreadingright. com
Reading The process of reading involves 'decoding' words into separate phonemes, so that words can be read. cat www. getreadingright. com
Spelling The process of writing or spelling involves ‘encoding’. Listening for each phoneme in a word and representing it with a letter(s). www. getreadingright. com
Let’s recap, so we can do a bit of learning! www. getreadingright. com
Synthetic Phonics – what is it? Teaching the sounds of the English language and how these sounds (phonemes) can be written as letters. www. getreadingright. com
Fast - Efficient - Effective A group of letters is introduced at a time. s m c t g p a o www. getreadingright. com Fast?
That many Letters? Why? How many words can you make with these letters? s m c t g p a o www. getreadingright. com
So…how Many could you Make? Wow! That’s a lot for a week at school! www. getreadingright. com
Synthetic Phonics After learning how to recognise and pronounce each of the phonemes, your child will learn to ‘sound out’ simple words and to blend the phonemes together to read these words. www. getreadingright. com
Synthetic Phonics At first we will concentrate on simple sound to letter correspondence. This is when a phoneme is represented by a single letter as in the word /m/ /a/ /t/. www. getreadingright. com Fast!
Synthetic Phonics Then we will concentrate the more difficult code such as one phoneme represented by 2 letters. sh ch qu ck ng www. getreadingright. com Efficient!
Synthetic Phonics When that is mastered, your child will learn the more advanced code. This is when a single phoneme can be represented by many letters. www. getreadingright. com Effective!
Here is an Example a - apron ay – play ey - hey a-e – spade eigh – eight ei – vein ai – paid www. getreadingright. com
But there are some Irregular, Tricky Words! The camera word • We need to learn these my heart • Not only are they high frequency, but are also difficult to decode www. getreadingright. com
How Can You Help? ü By pronouncing the phonemes in the correct way. See: http: //www. getreadingright. com. au/phoneme/pronouncethe-phonemes ü By reading quality synthetic phonics home readers every night. ü By filling in the Home Reading Journal every night. ü By reinforcing learning of the camera words. ü By playing Phonics Hero. www. getreadingright. com
www. phonicshero. com Online, at home, synthetic phonics games! www. getreadingright. com
A Taster of Level 1… Rescue a hero by… 3. Spelling Words 1. Practicing the phonemes 4. Reading Camera Words www. phonicshero. com www. getreadingright. com 2. Reading Words 5. Spelling Camera Words
A Taster of Level 1… 6. Reading Sentences And… Save the Hero! While playing, earn star points to buy goodies which children put in their secret hideout! www. getreadingright. com www. phonicshero. com
Toolkit 1 Basic Code www. getreadingright. com 36 camera words Kindy/Prep s m c t g p a o r l d b f h i u v w y z j n k e ll ff ss zz sh ch th wh ck, ng, qu, x
Toolkit 2 Advanced Code www. getreadingright. com 36 camera words vcc, ccvc words ee, ea, y, e, e-e igh, y, ie, i-e, I oa, ow, o, o-e ai, ay, a-e, a oo, ew, ue, u-e Year 1
Toolkit 3 Complete the Code rr, wr, r oy, oi ph, f, ff ow, ou s, ce, ss, se, soft c oo, oul, u ar, a er, ir, ur, ear, or, ur www. getreadingright. com Year 2