LANDSCAPE DESIGN Пермь 2014 Выполнила: Варанкина Дарья гр. СПЛС 11 -12
LANDSCAPE DESIGN Arts organizations surrounding space by greenery and decorative elements is much older. The main task of the designers is to create at the site of the beautiful and comfortable space for living, in which architectural and natural forms complement each other.
COMPONENTS OF LANDSCAPE DESIGN Lawns, generated all sorts of herbs. Green spaces in the form of trees, shrubs and flowers. Various large decorative elements (lake, pond, stream, fountain, stone sculpture). Smaller artistic details (musical pendant lamp, candles, etc. )
GREEN SPACES Set of tree, shrub and herbaceous plants in a certain area.
SMALL ARCHITECTURAL FORMS In gardening art: architectural support structures, equipment and artistic decorative elements that have simple functions and composition of complementary architectural ensemble of buildings.
GAZEBO Easy architectural structure located usually in the garden or park with benches and a table designed for protection from rain and direct sunlight and serves for relaxation and conversation.
SCULPTURE Sculpture-sculpting, plastic the kind of fine works of art to have three-dimensional shape and are made of hard plastic material or
FOUNTAIN Natural or artificially created phenomenon consisting in fluid outflow pressure up or to the side
PERGOLA In horticulture - originally canopy of climbing plants to protect or pass from the sun terrace.
STREET FURNITURE Furniture products with a narrow seat, for several people, with seat height equal to or greater than its depth.
BIN Personal capacity for garbage collection. For exemption from garbage bin is turned upside down or pulled out of her metal or plastic liner or replacement package.
STAIRS Functional and structural element providing vertical connections. Ladder consists of a series of steps
STREET LIGHT Means of artificially increasing the optical sight on the street at night.
IAWN Lawn - artificial or natural turf cover, created by growing a variety of herbs, mainly perennial species of grasses.
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