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Language Leader Intermediate Unit 8. Education Language Leader Intermediate Unit 8. Education

Elementary /Primary school Elementary /Primary school

The move from elementary school to secondary school can be difficult. The move from elementary school to secondary school can be difficult.

Начальная школа Начальная школа

Secondary school Secondary school

She taught history at a secondary school. She taught history at a secondary school.

Средняя школа Средняя школа

Compulsory education Compulsory education

Britain did not introduce compulsory primary education until 1880. Britain did not introduce compulsory primary education until 1880.

Обязательное образование Обязательное образование

Higher education Higher education

Many students are not adequately prepared for higher education. Many students are not adequately prepared for higher education.

Высшее образование Высшее образование

Continuous assessment Continuous assessment

My mother was worried about my continuous assessment, because my final examination marks are My mother was worried about my continuous assessment, because my final examination marks are not so good.

Оценка за год Оценка за год

To monitor progress To monitor progress

The teacher promised to monitor the pupil’s progress carefully. The teacher promised to monitor the pupil’s progress carefully.

Отслеживать прогресс Отслеживать прогресс

To get a place at university To get a place at university

He came to Moscow to get a place at Moscow State university. He came to Moscow to get a place at Moscow State university.

Поступить в университет Поступить в университет

To revise for an exam/a test To revise for an exam/a test

I can’t go for a walk tonight – I have to revise for an I can’t go for a walk tonight – I have to revise for an exam.

Готовиться к экзамену/тесту Готовиться к экзамену/тесту

To graduate from university/high school To graduate from university/high school

This year is going to be great: Mary graduates from university. This year is going to be great: Mary graduates from university.

Стать выпускником университета/ВУЗа Стать выпускником университета/ВУЗа

To leave primary/secondary school To leave primary/secondary school

My little girl is leaving primary school today – what are you going to My little girl is leaving primary school today – what are you going to present her?

Окончить начальную/среднюю школу Окончить начальную/среднюю школу

To get a degree/a good grade To get a degree/a good grade

Why is Jerry so happy? Has he got a good grade at last? Why is Jerry so happy? Has he got a good grade at last?

Получить диплом/хорошую оценку Получить диплом/хорошую оценку

To take/retake an exam To take/retake an exam

I’m afraid you will have to retake this exam. I’m afraid you will have to retake this exam.

Сдать/пересдать экзамен Сдать/пересдать экзамен

To take/retake a course To take/retake a course

I would like to take a course in English, because I’m planning to go I would like to take a course in English, because I’m planning to go to England soon.

Пройти/пройти заново курс обучения Пройти/пройти заново курс обучения

To pass/fail an exam/a course To pass/fail an exam/a course

We all have passed this exam and we are going to celebrate it. We all have passed this exam and we are going to celebrate it.

Сдать/провалить экзамен Сдать/провалить экзамен

To hand in an essay/an assignment To hand in an essay/an assignment

The lesson is over, hand in your essays. The lesson is over, hand in your essays.

Сдать эссе/задание Сдать эссе/задание

To do your best To do your best

Promise me to do your best – this is a very important competition. Promise me to do your best – this is a very important competition.

Стараться изо всех сил Стараться изо всех сил

To do coursework To do coursework

He has been doing his History coursework for 4 months already. He has been doing his History coursework for 4 months already.

Написать курсовую Написать курсовую

To make progress To make progress

It pleased her teachers to see her making progress. It pleased her teachers to see her making progress.

Добиться прогресса Добиться прогресса

To make sense To make sense

It makes sense to keep such information on a flashdrive. It makes sense to keep such information on a flashdrive.

Иметь смысл Иметь смысл

Statistics Statistics

Statistics, as we know, can be very misleading. Statistics, as we know, can be very misleading.

Статистика Статистика

Curriculum Curriculum

Our mathematics curriculum is much bigger now. Our mathematics curriculum is much bigger now.

Учебный план Учебный план

Truancy Truancy

Schools need to reduce levels of truancy. Schools need to reduce levels of truancy.

