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Learning Resource Center Carolyn C. Oakley, Director
Mission The mission of the LRC is to support the mission of the college and to enhance the teaching/learning process through provision of adequate, up-to-date resource collections in formats consistent with prevailing technologies; provision of access to the collections of other libraries; to promote userdirected electronic database searching; to provide instruction in the use of resources to enable users to function in an information-driven society; and to promote life-long learning opportunities.
Planning • Bi-weekly staff meeting within each section • Monthly meetings with Director and section coordinators • Departmental meetings each semester
Evaluation • Comprehensive biannual faculty/staff and student LRC surveys • Graduate survey annually • Faculty/Staff Survey of CFCC Support Services annually
Customers Our customers are our students, faculty, staff and adult community residents of New Hanover and Pender counties
Major Accomplishments for 2002 -2003
Opened the Bibliographic Instruction classroom with 24 student computers, an instructor computer and a printer at the Wilmington Campus in August 2002.
Opened the Technology Training Center with 16 faculty/staff computers, production software and a printer for professional development training activities of the college at the Wilmington Campus in October 2002.
Opened a Learning Resource Center at the North Campus with a library media services, small-group study rooms, conference room and video conferencing facilities in March 2003.
Opened a television studio at the Wilmington Campus for instructional, documentary, promotional and distance education productions in June, 2003.
Learning Resource Center Planning Units • Library • Media Center • Technology Training Center • North Campus LRC
LIBRARY • The purpose of the library is to provide print, audiovisual and electronic resources; provide easy access to these resources and the resources of other libraries; provide instruction in the use of these resources; and promote lifelong learning opportunities.
MEDIA CENTER The purpose of the Media Center is to provide the media services and equipment necessary to support the teaching/learning mission of the College.
TECHNOLOGY TRAINING CENTER • The purpose of the Technology Training Center is to provide the professional development activities needed by the faculty and staff of the College to meet their personal, professional and technological training needs.
NORTH CAMPUS LRC • The purpose of the North Campus LRC is to provide library, media and the technology services appropriate for the faculty, staff and students of the North Campus.
LRC Objectives for 2003 -2004
LIBRARY • Reference • Circulation • Technical Services
REFERENCE • Promote and market the bibliographic instruction classes to departments and instructors who did not utilize them in Spring 2003. (Goal 1) • Explore the possibility of establishing a one (1) credit hour library instruction course for college transfer students to ensure their proficiency in using library. (Goal 1)
• Incorporate Smartboard technology in the Bibliographic Instruction classroom. (Goal 4) • Enhance LRC web page with current and subject-specific links. (Goal 4) • Work with NHCPL and Randall Library in library cooperative projects. (Goal 6)
• Publish LRC newsletter and/or submit LRC programs and services to other library publications and groups. (Goal 12)
CIRCULATION • Create LRC Technician position at both campuses to provide technical support for circulation and media services. (Goal 8) • Implement a color reproduction service for library users. (Goal 3)
TECHNICAL SERVICES • Complete an automated inventory of all holdings of the Wilmington LRC collection. (Goal 4) • Automate Acquisitions and Serials sections with Horizon software and train staff to use these products. (Goal 4)
MEDIA CENTER • Utilize the newest media production equipment and software in delivering quality instruction. (Goal 1) • Set up the television studio guidelines for the services to be provided. (Goal 4) • Begin providing basic graphics production services (Goal 4)
TECHNOLOGY TRAINING CENTER • Coordinate professional development and training classes for faculty and staff. (Goal 3) • Research, evaluate, and recommend technological enhancements to both professional development/training and BI classes. (Goal 3)
• Approach CFCC Distance Learning, Learning Lab, Computer Services and Personnel in regard to coordinating training for faculty and staff. (Goal 6)
NORTH CAMPUS LRC • Increase the library print collection by 10% to better reflect the curriculum programs of the North Campus and the general education offerings of these programs.