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Latest News • SPSC approved two separate running periods for CNGS: one just after Latest News • SPSC approved two separate running periods for CNGS: one just after the commissioning (few 1018 p. o. t. ) and one at the end of the run (1019 p. o. t. ). • To be confirmed at the Research Board

2006 PS&SPS days (18 -19/01/06) The Workshop focussed on the start-up of the PS 2006 PS&SPS days (18 -19/01/06) The Workshop focussed on the start-up of the PS & SPS complex in 2006 after the long shut-down in 2005 Session 1: What has been done Session 2: Re-commissioning and Testing the Equipment Session 3: Start-up with Beam (from the CCC) Summary and Action Plan

Major issues • PS Main Power Supply – Spare rotor installed (after 2004 “near Major issues • PS Main Power Supply – Spare rotor installed (after 2004 “near failure”) – No spare until July ’ 06 – even then it will take 1 - 2 months to repair • Many changes have been made in the PS that can affect the start-up Looks like a re-commissioning: – Clear procedures for checking all MM circuits (in particular PFW) R. S. with AT/MEL – Cunning plan for the commissioning with beam with identified milestones and steps (analysis of the alignment and optics issues) R. S. in collaboration with ABP and equipment groups. We must prepare procedures and tools for orbit analysis and realignment and for finding possible errors in the MM circuits • Tight constraints on the magnet re-alignment in case of need. – Review of the alignment procedures and vacuum system tolerances AT/VAC

Major issues • SPS Controls and application SW big bang • Diluters (TPSG’s) for Major issues • SPS Controls and application SW big bang • Diluters (TPSG’s) for SPS septa – Cannot withstand a direct hit from a full LHC beam, but septa are protected – Just at the limit for nominal CNGS beam – Be careful about using TT 40 for target practice • SPS impedance – Impedance reduction of the Kickers to be extended to other SPS kickers as soon as method demonstrated efficient conceive measurements to determine effectiveness – Launch SPS transverse impedance review aiming at identifying and eliminating major sources • Access to CCC, new cards – EDH authorization – Clarification of CCC access conditions (within/out working hours) – Need to apply for CCC priv. Authorization

Chamonix XIV • The minimum workable LHC – 3 sessions on plans and requirements Chamonix XIV • The minimum workable LHC – 3 sessions on plans and requirements for beam commissioning, machine protection and collimation, providers’ commitments • • • Magnetic requirements for commissioning Experiment-machine interface Installation I-LHC Sector test – 2 sessions: HW preparation and beam tests

Staged commissioning plan for protons Stage I Hardware commissioning Machine checkout Beam commissioning No Staged commissioning plan for protons Stage I Hardware commissioning Machine checkout Beam commissioning No beam I. ? 75 ns ops 25 ns ops I Install Phase II and MKB Beam Pilot physics run n n First collisions 43 bunches, no crossing angle, no squeeze, moderate intensities Push performance (156 bunches, partial squeeze in 1 and 5, push intensity) 75 ns operation n III. 43 bunch operation IV III Beam n II. II Establish multi-bunch operation, moderate intensities Relaxed machine parameters (squeeze and crossing angle) Push squeeze and crossing angle 25 ns operation I n n n Nominal crossing angle Push squeeze Increase intensity to 50% nominal IV. 25 ns operation II n Push towards nominal performance R. Bailey, Chamonix XV, January 2006 25 ns ops II

Ions Experiment side n n n ALICE, ATLAS and CMS will all take Pb-Pb Ions Experiment side n n n ALICE, ATLAS and CMS will all take Pb-Pb data Detectors and machine will be already commissioned with pp ALICE requests n n - From Chamonix XIV - 4 week ion runs at the end of each year first short run as early as possible Machine side n n Start with early ion scheme (62 bunches instead of 592, 7 107 ions per bunch) Will have to n Set up RF capture Estimate ≥ 1 week for first setup n n n n Commission essential instrumentation Commission squeeze in IR 2 Establish collisions Followed by physics run Could do (some of) this early on if injectors are ready (same optics as for p). Injection optics. Ion runs could provide cool down of PS SPS LHC after proton operation After early ion scheme run, increase number of bunches Move to nominal when possible R. Bailey, Chamonix XV, January 2006

