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LAU CASE STUDY By Cendrella Habre Systems Librarian Lebanese American University Fourth AMICAL Conference Al Akhawayn University Ifrane – Morocco May 27 -30, 2007 May 28, 2007 Breakout session I 1
Outline o o o Terminology Definitions Major developers and available systems Overview of LAU’s ZPortal Advantages & disadvantages May 28, 2007 Breakout session I 2
Terminology Note: This technology started in 1999/2000 o o o Library Portals Federated Search Engines Library Portlets Protocols/Standards/Set of rules: n Z 39. 50 n Open. URLs (Z 2 Web) Link Resolvers (OL 2) May 28, 2007 Breakout session I 3
Definition (1) o Portal is a web-based search tool o Portal concept is often ambiguous and confusing o Portal is a “buzzword” – inappropriately used o Other terms used in the information community: n n n Metasearch Metadata search Parallel search Broadcast search Cross-database search Search portal May 28, 2007 Breakout session I 4
Definition (2) “A library portal or a federated search engine is a discovery tool (a software actually) that enables a user to search using a singlesearch interface across certain websites, library catalogs, and databases of information resources to retrieve and integrate the results in a single presentation” May 28, 2007 Breakout session I 5
Library Portals vs. Federated Search Engines o Library Portals n n o It is certain that all Library Portals can search Z 39. 50 databases Yet not all Library Portals can search currently available licensed databases. (Authentication problem for remote users) Federated Search Engines can search all Z 39. 50 and currently available licensed databases for both walk-in and remote users. May 28, 2007 Breakout session I 6
Library Portlet o The Library Portlet is a small search window found on any web page of a university, organization, institution, company, etc. , which allows direct access to the online catalog and other resources available. o This is a powerful and convenient library resource tool. May 28, 2007 Breakout session I 7
Z 39. 50 o A protocol that allows a computer to search collections of information on a remote system, create sets of results for further manipulation, and retrieve information; mainly used for bibliographic information. www. cs. cornell. edu/wya/Dig. Lib/MS 1999/glossary. html o A set of rules governing the formats and procedures used by two computers to interact with one another. www. esls. lib. wi. us/glossary. html o A standard that defines how computers search in library catalogues. The Library of Congress is the Maintenance Agency and Registration Authority for this standard, see http: //www. loc. gov/z 3950/agency/ www. lib. monash. edu. au/vl/glossind. htm May 28, 2007 Breakout session I 8
Open. URL o o o A standard developed by NISO (National Information Standards Organization) It provides a uniform way for users to link directly from bibliographic citations (in non Z 39. 50 compliant databases) to fulltext articles available in online resources, websites, and other services for which a URL can be constructed It facilitates links May 28, 2007 Breakout session I 9
Link Resolver o A link resolver uses the Open. URL standard to create links to content, such as E-journals, library catalogs, Internet search engines, some ILL systems, bookshops, etc. o In other words, when a patron finds a citation or reference to a specific article, this link resolver supplies the best available path to the content, anywhere in the library collection. May 28, 2007 Breakout session I 10
Developers? o o o Small Vendors Library Systems Vendors Database Aggregators May 28, 2007 Breakout session I 11
Federated Search Engines: o o o AGent (Auto-Graphics) Meta Search Solution (Blue Angel Technologies) Muse Solutions (Muse. Global, Inc. ) Web. Feat 3 (Web. Feat) ZPortal (OCLCPICA) For more information http: //www. loc. gov/catdir/lcpaig/portalproducts. html May 28, 2007 Breakout session I 12
Automated Library Systems: o o o o En. Compass (Endeavor) i. PAC (Epixtech – Dynix/Horizon) ILINK (Sirsi) Meta. Lib (Ex-Libris) Polaris (Gaylord) MAP or Millennium Access Plus (Innovative Interfaces, Inc. ) i. Portal (VTLS) You. See. More (TLC) For more information http: //www. loc. gov/catdir/lcpaig/portalproducts. html May 28, 2007 Breakout session I 13
Database Aggregators: Multi. Search (CSA) o OVID Technologies and Muse. Global (Dec. 1, 2004 announced delivery of a metasearch engine) o More to come ________________________ Few aggregators have integrating metasearching into their resources, e. g. : n Science. Direct n JSTOR n GALE n EBSCOhost n Wilson. Web n Etc. o May 28, 2007 Breakout session I 14
Hosting Note All the above mentioned companies provide hosting services at their own sites to potential clients. May 28, 2007 Breakout session I 15
@ LAU o o 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. LAU is the first academic institution in Lebanon to implement the ZPortal system. Why ZPortal was selected? Professional/Academic Rigid Flexible Familiar with interface (OLIB) Widely used Pricing/Services May 28, 2007 Breakout session I 16
Why do we need it? Search database Retrieve useful records Or go to the e-journal Locate the journal on the shelves Find the volume and issue Do you have access to the full-text? Print or save to disc Check the OPAC Go to the article Other Resources (such as DDS) May 28, 2007 Breakout session I 17
Overview End User Collections and Search Profiles Z 39. 50 OPAC Other resources http Search Engines May 28, 2007 local or web A&I services Breakout session I Link to nonsearchable resources Fulltext services 18
Z 2 Web (Link Resolver) How does it work? The user must be authenticated to use Open. Linking. The user runs a search. The Open. Linking Resolver asks the following questions: 1. Can I match on ISSN? 2. What services are available to this user? 3. How will I build the URL to go to each available service? When these questions are answered successfully, the links are built and displayed to the user The user clicks on the link and it is opened in another browser window The search result contains metadata Journal title: Journal of management studies ISSN: 0022 -2380 Date/volume and issue data: Jul 2002/Vol 39/Issue 5 Pagination: p. 619 May 28, 2007 Breakout session I 19
@ LAU o LAU site: http: //libwserv. lau. edu. lb: 43002/zportal/ o Other sites: http: //www. k 4 h. northbristol. nhs. uk http: //www. library. nhs. uk/ May 28, 2007 Breakout session I 20
Advantages: o o o o Less time in searching: Several resources are searched at once Single one-stop web page Single interface (results) Tremendous increase in the usage of online resources, thus cost-effective Excellent tool for ILL/DDS Portal vs. Google Searching techniques can be applied, e. g. , Boolean operators May 28, 2007 Breakout session I 21
Disadvantages: o o o No Arabic support Security: It involves the opening of some ports outside the university firewalls End-user overwhelmed with # of hits Continuous maintenance and update Unable to cover all licensed databases May 28, 2007 Breakout session I 22
Conclusion Library Portals or Federated Search Engines enable you to search a world of information May 28, 2007 Breakout session I 23