- Количество слайдов: 24
Latvian Music Dace Prauliņš d. praulins@lbss. gla. ac. uk
Tautas dziesmas – folk songs p p p Over 1 million folk songs have been collected – one of the largest collections in the world – these have been passed down orally from generation to generation Suitu sievas – first sang as a group in 1924 – come from Suitu zeme in Kurzeme: http: //www. youtube. com/wat ch? v=d. Bs. EO 5 z. FYu. E Vilki (“Wolves”) – men’s group who sing mainly soldiers’ songs: http: //www. youtube. com/wat ch? v=ja_JKn. Wgg. Q&feature=related
Traditional instruments: dūdas, ğīga, kokles, trīsdeksnis
Traditional instruments: dūdas, ğīga, kokles, trīsdeksnis Kokles (psaltery): http: //exposureroom. com/members/Avata r/51 dd 76 f 1 ce 714 bbb 89 e 37 d 3739 ad 6 eff/ p Concert version of kokles: http: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=GAeb. Y 5 f. VKt. I p Dūdas (Latvian bagpipes): http: //vimeo. com/1046939 p “Adopted” instruments: http: //video. nate. com/clip/view? video_seq =16363144 p
Tautas dejas – folk dances p p p And with music and singing comes dancing. . http: //www. youtube. com/ watch? v=PONg. RHj. MMe. I&f eature=related From the 2008 Song and Dance Festival: http: //www. youtube. com/ watch? v=y. GNnf. L 6 Nd-A Latvian Riverdance (!): http: //www. youtube. com/ watch? v=If 7 do. Niezw 0 Flash mob dance in Riga 2009: http: //www. youtube. com/ watch? v=Vcvm. SBCJw. KE
Ilği – folk band p p p Celebrated 25 th anniversary in 2006, started as traditional folk song group – could not be mentioned in media in soviet times 1980 s + 1990 s - set folk songs to more modern arrangements 2006 – Ne uz vienu dienu no. 2 European world music recording http: //www. youtube. com/ watch? v=sm. DXLZj. Es. Zs http: //www. youtube. com/ watch? v=w. Hx. ETu. Zm. Je 8 http: //www. youtube. com/ watch? v=O 32 Zj. Gfcy 4 A
Dziesmu svētki – Song festival p "Dziesma ir mūsu tautas kopēja elpa, tā ir mūsu tautas kopīgais sirdspuksts, tā ir mūsu sirdsapziņa. Dziesmā mēs esam bagāti, dziesmā mēs esam skaisti, dziesmā mēs esam vienoti un savā vienotībā stipri. Mēs dziedam, lai paši sev nepazustu, mēs dziedam, lai mēs viens otram vairs nepazustu, mēs dziedam, lai nepazustu pasaules vējos. " Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga, Latvian president (1999 -2007) p Song is our nation’s common breath, it is our nation’s common heart beat, it is our conscience. In song we are rich, in song we are beautiful, in song we are united and in our unity we are strong. We sing so that we don’t lose ourselves, we sing so that we no longer lose each other, we sing so that we don’t get lost in the winds of Earth.
Song and dance festival p p p First song festival held in 1873 – 1003 singers + 30 musicians; dance element added in 1948 In 2008 – about 15 000 dancers and 13 000 singers Now every 5 years – next 2013 From 2008 festival: http: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=h 1 Rp. Q 6 MYJv U&feature=related http: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=k. Rqick. LKXF 8 &feature=related
Sacred music p p Dom Church organ in Riga regarded as one of world’s best organs: Iveta Apkalne, Bach’s Toccata and Fugue in D minor: http: //www. youtube. com/ watch? v=DA_43 ko. LMVI&fe ature=related Riga Dom boys’ choir very popular - Uģis Prauliņš – Odi et Amo: http: //www. youtube. com/ watch? v=MXSHMA 8 Tjy. A
Opera p Inese Galante has sung in opera houses around the whole world – Bellini’s Casta Diva: http: //www. youtube. com/ watch? v=t. DFKspp 98 sg p Elīna Garanča now a rising star in the opera world – Carmen: http: //www. youtube. com/ watch? v=BXasd. JB 57 s. M
Ballet - Mikhail Baryshnikov (1948 - ) p p p Born in Riga and started training there Moved to Leningrad when 15, danced with the Kirov 1974 – defected to Canada while on tour, later moved to New York to dance in the New York City Ballet Retired from stage in 2002 From the movie “White Nights”: http: //www. youtube. com/ watch? v=ha. BZCr. BHMm 4
Ballet – Māris Liepa (1936 – 1989) p p Born in Riga and started training there – also national swimming champion 1953 – transferred to Moscow to complete training after which he went back to Riga 1965 – returned to Moscow and eventually became principal dancer of Bolshoi Kachaturian’s Spartacus: http: //www. youtube. com/ watch? v=j. NSvwip. Xd 3 g
Ballet – Andris Liepa (1962 - ) and Ilze Liepa (1963 - ) p p p Andris – dancer with the Bolshoi In 1988 first Soviet to dance officially with foreign company – NY City Ballet 1989 – returned to Russia to dance with Kirov Coppelia Variation: http: //www. youtube. com/wat ch? v=LDB 1 t. CT 5 gf. U Ilze – dancer with the Bolshoi Meeting: http: //www. youtube. com/wat ch? v=Vq 4 Nose. Ss. HI&feature= related
Classical music – Pēteris Vasks (1946 - ) - composer p p Best-known composer outside Latvia - music taken on by a German company in 1990 Combines traditional styles and contemporary techniques Vēstījums (1982) – Message – battle between good and evil – spiritual message to Latvians to be optimistic Méditation: http: //www. youtube. com/ watch? v=t. QBLCeg 5 Ut. M
