Скачать презентацию LANDSCAPE VOLVO STRATEGY 2017 SLIDE General overview Скачать презентацию LANDSCAPE VOLVO STRATEGY 2017 SLIDE General overview


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SLIDE General overview Facebook Instagram You. Tube Fans growth Average monthly ER Subscribers growth SLIDE General overview Facebook Instagram You. Tube Fans growth Average monthly ER Subscribers growth Views Volvo 41 885 +11% 0, 80% 9 267 +159% 3, 39% 1 174 +58% 2 697 354 Audi 308 306 +8% 0, 18% 40 977 +249% 4, 04% 16 040 +43% 25 942 112 BMW 124 537 +15% 0, 53% 38 298 +90% 2, 90% 17 216 +182% 6 937 128 Mercedes 111 508 +30% 0, 53% 53 492 +203% 3, 61% 3 842 +21% 4 480 505 Lexus 78 662 +46% 1, 00% 32 950 +164% 4, 87% 1 805 +29% 1 243 162 02

SLIDE 2016 Summary Buzz Volvo 37 710 Volvo 15 094 Volvo 23 492 (8 SLIDE 2016 Summary Buzz Volvo 37 710 Volvo 15 094 Volvo 23 492 (8 th position) Audi 308 306 (leader in the category) Land Rover 111 452 (leader in the category) BMW 81 078 (leader in the category) Volvo 0, 80% (2 nd position) Volvo 0, 50% (leader in the category) Volvo 3, 39% (4 th position) Lexus 1, 00% (leader in the category) Land Rover 0, 19% (2 nd position) Lexus 4, 87% (leader in the category) Mentions Instagram SOV Average ER Vkontakte Volvo 41 885 Fans Facebook BMW 170 536 (leader in the category) Volvo 3, 62% (8 nd position) BMW 26, 24% (leader in the category) 03

SLIDE MAIN INDEXES DYNAMICS 1. 20% Lexus ER Fb Lexus 1 1. 00% During SLIDE MAIN INDEXES DYNAMICS 1. 20% Lexus ER Fb Lexus 1 1. 00% During the 2016 all the main competitors’ engagement level in both Facebook and especially in Instagram communities has decreased. Volvo is the only brand which Facebook ER position improved during this year. However active growth of Instagram page influenced its’ ER badly. Volvo 0. 80% Volvo 1 Mercedes 1 0. 60% BMW 1 0. 40% Mercedes Audi 1 0. 20% The circle size shows total fan base (Fb+Ig) Brands’ points are moving from average Jan-May’ 16 period numbers to Jun-Dec’ 16 period numbers. KPI Volvo circle shows forecast number for May’ 17 Source: Gravity tool, Mindshare estimation Audi ER Ig 0. 00% 1. 90% 2. 90% 3. 90% 4. 90% 5. 90% 6. 90% 04

SLIDE KPI Achievement requires additional support We will attain to the level of Lexus SLIDE KPI Achievement requires additional support We will attain to the level of Lexus fan base size. Current level of paid support can provide the same level of engagement. However increasing fan base requires significantly more financial support. *Earlier KPI fixed target ER level: 1, 4% Fb; 0, 65% Vk; 6, 1% Instagram. 1. 15% ER Fb 1. 10% 1. 05% KPI Volvo 1. 00% KPI 1 0. 95% + 40 000 fans 3, 8 MIO + 50 000 fans 4 MIO + 40 000 fans 3, 4 MIO Lexus Volvo 0. 90% 3. 40% 3. 90% 4. 40% ER Ig 4. 90% 5. 40% 5. 90% 05

SLIDE Comments’ tonality has improved 06 Comments tonality in all SM communities: 2. 8% SLIDE Comments’ tonality has improved 06 Comments tonality in all SM communities: 2. 8% 7. 9% 27. 1% JAN'16 -MAY'16 The share of Positive comments increased significantly. Mostly this shift was provided by VK positive comments. 62. 2% 3. 0% 5. 8% 39. 9% JUN'16 -DEC'16 0% 20% 51. 3% 40% Positive Neutral 60% Mixed 80% Negative 100%

