- Количество слайдов: 27
LBVpam contact details Laboratory of Plant Biotechnology applied to aromatic and Medicinals herbs – EA 3061 University Jean Monnet of St Etienne 23 rue du Dr paul Michelon 42023 St Etienne Cedex 2 France Head : Pr Sylvie Baudino-Caissard (Sylvie. Baudino@univ-st-etienne. fr) Tel: +33 (0) 4 77 48 15 25 Fax: +33 (0) 4 77 48 15 84 Mail: corinne. marcon@univ-st-etienne. fr URL: http: //lbvpam. univ-st-etienne. fr
Saint Etienne
University Jean Monnet of Saint Etienne Maison de l’université 14 000 students 4 campuses 10 faculties and training institutes 37 research laboratories Faculté des sciences et techniques de Saint Etienne Department of Biology - Plant Biotechnology applied to aromatic and medicinal herbs (BVpam) - Ecology and Sensory Neuro. Ethology (ENES)
BVpam - Staff 6 academic teaching and research staff 5 technical and engineer officers 2 Ph. D students and 2 postdocs Downward, first row : T Benabdelkader (Ph. D), Dr A Caniard (Postdoc), Dr C Conord (Postdoc), Dr F Nicolè, Dr JL Magnard Second row : C Marcon (Secretariat), Dr S Moja, Dr JC Caissard, A Cohade (Ing), Pr S Baudino, A Bony (Ing), Dr F Jullien, N Boyer (Tech) Third row : A Abdallah (Tech)
Research activities of BVpam Genetic diversity and adaptation of lavender to drought Evolution of perfume in the genus Rosa and Lavandula Biodiversity of aromatic and perfume plants and diversity of Chemical their ecology of compounds terpenes Factors of variation in terpenes’ contents Transcriptomic from EST libraries (Rose, Lavender, Sage) Biosynthesis pathways and secretion mechanisms Identification of genes involved in perfume biosynthesis Secretion mechanisms of volatile terpenes Search for genetic markers associated with scent production in Rose
Experimental model plants Two main groups of plants are being studied : Roses Rose is the most ornamental plant in the world. Its essential oil is well-known and commonly used for perfumes. Lavenders Rosaceae The fine lavender (Lavandula angustifolia Miller) is the most cultivated aromatic plants over the world for its essential oil. France is the first producer with half of the world production of lavender essential oil. Other plants are punctual model plants: mint, sage, tobacco, palm, trollius, arum, . . . Lamiaceae
The Bvpam laboratory: virtual visit a
Chemical analyses room: GC-MS
Chemical analyses room: GC-FID
Different varieties of Roses
Molecular biology room
Molecular biology room
Diversity in the lavender collection (30 sp of the genus Lavandula cultivated in LBVpam)
Microscopy room
Culture of botanical lavenders
In Vitro Culture room
Culture room for In Vitro and hydroponic plants
Class room for vegetal biology teaching
Indoor culture room
Outdoor green house and patio
Botanical lavenders in the greenhouse
Sampling and Microscopy
Field work for the Claryssime project on Sage
Salvia sclarea field
Field work on Lavender
Lavender field in Provence