Прогуливание Прогуливание

Bullying Bullying

Students are encouraged to tell someone about any incidents of bullying. Students are encouraged to tell someone about any incidents of bullying.

Запугивание (хулиганство) Запугивание (хулиганство)

Punctual Punctual

Mrs Marsh liked her guests to be punctual. Mrs Marsh liked her guests to be punctual.

Пунктуальный Пунктуальный

Method Method

It was a handmade rug produced by traditional methods. It was a handmade rug produced by traditional methods.

Метод Метод

Unique Unique

They have a totally unique approach to staff training. They have a totally unique approach to staff training.

Уникальный Уникальный

Deprived children Deprived children

Lots of celebrities take care of deprived children. Lots of celebrities take care of deprived children.

Малоимущие дети Малоимущие дети

Social skills Social skills

We need someone with excellent social skills for this position. We need someone with excellent social skills for this position.

Навыки общения Навыки общения

To criticise To criticise

Oscar didn’t like when his relatives criticised him. Oscar didn’t like when his relatives criticised him.

Критиковать Критиковать

To restrict To restrict

Some roads were closed to restrict the number of visitors. Some roads were closed to restrict the number of visitors.

Ограничивать Ограничивать

Observation skills Observation skills

He needed to train his observation skills to become a good teacher. He needed to train his observation skills to become a good teacher.

Навыки наблюдения Навыки наблюдения

Activity Activity

These environmental changes are the result of human activity. These environmental changes are the result of human activity.

Деятельность, вид деятельности Деятельность, вид деятельности

To provide smb/smth with To provide smb/smth with

Television provides us with the latest information. Television provides us with the latest information.

Обеспечивать кого-л чем-л Обеспечивать кого-л чем-л

Self-correction Self-correction

You have to teach Peter selfcorrection. You have to teach Peter selfcorrection.

Самокоррекция Самокоррекция

Cooperation Cooperation

We are thankful for the cooperation of the police. We are thankful for the cooperation of the police.

Сотрудничество Сотрудничество

Teacher-training centres Teacher-training centres

The government has built a Teacher-training centre in the village. The government has built a Teacher-training centre in the village.

Педагогические центры Педагогические центры

Non-existent Non-existent

Wildlife is virtually non-existent in this area. Wildlife is virtually non-existent in this area.

Несуществующий Несуществующий

Financial support Financial support

I need some Financial support to start my own business. I need some Financial support to start my own business.

Финансовая поддержка Финансовая поддержка

To take out loans To take out loans

The company had taken out loans totalling £ 60 million The company had taken out loans totalling £ 60 million

Брать займы Брать займы

Announcement Announcement

People expect the president to make an announcement about his plans tonight. People expect the president to make an announcement about his plans tonight.

Объявление Объявление

University fees University fees

University fees are too high to continue your education. University fees are too high to continue your education.

Плата за обучение в университете Плата за обучение в университете

To contribute to smth To contribute to smth

The caffeine in coffee can contribute to health problems. The caffeine in coffee can contribute to health problems.

Вкладывать во что -л Вкладывать во что -л

Opportunity Opportunity

I think this trip sounds like a wonderful opportunity. I think this trip sounds like a wonderful opportunity.

Возможность Возможность

Graduates Graduates

Harriet was a graduate with a first class degree in literature. Harriet was a graduate with a first class degree in literature.

Выпускники Выпускники

Debt Debt

I don’t like being in debt to anyone. I don’t like being in debt to anyone.

Долг Долг

To afford smth To afford smth

I’m not sure how they are able to afford such expensive holidays. I’m not sure how they are able to afford such expensive holidays.

Позволить себе что-л Позволить себе что-л

Intake Intake

This year’s intake of students was about 800 students. This year’s intake of students was about 800 students.

Приток, поступление Приток, поступление

To reconsider To reconsider

Could you leave me alone, I need to reconsider my point of view. Could you leave me alone, I need to reconsider my point of view.

Пересмотреть, обдумать заново Пересмотреть, обдумать заново