SLIDE THE MAIN INFLOW OF ENGAGEMENTS COMES FROM PAID K 1* PROMOTION 4017 +40%** SLIDE THE MAIN INFLOW OF ENGAGEMENTS COMES FROM PAID K 1* PROMOTION 4017 +40%** 12, 3 K +10, 5%** Average month engagements*** K 1 – shows the number of community fans who made min 1 interaction with the content Average month engagements number – shows the average number of content interactions (comments, likes, shares) made by all users during a month K 1* 1065 +12%** K 1* 1334 +35%** * Average number for Jun-Dec’ 16 period ** In comparison with Jan-May’ 16 period *** For paid promotion period – Sep-Dec’ 16 Average month engagements*** 6, 9 K +25, 6%** Average month engagements*** 8, 8 K +27, 3%** 07

SLIDE We use the most efficient way to choose posts for promotion 08 The SLIDE We use the most efficient way to choose posts for promotion 08 The number of likes each post got for first 24 h in VK 450 400 It helps this posts get both organic and paid interactions and make this posts most engaging. R: 5, 5 K CTR: 9, 59% 350 R: 167 K CTR: 0, 12% R: 14 K CTR: 7, 87% 300 Likes (first 24 h) We always analyze the first performance of posts and promote the publications which became viral at once. 250 200 150 100 50 0 8/23/2016 Gravity tool 9/7/2016 9/22/2016 10/7/2016 10/22/2016 11/6/2016 11/21/2016 12/6/2016

SLIDE ALWAYS ON – PAID SOCIAL WE WOULD LIKE TO DIVIDE AN APPROACH FOR SLIDE ALWAYS ON – PAID SOCIAL WE WOULD LIKE TO DIVIDE AN APPROACH FOR TACTICAL PROMOTION AND LAUNCH CAMPAIGNS: CPA FORMATS + RETARGETING CREATIVE FORMATS • • • Lead ads Social ads Promoted posts with button Crm retargeting Visit to shop 4 000 RUR > 1 000 REACH 50 000 CLICKS 1 920 LEADS Carousel Canvas Video promoted post Promoted posts & reposts Instagram stories 6 500 000 RUR > 4 000 REACH 70 000 CLICKS 15 MIO IMPRESSIONS 09


SLIDE Content analysis of competitors Audi BMW Mercedes focus on image content with premium SLIDE Content analysis of competitors Audi BMW Mercedes focus on image content with premium cars strong focus on Video content (30%) Special offers and promo 7 posts per week 6 posts per week Lexus Jaguar Land Rover image content and company news inspirational Images and texts rich imagery base 7 posts per week 3 posts per week 01

SLIDE RUBRICS Rubric ER 14. 49% Luxury 2. 09% Interaction/Polls 1. 78% Design 1. SLIDE RUBRICS Rubric ER 14. 49% Luxury 2. 09% Interaction/Polls 1. 78% Design 1. 89% 0. 93% Design 1. 40% Bloggers 1. 79% Interaction/Polls 0. 67% Power of Now 0. 98% Technology 1. 76% Volvo language 0. 61% Luxury 0. 79% Volvo language 1. 74% Power of details 0. 58% Technology 0. 73% Interaction/Polls 1. 73% Luxury 0. 53% Power of details 0. 71% Power of details 1. 66% UGC 0. 48% Volvo language 0. 71% UGC 1. 65% Heritage 0. 47% News 0. 66% Power of Now 1. 62% Technology 0. 46% UGC 0. 50% Heritage 1. 61% News 0. 44% Sweden 0. 49% News 1. 42% Volvo Car Кредит 0. 24% Volvo Car Кредит 0. 39% Sweden 0. 24% Heritage 0. 32% Bloggers 3. 93% Bloggers Power of Now 0. 97% Design 01