The minimum workable LHC • Pilot at 7 Te. V might be close to The minimum workable LHC • Pilot at 7 Te. V might be close to the damage limit in particular if smaller than nominal emittance. The injectors will have to provide a pilot with nominal (and certified? ) emittance Bake-out of some of the LSS (IR 3/7) only in 2007 -2008 (could be an issue for a pilot ion run @ 10 -7 mbar) Machine protection with ions: • • – – General awareness that this needs to be addressed (thanks to John). Lead ion collimation: need to go further in the studies for the nominal beam: • • • collimation efficiency, loss patterns for the different optics (injection – squeezed) Effect of errors (orbit, beta-beating, etc…) possible solutions

The minimum workable LHC ATB Delays in the production of the collimators some components The minimum workable LHC ATB Delays in the production of the collimators some components have a delay of 6 month (after 6 months form the contract signature…. . ) Need second installation campaign after standard, some elements delayed to SD 2007 -8 BDI No intensity reading from BPM for the start-up? very important tool for Day 1 debugging (aperture issues, etc. ) Loss maps for ions required to determine position of additional BLMs Wire Scanners: in 2007 LEP electronics? ? , in 2008 new electronics? Issue of the quenches induced by a wire scan. What about ions? CO as usual missing man-power. Issue of the security of the access. No application SW responsible for a lot of the instruments (in particular beam profile monitors, tune measurement, luminosity monitors)

Experiment Machine Interface • Main goal is optimizing luminosity for ATLAS and CMS (asking Experiment Machine Interface • Main goal is optimizing luminosity for ATLAS and CMS (asking for 10 fb-1 /experiment for discovering the Higgs). Deviations from main streamline have to be justified • CRAG: Comissioning and Running Advisory Group set-up to define the guidelines + Physics coordinator nominated (Massimiliano Ferro. Luzzi) • Issue of 25 vs. 75 ns running the experiment too might want to run at 75 ns to test their capability of handling many events/crossing. • Luminosity measurements – what about ions? Is Cd. Te OK for monitoring luminosity during ion operation? – Compatibility of ALICE ZDC with luminosity monitor (luminosity monitor in front of the ZDC). • Proton run for ALICE b* < 35 m because of the limitations in the strength for separation bump magnets

Interaction with the LHC machine during operation (2) l Luminosity monitor l l Luminosity Interaction with the LHC machine during operation (2) l Luminosity monitor l l Luminosity Monitor Z ZPN IP l 2 TCTH The technology has been chosen recently ZN only used in HI runs ~10 -20 % I just in front of ZN does not spoil the energy measurement. The effect on the measurement of the impact position of the particles is presently under study The compatibility with the ZN depends on the amount of converter necessary for the luminosity monitor. If NOT compatible: – D 2 – Place converter on movable support Use ZN to monitor luminosity (and to bring beams into collision)

LHC Installation Conclusions: • Status of installation versus planning: – We are not on LHC Installation Conclusions: • Status of installation versus planning: – We are not on time, actual delays spans from 3 to 4 months – We are worried by the late procurement of DFB’s, Special SSS’s, and SSS’s with plugs, where peak delays of 5 months with respect to planning occurred – Cryo-magnet transport approaching nominal rates, SSS installation through Point 6 should allow to catch-up the SSS backlog – Leak test and leak finding require more time than expected • Hardware commissioning: – Sector 7 -8 should be ready for hardware commissioning by August 2006 – The hardware commissioning of Sector 8 -1 will not be finished this year need to find solutions for sector test – Last Sectors (1 -2 & 2 -3) should be ready for HW commissioning by August 2007 Chamonix XV January 2006 S. Weisz

Installation and others… • 2006 marked by many incidents particularly at the end of Installation and others… • 2006 marked by many incidents particularly at the end of the year • SPS Access System: (temporary) modifications to comply with INB requirements and get the permission to run in 2006. If you see that: ATTENTION: L‘ouverture provoque l'arret d'urgence general Contactez la Salle de Controle: Tel 77500 • Open only in case of danger

