Скачать презентацию Learning Croatian Introduc tion Скачать презентацию Learning Croatian Introduc tion


  • Количество слайдов: 25

Learning Croatian Learning Croatian

Introduc tion Introduc tion

{ { Hello Good morning Good afternoon Good evening Bok Dobro jutro Dobar dan { { Hello Good morning Good afternoon Good evening Bok Dobro jutro Dobar dan Dobra večer { { Thank you Please Sorry Here you are Hvala Molim Oprosti Izvoli { Great { Welcome Super Dobrodošli

Numbers Brojevi { One { Two { Three { Four { Five { Six Numbers Brojevi { One { Two { Three { Four { Five { Six { Seven { Eight { Nine { Ten { Hundred { Thousand { Million Jedan Dva Tri Četiri Pet Šest Sedam Osam Devet Deset Sto Tisuću Milijun

Colors { Black { White { Red { Blue { Yellow { Green { Colors { Black { White { Red { Blue { Yellow { Green { Gray { Brown { Pink { Purple Boje Crna Bijela Crvena Plava Žuta Zelena Siva Smeđa Ružičasta Ljubičasta

Express yourself Express yourself

{ How are you? { I am fine { I’m not so good { { How are you? { I am fine { I’m not so good { I feel great Kako si/ste? Dobro sam Loše sam Osjećam se super { I’m hungry { I’m thirsty { Where is the toilet? { Can I use your telephone? Gladan sam Žedan sam Gdje je WC? Smijem li koristiti vaš telefon?

Introducing yourself Introducing yourself

{ My name is Andrea { My surname is Lukić { I’m 18 years { My name is Andrea { My surname is Lukić { I’m 18 years old { I live in Rijeka Moje ime je Andrea Prezivam se Lukić Imam 18 godina Živim u Rijeci { What is your name? { What is your surname? { How old are you? { Where do you live? Kako se zoveš? Kako se prezivaš? Koliko imaš godina? Gdje živiš?

Let’s eat. . Let’s eat. .

{ Excuse me, can I have the menu? Oprostite, mogu li dobiti meni? { { Excuse me, can I have the menu? Oprostite, mogu li dobiti meni? { I would like. . Htio bih. . { Do you have. . Imate li. . { How much does it cost? Koja je cijena? { Can I have the bill? Mogu li dobiti račun? { You can keep the change. Zadržite ostatak.

{ Water { French Fries { Steak { Pizza { Pasta { Fish { { Water { French Fries { Steak { Pizza { Pasta { Fish { Juice { Coffee { Salad { Cake { Ice-cream Voda Pomfri Odrezak Pizza Pašta Riba Sok Kava Salata Torta Sladoled

Traveling Traveling

{ Where is the airport and the bus station? Gdje je zračna luka i { Where is the airport and the bus station? Gdje je zračna luka i autobusna stanica? { Where is the tourist information office? Gdje je turistički ured? { Where can I buy bus tickets? Gdje mogu kupiti autobusnu karticu? { When does the bus leave? Kada autobus kreće? { Is this seat free/taken? Je li ovo sjedalo slobodno/zauzeto?

Shopping Shopping

{ Excuse me, how much is this? Oprostite, kolika je cijena? { Could you { Excuse me, how much is this? Oprostite, kolika je cijena? { Could you give me a smaller/ bigger size? Možete li mi dati manji/veći broj? { Excuse me, do you have it in (color)? Oprostite, imate li u (boji)? { May I try it on? Smijem li probati? { I’ll buy it. Kupit ću.


Spring Proljeće Summer Ljeto Autumn Jesen Winter Zima Spring Proljeće Summer Ljeto Autumn Jesen Winter Zima


F January F February F March F April F May F June F July F January F February F March F April F May F June F July F August F September F October F November F December Siječanj Veljača Ožujak Travanj Svibanj Lipanj Srpanj Kolovoz Rujan Listopad Studeni Prosinac

C Monday Ponedjeljak C Tuesday Utorak C Wednesday Srijeda C Thursday Četvrtak C Friday C Monday Ponedjeljak C Tuesday Utorak C Wednesday Srijeda C Thursday Četvrtak C Friday Petak C Saturday Subota C Sunday Nedjelja

In the hotel In the hotel

| Do you have any free rooms? Imate li slobodnih soba? | At what | Do you have any free rooms? Imate li slobodnih soba? | At what time is breakfast/lunch/dinner? U koje je vrijeme doručak/večera? | I would like to order a wake-up call at. . Htio bih naručiti buđenje u. . | How much does the night cost? Koja je cijena noćenja?

Made by: The Comenius group Made by: The Comenius group