Classical music – Mariss Jansons (1943 - ) - conductor p p Born in Riga, moved with family to Leningrad in 1956, trained at conservatory Studied abroad, became Karajan’s assistant in 1971 1979 – took over Oslo Philharmonic, also conducted many other world orchestras, currently with the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra in Amsterdam 4 th movement, Beethoven’s 7 th symphony: http: //www. youtube. com/wat ch? v=OPAU 4 RHXj. MM
Classical music – Andris Nelsons (1978 - ) - conductor p p Started career as trumpeter with Latvian National Opera orchestra and became principal conductor from 2003 From 2008/9 appointed as principal conductor of City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra (3 -part film) http: //www. youtube. com/ watch? v=3 f 2 Oj. RTv 4 a. Y http: //www. youtube. com/ watch? v=94 b 7 b 9 Nzfg. Q&fe ature=related http: //www. youtube. com/ watch? v=h 2 b 4 xi. Tej. I&feature=related
Classical music – Gidon Kremer and Kremerata Baltica p p p q Gidon Kremer (1947 -) – born in Riga – has won many prizes and played in concerts around world Chaconne from Bach Solo Violin partita 2 in D minor: http: //www. youtube. com/ watch? v=j. A 2 r 6 sxza. Vw Founded Kremerata Baltica in 1996 – young musicians from the Baltic States – tour for 5 -6 months a year Piazolla – Fuga y misterio: http: //www. youtube. com/ watch? v=Ykq 3 y. UCu. M 1 M
Classical music – Misha Maisky (1948 - ) - cellist p p Born in Riga 1966 – won Tchaikovsky competition and started at Moscow conservatory 1972 – emigrated to Israel because of harassment from Soviet authorities Saint-Saens - Carnival of the Animals – The Swan http: //www. youtube. com/ watch? v=Mvh 4 z. EKG 2 zs
The singing revolution p Uldis Stabulnieks – Tik un tā – written in early 1980 s – first song which dared to praise Latvia: http: //www. youtube. com/wat ch? v=bge 1 D_ix. Kk 4 p Ieva Akurātere – Manai tautai (“To my nation”) – first sung at a concert in 1988 when most of audience were in tears as song talks about bringing nation together – turning point for national awakening – recorded 1989 http: //www. youtube. com/wat ch? v=Bnj. ZVVgqq. EU
Eurovision 2002 and 2003 p Marie N (Marija Naumova) won Eurovision for Latvia in 2002 http: //www. youtube. com/ watch? v=08 FJf. XXIq. Ss p 2003 Eurovision held in Riga – Latvia very keen to promote the concept of The Land that Sings http: //www. youtube. com/ watch? v=ARs. Iy. ASp. JHQ
Brainstorm – Prāta Vētra p p Most successful Latvian group – toured with REM in 2005, well -known across Eastern Europe Formed in 1989 http: //www. youtube. c om/watch? v=zp. Ua. NCIv 5 M&feature =player_embedded http: //www. brainstor m. lv/en/video/all/
Baložu Pilni Pagalmi p p p Formed in 1994 by Māris Šverns – Indie/Rock – name means Courtyards Full of Pigeons Mans lielais rakstāmgalds (“My big desk”) from CD Skaties! (“Look!”) (1995): http: //www. youtube. com/ watch? v=Ca 5 sv. Yp. YChg http: //www. tornis. lv/bpp/l at/audio. html
References - illustrations 1 p p p p q q Ilģi: http: //ilgi. lv/en_biografija. php Instruments: http: //www. etnostils. lv/lv/galerija/tradmuzika/pasi. php Suitu sievas: http: //folklora. lv/kopas/suitu. sievas/ Folk dance: http: //www. rigasummit. lv/en/id/cats/nid/976/ Dom Church organ: http: //www. music. lv/organs/Riga_Dom. html Māris Liepa: http: //www. for-ballet-lovers-only. com/Maris 10. html Andris Liepa: http: //context. themoscowtimes. com/stories/2005/12/16/108. html Baryshnikov: http: //www. kultura. lv/lv/persons/29/#img Vasks: http: //www. music. lv/Composers/Vasks/photos. htm Jansons: http: //www. telegraph. co. uk/culture/music/cdreviews/3556237/Classical. CDs-Stravinsky-Mussorgsky-and-more. . html Marie N: http: //www. diena. lv/lat/izklaide/muzika/marija-naumova-saklatvijas-koncertturneju Baložu Pilni Pagalmi: http: //www. hc. lv/muzika/zinas/space-dog-gadajubilejas-konkurss-8214/
References – illustrations 2 q q q Kremerata Baltica: http: //www. latvijaskoncerti. lv/index. php? 1&25&view=newsmonth&y=2007&m=02&print=yes Maisky: http: //www. bfz. hu/vendegmuveszek/egy_vendegmuvesz_en. php? id=463 Boys’ choir: http: //foto. delfi. lv/album/18475/? view=blog Galante: http: //www. music. lv/sigulda/Festival_5/default. htm Garanča: http: //ec. europa. eu/enlargement/archives/enlargement_process/past_enl argements/eu 10/pictures/latvia_en. htm Ilze Liepa: http: //www. liepa. ru/eng/family/ilze_01. shtml Song festival: http: //www. riga-life. com/riga/festivals; http: //commons. wikimedia. org/wiki/File: Latvian_song_festival_by_Dainis_ Matisons, _2008. jpg Kremer: http: //www. shenzhenconcerthall. com/Catalog_154. aspx Stabulnieks: http: //www. lks. org. lv/pages. LV/about-4 -sub 3. html Akuratere: http: //www. micrec. lv/artists/latvian/? offset=72 Brainstorm: http: //www. journal. lv/index. php? s=%D 1%81%D 0%BC%D 0%B 5%D 1%88 %D 0%BD%D 0%BE