SPS Access Project Compensatory measures: Run 2006 • Access doors: – Caps on the SPS Access Project Compensatory measures: Run 2006 • Access doors: – Caps on the doors locks, but only in entry direction – Emergency exits non affected • Sector doors in the transfer lines used as emergency exits will be connected directly to neighboring AUG chains: – PPG 66003 in TT 6 in to extraction zone towards TI 2 – PPG 4004 in TT 40 in the extraction zone towards TI 8 and CNGS – PPG 21161 in the interface zone between TT 20 and target region TCC 2. – PPG 100611 in TT 10 in the transfer tunnel between PS and SPS OPENING THE DOOR WILL TRIGGER AN EMERGENCY STOP OF SPS! PL, EMP Chamonix XV, 23. 01. 2006 EDMS: 698337

SPS Access Project SPS Upgrade Project: phases and milestones Voie câblée redondante Nouveau Système SPS Access Project SPS Upgrade Project: phases and milestones Voie câblée redondante Nouveau Système d’accès SPS t Run ‘’ 08 SPS+LHC Système d’accès SPS actuel Run ‘ 07 SPS+LHC Run ’ 06 SPS Système d’accès SPS actuel Shutdown Mesures compensatoires Introduction d’une voie câblée redondante *Date suivant le schedule des accelerateurs PL, EMP Chamonix XV, 23. 01. 2006 EDMS: 698337

I-LHC • Present schedule for the ion beam confirmed: – LEIR commissioning completion in I-LHC • Present schedule for the ion beam confirmed: – LEIR commissioning completion in April 2006 – PS commissioning – fall 2006 – SPS commissioning in 2007 (beginning or summer according to the fate of the Sector Test, if any) – LHC ion run in 2008. Would allow to cool down the machine after proton run. – Nominal beam starting in 2007 in LEIR • Ion source: some critical components have no spare (14 GHz generator possibility buy 18 GHz generator and klystron) • Controls: still some work to be done – New FESA version in February ? – SW tests planned before start-up?

Objectives 2006 Controls with Java n 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 6. 7. Objectives 2006 Controls with Java n 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 6. 7. Cycle editor (LSA) Optimization Archives Ready Alarms Full functionalities PPM Copy For GM and FESA Passerelle For GM and FESA OASIS Improve speed connection EQP Survey Ready Cycle editor (LSA) GUI improvement

I-LHC • LEIR commissioning (open issues): – Injection line (initial conditions and optics) need I-LHC • LEIR commissioning (open issues): – Injection line (initial conditions and optics) need to provide understood optics for Pb to OP – Lifetime with O 4+: obstacle in BIPM? , e-cooling? , vacuum? , charge exchange cross-section not as low as initially thought (any data from other labs? GSI? ), instabilities from ion trapping in the e-cooler – Optics measurements during the ramp: analyzed? – E-cooling need to be clearly demonstrated (BIPM and Schottky are vital) – Transverse feedback commissioning need to be completed • Collaboration and Implication of the vacuum colleagues desirable to attack the issues related to vacuum

Sector Test • General agreement that it would be very useful: – – Milestone Sector Test • General agreement that it would be very useful: – – Milestone for several services, equipments, … Full integration test: all systems working together Verification of the QA (polarities, apertures, etc. . ) Test for the commissioning strategy (type of meas. , tools for beam meas. , … – Public relation • …provided no “bricolage”/short-cut is taken to get there

Sector Test • Main concern: delivery of the feedboxes – transition normal temperature – Sector Test • Main concern: delivery of the feedboxes – transition normal temperature – cryogenic environment for the current leads (HTS) • If no delay reduction drastic reduction of the HW commissioning time mission impossible • What are the risk resulting from the reduced HW commissioning time? • Is the validity of the test being compromised? • What about delaying the Sector test (and the commissioning) by the present installation delay (4 -5 months)? • Possible implication for the Ion commissioning in the SPS (Spring Autumn 07? ) • Revived the idea of testing some of the most critical magnets in the SPS extraction line (Q 6). Feasible? When?