SLIDE OBJECTIVES To redefine rubrics and clearly distance them from each other To use SLIDE OBJECTIVES To redefine rubrics and clearly distance them from each other To use more UGC and bloggers’ content To introduce in communication simple contests and activations that on the one hand would contribute to the brand, and on the other hand would communicate USP and result in loyalty growth 13

SLIDE VOLVO LANGUAGE Linguistic rubric that introduces users to Swedish language by various situations SLIDE VOLVO LANGUAGE Linguistic rubric that introduces users to Swedish language by various situations with Volvo cars. Words related to above-mentioned situations are given with transcription, making it easy to discover new words. 14

SLIDE POWER OF NOW Emotional posting, filled with memorable situations and motives to appreciate SLIDE POWER OF NOW Emotional posting, filled with memorable situations and motives to appreciate each day. We encourage users to share their moments and memories associated with Volvo. Posts focused on emotional involvement are strengthening the connection with the brand. 15

SLIDE POWER OF DETAILS We focus on details of our cars that distinguish Volvo SLIDE POWER OF DETAILS We focus on details of our cars that distinguish Volvo from other manufacturers and that are recognized at a glance. We demonstrate how Volvo treats with due care each element, and how important these elements are. 16

SLIDE VOLVO DESIGN Here we put emphasis on design of Volvo cars. The visual SLIDE VOLVO DESIGN Here we put emphasis on design of Volvo cars. The visual component of heading prevails over the text, causing users desire to be "in the picture". 17

SLIDE HERITAGE Posting of publications which are dedicated to significant retro-models of Volvo. It SLIDE HERITAGE Posting of publications which are dedicated to significant retro-models of Volvo. It works both in emotional and informative ways, telling Volvo-fans about specific historical facts. 18

SLIDE TECHNOLOGY + INNOVATION Review of technology used in Volvo cars, as well as SLIDE TECHNOLOGY + INNOVATION Review of technology used in Volvo cars, as well as the innovations introduced by the company. Topic allows to better acquaint users with our cars and show them all their possibilities. 19

SLIDE ACTIVATIONS VOLVO MOMENTS (UGC) It allows to include real users content in posting. SLIDE ACTIVATIONS VOLVO MOMENTS (UGC) It allows to include real users content in posting. Publication theme is in common with the author‘s. MADE IN SWEDEN Rubric, which will help us to enrich our theme groups, expanding it with stories about interesting things associated with Sweden (for example, a recent post on the Stockholm subway). 20 NEW We also suggest publishing from time to time information about credit programs and other beneficial terms, such as «Volvo Car Insurance» program. This rubric can be called Volvo-Info

SLIDE ACTIVATIONS QIUZ We will publish a series of posts with questions devoted to SLIDE ACTIVATIONS QIUZ We will publish a series of posts with questions devoted to knowledge of Volvo innovations and technologies. Clear regularity of posting is required (e. g. once a week), prizes are also needed to be given to those participants who managed to answer the largest number of correct questions. 21

SLIDE ACTIVATIONS QIUZ Давайте проверим, как хорошо вы знаете свой #VOLVO! Для этого мы SLIDE ACTIVATIONS QIUZ Давайте проверим, как хорошо вы знаете свой #VOLVO! Для этого мы приготовили 3 вопроса: 1. Как называется функция, которая автоматически отключает дальний свет при вождении ночью? 2. Что означает цифра 1959 на ремнях безопасности? 3. Какой режим наиболее подходит для динамичного вождения? Первые три человека, ответившие на все вопросы, получат призы от Volvo Cars! 22

SLIDE ACTIVATIONS VISUAL QIUZ Subscribers of our communities will be invited to guess Volvo SLIDE ACTIVATIONS VISUAL QIUZ Subscribers of our communities will be invited to guess Volvo models and technologies implemented in them by recognizable elements or parts of the photo. Publication series comes with pre-announced regularity, prizes also necessary. 23

