Скачать презентацию Last month our class went to Washington to Скачать презентацию Last month our class went to Washington to

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Last month our class went to Washington to visit the National Museum of American Last month our class went to Washington to visit the National Museum of American History. It was my first visit there and it was fun! How often do you go to museums with your class, if at all? Which museum is your favorite or what museum would you like to visit? Why do you think people should go there? This summer we plan to go hiking with my parents.

As for. . . Что касается. . . Concerning. . . Что касается. . As for. . . Что касается. . . Concerning. . . Что касается. . As a matter of fact. . . Что касается. . . Actually. . . Фактически. . . The fact is. . . Дело в том, что. . . Speaking of. . . Говоря о. . . Regarding. . . Относительно. . .

The thing is. . . Дело в том, что. . . The trouble is. The thing is. . . Дело в том, что. . . The trouble is. . . Проблема в том, что. . . The point is. . . Суть в том, что. . . It is not surprising that. . . Не удивительно, что. . . It goes without saying that. . . Само собой разумеется, что. . . It's self-evident that. . . Само собой понятно, что. . .

Moreover. . . Более того. . . What's more. . . Более того. . Moreover. . . Более того. . . What's more. . . Более того. . . Besides. . . Кроме того. . . In addition. . . К тому же. . . In a word. . . Одним словом. . . In short. . . Короче. . . To make a long story short. . . Короче говоря. . .

Summing it up. . . Подводя итог. . . So, to sum it up. Summing it up. . . Подводя итог. . . So, to sum it up. . . Итак, подводя итог. . . In conclusion. . . В заключение. . . It is important to note that. . . Важно отметить, что. . . It is vital to note that. . . Стоит отметить, что. . . It's important to remember that. . . Важно помнить, что. . . An important point is that. . . Важным является то, что. . .

25 Volodarskogo St Saransk Russia 1 June 2003 Dear Tom, • It was good 25 Volodarskogo St Saransk Russia 1 June 2003 Dear Tom, • It was good of you to think of writing to me, and I appreciate it very much. • Thanks for your letter. I was so glad to receive it. • Thank you very much for the letter you sent me. • How are you doing? Everything is fine with me. I'm sorry that I haven't written for a while, but I've been really busy.

 • In your letter you ask me about … • You ask me • In your letter you ask me about … • You ask me to tell you a few things about … • Well, … • As for the … • It is great that …

 • Do you think …? • Are you …? • Could you please • Do you think …? • Are you …? • Could you please tell me …? • Please tell me more about it. • I would like very much to hear about …

Ø Anyway, I’d better go now. I’ve got loads of homework to do tonight. Ø Anyway, I’d better go now. I’ve got loads of homework to do tonight. • I am very eager to hear from you, so please write as soon as you can. • I am looking forward to your early reply. Please write me soon. • I am looking forward to receive your letter. • Hope to hear from you soon. • I hope you will write me again soon.

 • • • Best wishes, Sincerely yours, Take care, All the best, Love • • • Best wishes, Sincerely yours, Take care, All the best, Love Masha