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Last Ewen Telescope Open House Tomorrow 4: 30 pm Lockhart Planetarium Last Ewen Telescope Open House Tomorrow 4: 30 pm Lockhart Planetarium

ESA/Philae Panorama. Rosetta Update Philae Spectra: Position of 1 st bounce: H 2 O ESA/Philae Panorama. Rosetta Update Philae Spectra: Position of 1 st bounce: H 2 O & rich in organics. Final position: H 2 O & low in organics. Main mission accomplished. Now in hibernation – in shadow of cliff - sunlight may be sufficient when closer to sun.

ESA/Reddit user IG-64. Rosetta Update Rosetta will orbit comet. Perihelion August 2015. ESA/Reddit user IG-64. Rosetta Update Rosetta will orbit comet. Perihelion August 2015.

Planet Hunting & Exo-biology Update: Artist’s Concept summary Recall column • • Imaging sun-like Planet Hunting & Exo-biology Update: Artist’s Concept summary Recall column • • Imaging sun-like stars: – without cool dust in outer regions, unlikely to have warm dust in inner regions. – ½ stars are like this. image around stars without cool dust rings Planets around M dwarfs HZ: – Could have O but no life due to intense heat in formative years. “mirage earths” – didn’t use M stars in our estimate.

Meteorite from Mars – organic carbon? summary Recall column • • • analogous to Meteorite from Mars – organic carbon? summary Recall column • • • analogous to coal (biological in origin)? “Insisting on certainty is unwise, particularly on such a sensitive topic, ” warns Gillet. “I’m completely open to the possibility that other studies might contradict our findings. However, our conclusions are such that they will rekindle the debate as to the possible existence of biological activity on Mars – at least in the past. ” http: //actu. epfl. ch/news/traces-of-possible-martian-biologicalactivity-ins/

Academic Learning Centre summary Recall column • Tuesday Dec. 2: Preparing for Final Exams Academic Learning Centre summary Recall column • Tuesday Dec. 2: Preparing for Final Exams 206 Tier, 11: 30 – 12: 45 • This workshop will focus on how students can organize their materials and time so as to prepare effectively-and early--for final exams. • http: //umanitoba. ca/student/academic learning/workshops/index. html

Tips: Recall column summary • http: //www. physics. umanitoba. ca/~en glish/2014 fallphys 1810/test. html Tips: Recall column summary • http: //www. physics. umanitoba. ca/~en glish/2014 fallphys 1810/test. html • do all exercises mentioned in class • review all images • do all relevant questions in Mastering Astronomy

Exam Recall column Final Exam: * Tuesday Dec 9 th @ 9 am E Exam Recall column Final Exam: * Tuesday Dec 9 th @ 9 am E 2 -229 EIT Complex* 2 hours – – – 72 questions in 2 hours 9 math questions 11 B&W images – to remind you of colour images in ppt slides summary – Need to be able to do ratios of masses, timescales, convert units – Based on material from last test onward – everything AFTER Sun – But includes previous material that is referred to in this section of the course.

Exam Recall column Final Exam: * Tuesday Dec 9 th @ 9 am E Exam Recall column Final Exam: * Tuesday Dec 9 th @ 9 am E 2 -229 EIT Complex* 2 hours Only Specified Calculators! Recall notice from Faculty of Science: could end up with F-DISC in the course. (Can do questions without calculator. ) • Allowed non-programmable calculators: Sharp EL-240 SAB, Sharp EL-240 SA, Sharp EL-240 SB Sharp EL-510 RNB, Sharp EL-510 RN TI-30 XZ TI-30 X IIS summary

Tips for exam Recall column summary • Practise (examples) – Rsch – determining stellar Tips for exam Recall column summary • Practise (examples) – Rsch – determining stellar radius given luminosity & temperature (e. g. compared to sun) – determining distance using Inverse Square Brightness Law (e. g. compare to stars) – Hubble Law – lifetime on MS

Tips for Exam: summary Recall column recall – used to measure mass in planet Tips for Exam: summary Recall column recall – used to measure mass in planet using orbiting moon • Do this for a galaxy to determine its dynamical mass in Msun • look up a galaxy online or in textbook (e. g. the Milky Way) • find out orbital velocity • do for 2 radii: 1. 2. radius of its 21 cm gas layer. radius of sun for MW • remember to convert units!

Make up critical thinking questions: Recall column • Try to make up ones that Make up critical thinking questions: Recall column • Try to make up ones that show your understanding. – analyze – evaluate – apply summary

summary Recall column summary Recall column

summary Recall column summary Recall column

Congratulations! summary Recall column • You’ve covered the universe from the beginning of time Congratulations! summary Recall column • You’ve covered the universe from the beginning of time until now (and a bit beyond). • That’s a lot of matter (dark and otherwise). • All the best on the exam. • May you have clear skies for your future astronomy observations.