SLIDE ACTIVATIONS VISUAL QIUZ Знакомый взгляд? Уверены, что вы сразу узнали этот #VOLVO. Пишите SLIDE ACTIVATIONS VISUAL QIUZ Знакомый взгляд? Уверены, что вы сразу узнали этот #VOLVO. Пишите ваши предположения в комментариях. Тот, кто даст правильный ответ быстрее остальных, получит приз от Volvo Cars! 24

SLIDE ACTIVATIONS PHOTO CONTEST We offer subscribers the topic and they send their photos, SLIDE ACTIVATIONS PHOTO CONTEST We offer subscribers the topic and they send their photos, which reveal the activation mood. For example, «Journey with Volvo» . Works are laid out in the comments to the competitive posts and on users' pages. The winners are those participants whose works will impress our panel of judges the most. 25

SLIDE ACTIVATIONS PHOTO CONTEST Незабываемыми путешествиями всегда хочется поделиться. Но рассказывать о них вдвойне SLIDE ACTIVATIONS PHOTO CONTEST Незабываемыми путешествиями всегда хочется поделиться. Но рассказывать о них вдвойне приятнее, когда для этого есть отличный повод — конкурс от #VOLVO: 1. Выложите фото вашего путешествия вместе с Volvo в комментариях; 2. Расскажите о вашем приключении: Одного-двух предложений вполне достаточно. 21 марта наше жюри отберет три наиболее впечатляющих работы и наградит победителей призами от Volvo Cars! 26

SLIDE ACTIVATIONS 360 QUIZ For Facebook we create 360 panorama in which users need SLIDE ACTIVATIONS 360 QUIZ For Facebook we create 360 panorama in which users need to find hidden objects, related to Volvo. For other social networks we propose video-based panoramas. If there are not many hidden objects, it will be is possible to ask users to take screenshots and share them in comments. If we decide to hide a large number of items, they can be simply listed in comments. The user, who finds the largest number of hidden items, wins. 27

SLIDE ACTIVATIONS 360 QUIZ Объявляем конкурс для самых наблюдательных! Принять участие просто: • Внимательно SLIDE ACTIVATIONS 360 QUIZ Объявляем конкурс для самых наблюдательных! Принять участие просто: • Внимательно осмотрите 360 -панораму, на которой мы спрятали много интересных предметов; • Перечислите их все в комментариях к этому посту. Первые три счастливчика, которые найдут все спрятанные предметы, получат призы от #Volvo Cars! 28

SLIDE ACTIVATIONS GIF LOTTERY We will create a complicated GIF that should be stopped SLIDE ACTIVATIONS GIF LOTTERY We will create a complicated GIF that should be stopped in the only correct point. For example, of all Volvo models twinkling pick a frame with three XC 90. Users make screenshots and share them in the comments. The winners are the first participants out of any number decided. 29

SLIDE ACTIVATIONS GIF LOTTERY Важные качества хорошего водителя — быстрая реакция и внимательность. Насколько SLIDE ACTIVATIONS GIF LOTTERY Важные качества хорошего водителя — быстрая реакция и внимательность. Насколько хорошо они развиты у вас? Давайте проверим! Мы подготовили конкурс, правило которого просты: 1. Остановите GIF-анимацию в тот самый момент, когда на картинке будут одновременно два #Volvo #XC 90; 2. Сделайте скриншот и опубликуйте его в комментариях к этому посту; 3. Подпишитесь на нашу группу, если еще не сделали этого. Первые пять человек, которые выложат скриншоты быстрее остальных, получат призы от Volvo Cars! 30

SLIDE UGC Небо необъятно, но иногда и оно может поместиться на капоте вашего Volvo. SLIDE UGC Небо необъятно, но иногда и оно может поместиться на капоте вашего Volvo. Спасибо, @JULIAKISAAA, за вдохновляющий кадр! 31

SLIDE Made in Sweden Знаете, почему этот воробей так смело сидит на капоте #VOLVO SLIDE Made in Sweden Знаете, почему этот воробей так смело сидит на капоте #VOLVO #V 90 Cross Country? Потому что в Швеции ему нечего бояться! По законам этой страны за нападение на воробья можно получить до 6 месяцев исправительных работ. Вот как трепетно шведы относятся к охране животных. 32

