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Landmarks Ukraine Church Christmas Blessed Mother of God
The Roman Catholic parish in Stry existed in 1396 r. , Its founder believe King Casimir the Great. Parish Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary was built in 1425, and survived many difficult and painful waves. These were for him, no doubt fire. The first, which destroyed the church and half of the city, broke out in the year 1604.
How to write Parish chronicle, through donations from wealthy burghers were rebuilt church already in the year 1640. He was greatly increased, and in the front of the tower is built of the same width as the church. In November 1827 a fire broke out second, which with extraordinary rapidity enveloped much of the city, along with the church and parson. Flared roof of the tower and the church, bells stopylys, and the largest broke and crashed.
But in reality the greatest and most tragic in the history of the shrine fire took place April 17, 1886. From the heat and fire tower collapsed church, all the interior was destroyed, the real wonder may be considered that survived the figure of Christ crucified, who was in the side altars. As the flames died as an image of the Nativity of Our Lady.
Restoration and completion of the temple, which were conducted by the pastor, Fr. Ludwik Ollendera, completed in 1891. Completed zahrestya new, greatly expanded the nave, and built a new tower which where installed 3 new bells and clock.
After the last major fire was set firm body "Gebruder Rieger", Op. 426. Prospect body wooden, carved, gilded with profiles and elements of ornament. Body ideal, both in height and width, fits in size piers in the choir and composed of two three-axis segments with a wide lumen, open the window of the western wall of the cathedral, where a stained glass window.
Church in Stryi is one of the most beautiful churches that did not remain closed after 1939 in the war on faith and religion, in which Mary continuously gave honor her faithful children. September 8, 1995 the church was declared a sanctuary of Our Lady Protectress human hope. 26. 01 Holy Father John Paul II, while in Ukraine the Apostolic visit, consecrated in Lviv crown Mother Striyskoy and 09. 01 Lviv Metropolitan Cardinal Marian Jaworski crowned this image. Now the parish is, except Stryj also Skole.