- Количество слайдов: 20
LEARN A WORD A DAY The word for today is: CON Meaning: A trick, especially in order to cheat somebody to get money. (tipu) Example: He conned the old lady into investing in a company that didn’t really exist. 4 May 2015, Monday
LEARN A WORD A DAY The word for today is: CONCEAL Meaning: To hide somebody or something. (menyembunyikan) Example: He tried to conceal his sadness from his friends. 5 May 2015, Tuesday
LEARN A WORD A DAY The word for today is: CONCEDE Meaning: To admit that something is true although you do not want to. (mengakui; menerima hakikat) Example: He conceded that the problem was his own mistake. 6 May 2015, Wednesday
LEARN A WORD A DAY The word for today is: CONCEIT Meaning: Too much pride in yourself and your abilities and your importance. (angkuh) Example: She is so conceited- she thinks that she is the best person for the post. 7 May 2015, Thursday
LEARN A WORD A DAY The word for today is: CONCEIVE Meaning: To think of a new idea or plan. (memikirkan) Example: I conceived the idea for the movie during my journey through Sarawak. 10 May 2015, Sunday
LEARN A WORD A DAY The word for today is: CONCENTRATE Meaning: To give all your attention to something. (menumpu perhatian) Example: I need to concentrate on passing the exam. 11 May 2015, Monday
LEARN A WORD A DAY The word for today is: CONCEPTION Meaning: The process of forming an idea. (Pemikiran) Example: We have no real conception of what people suffered during the flood. 12 May 2015, Tuesday
LEARN A WORD A DAY The word for today is: CONCERN Meaning: To worry somebody. (merisaukan) Example: I am very concerned of your health. 13 May 2015, Wednesday
LEARN A WORD A DAY The word for today is: CONCERTED Meaning: Done by a group of people working together. (bersama-sama) Example: We must make a concerted effort to finish the project. 14 May 2015, Thursday
LEARN A WORD A DAY The word for today is: CONCESSION Meaning: Something that you agree to do in order to end an argument. (bertolak ansur) Example: The company is forced to make a concession by the union. 17 May 2015, Sunday
LEARN A WORD A DAY The word for today is: CONCILIATION Meaning: The process of ending an argument or disagreement. (berdamai) Example: All attempts at conciliation have failed and war seems inevitable. 18 May 2015, Monday
LEARN A WORD A DAY The word for today is: CONCISE Meaning: Giving a lot of information in a few words. (ringkas dan padat) Example: He gave a concise summary of the event. 19 May 2015, Tuesday
LEARN A WORD A DAY The word for today is: CONCLUDE Meaning: To form an opinion as the result of thought or study (membuat kesimpulan) Example: I concluded that the accident was caused by careless driving. 20 May 2015, Wednesday
LEARN A WORD A DAY The word for today is: CONCOURSE Meaning: A large hall or space inside a building. (ruang legar) Example: Please meet me at the concourse around 3 pm. 21 May 2015, Thursday
LEARN A WORD A DAY The word for today is: CONCUR Meaning: To agree. (bersetuju) Example: I concur with you that Chelsea is the best team in English Premier league. 24 May 2015, Sunday
LEARN A WORD A DAY The word for today is: CONCURRENT Meaning: Happening at the same time as something esle. (serentak) Example: The semi finals are played concurrently, you have to pick which one to watch. 25 May 2015, Monday
LEARN A WORD A DAY The word for today is: CONCUSS Meaning: To injure someone’s brain by hitting their head. (kecederaan pada otak) Example: I was slighlty concussed when I fell off my motorcycle. 26 May 2015, Tuesday
LEARN A WORD A DAY The word for today is: CONDEMN Meaning: To say strongly that you think something or somebody is very bad or wrong. (mengutuk) Example: The whole world condemns Israel for her crime against Palestine. 27 May 2015, Wednesday
LEARN A WORD A DAY The word for today is: CONDENSE Meaning: To make something change from gas to liquid. (memeluwap) Example: Steam condenses into water when it touches a cold surface. 28 May 2015, Thursday
LEARN A WORD A DAY The word for today is: CONDOLENCE Meaning: An expression of how sorry you feel for somebody whose relative has just died. (takziah) Example: My condolence to the family who has just lost their loving mother. 31 May 2015, Sunday