- Количество слайдов: 8
LATEST UPDATE IN LATVIA Ainārs Meņģelsons Public Utilities Commission Latvia 9 th Baltic ERI September 16 , 2009 Vilnius, Lithuania
Electricity Market Opening l All households and non household consumers with less than 50 employees and yearly turnover less than 7 million LVL have the rights to use the universal service of electricity; l Universal service – ability to be supplied by economically justified price; l The consumers which do not qualifies to get universal service are obliged to buy electricity from traders for contract price; 9 th Baltic ERI September 16 , 2009 Vilnius, Lithuania 2
Electricity Market Opening The Commission granted rights to JSC Latvenergo from January 1, 2009 to set the tariffs for the captive customers by the company itself: Ø Commission within 21 days asses tariffs conformity with the calculation methodology and justification; Ø if the Commission does not reject tariffs proposal, it enter into force on the date indicated but the company; Ø if the Commission rejects tariff proposal tariffs do not enter in the force. 9 th Baltic ERI September 16 , 2009 Vilnius, Lithuania 3
Electricity Market Opening l 32% of total electricity is traded for contract price (non -regulated); l Since July 1, 2008 130 customers switched the supplier, 10 of them twice; l On September 1, 2009 8% from free market customers purchase electricity from independent traders. 9 th Baltic ERI September 16 , 2009 Vilnius, Lithuania 4
New legislation On February 2009 new Regulations on RES-E were accepted l Price is fixed for period of 10 years and reduced after according to formula l As reference to set price for electricity from biomass is used natural gas price l Prices are differentiated by: installed capacity type of fuel 9 th Baltic ERI September 16 , 2009 Vilnius, Lithuania 5
New legislation l On February 2009 new Regulations on CHP were accepted Ø l Introduced provision how to get qualified for capacity payment On July 2009 new regulations on electricity trade were accepted Reduced time of prior notice of customer’s switching from 3 to 2 months Adjusted balancing provisions 9 th Baltic ERI September 16 , 2009 Vilnius, Lithuania 6
9 th Baltic ERI September 16 , 2009 Vilnius, Lithuania 7
THANK YOU FOR ATTENTION ! WWW. SPRK. GOV. LV 9 th Baltic ERI September 16 , 2009 Vilnius, Lithuania 8