SLIDE Volvo Privilege Club Автомобиль — это только начало! Вступайте в Volvo Privilege Club SLIDE Volvo Privilege Club Автомобиль — это только начало! Вступайте в Volvo Privilege Club и ощутите индивидуальный подход, пользуясь эксклюзивными предложениями от партнеров, посещая уникальные мероприятия и получая выгодные условия от дилеров Volvo. https: //www. privilegeclub. ru/ 33

SLIDE BLOGGERS UGC-content shows the best results in terms of involvements. We propose to SLIDE BLOGGERS UGC-content shows the best results in terms of involvements. We propose to increase its use both quantitatively and qualitatively: make posts not only on the basis of bloggers’ and users’ photographs, but also based on their impressions of Volvo cars. Markovsky A. - Automotive, watch and travel photographer. https: //www. instagram. com/markovsky/ - 109 K Subscribers, Images – about 2, 5 K likes, Videos – about 12 K likes. Option: auto trip on Volvo car, supported by Markovsky media. 34

Buzz & response Buzz & response

SLIDE USER PERCEPTION DYNAMICS 2000 Business-sedan Volvo S 90 will be in Russia in SLIDE USER PERCEPTION DYNAMICS 2000 Business-sedan Volvo S 90 will be in Russia in 2017 Photos of new Volvo S 90 L and render of Volvo S 90 CC New XC 60 test photos 36 6000 1800 5000 1600 1400 4000 1200 1000 Users discussed frequent cases of stealing Volvo cars 3000 800 2000 600 400 200 125 91 160 173 249 245 197 47 47 68 156 1000 157 38 48 0 June July August Positive September Negative October Total mentions November December 0

SLIDE 2016 RESPONDING SUMMARY Responding points 4% of buzz 0, 5% of buzz 376 SLIDE 2016 RESPONDING SUMMARY Responding points 4% of buzz 0, 5% of buzz 376 Potential Actually chosen 323 53 11 0, 4% of buzz Responded 42 Out of potential 376 reaction points found during the active 2016 period, only 53 very chosen for the responses to be given and overall due to various reasons, only 42 were actually responded, which is merely 11% of the original plan. 323 37

SLIDE 2016 PLAN VS FACT TIER 1 2016 PLAN: TIER 2 TIER 3 Test-drive SLIDE 2016 PLAN VS FACT TIER 1 2016 PLAN: TIER 2 TIER 3 Test-drive / Purchase VK + FB + IG + YT + LJ Test-drive / Purchase (Tier 1 SM) + blogs + forums + etc (Tier 2) + operation + repair + etc All social web 376 reactions TIER 1 2016 FACT: Test-drive / Purchase VK + FB + IG + YT + LJ The actual responding was very limited compared to the original plan, as the Tier 2 and Tier 3 works were never authorized and thus implemented. 42 published 71 created 38

SLIDE 2017 PROPOSAL TIER 1 2017 PLAN: TIER 2 TIER 3 Test-drive / Purchase SLIDE 2017 PROPOSAL TIER 1 2017 PLAN: TIER 2 TIER 3 Test-drive / Purchase VK + FB + IG + YT + LJ Test-drive / Purchase (Tier 1 SM) + blogs + forums + etc (Tier 2) + operation + repair + etc All social web 0, 5% buzz 3% buzz 8% buzz 2400 reactions in 2017 Passing from a very limited responding to a complete one, already foreseen in 2016, will allow VOLVO to answer to up to 16 times more messages and users, covering a vast number of topics, with a total of around 2400 reactions throughout the year. This will increase customer satisfaction, loyalty and, eventually, potential sales / servicing in official dealerships and grow the positiveness of the buzz from 8% to up to 15%. 39

Join the THANK YOU ride! Join the THANK YOU ride!