What is Land Pollution? ? Land pollution can be defined as acts occurring on an area resulting in color change and erosion. It is caused by waste in the form of liquid or solid.
How Land Pollution Made It? Garbage disposal and sewage uncontrolled one of the reasons that cause soil contamination occurs. There are two methods of disposal. The usual method of garbage filling method and combustion method. Both of these techniques can also be serious trouble for the environment.
In addition, the removal of toxic and nuclear waste will also be pollution is caused. When toxic waste and nuclear contaminates the soil surface, then it will result in decreased soil quality. This will impact large to humans and the environment. Furthermore, deforestation will also cause soil contamination occurs. Forest areas cleared for get the timber with a handsome profit. Deforestation will cause the soil structure to be loose. This is due to the absence of tree roots to grip the ground. Consequently, landslides will occur and would endanger the lives of people who live near the area.
What Impact? The spread of disease germs is one of the effects that would arise from the effects of soil contamination. Pest animals such as rats, cockroaches and flies are concentrated in the area and spread the infections. Industry wastes and spills result from the carrier to land damaged and less quality. Poor quality land causes the plants or vegetables that are grown life with imperfect and less fertile.
Soil erosion will also occur if soil contamination occurred. Erosion is one phenomenon that often occurs in the country. It is not only detrimental to the financial and economic terms, but also threaten the security and human life.
How to Solve? Environmental education is one method that can be implemented to overcome the problem of soil pollution. Environmental education can form a positive attitude towards the environment themselves. With the awareness on an individual, he will be aware of the importance of environmental quality are maintained.
In addition, awareness campaigns can also be done to reduce the environmental pollution. Media exposure time is also one of the ways that can be taken to address the issue of soil contamination. During this day, the mass media play an important role in shaping the thinking of all users. As such, with the availability of mass media exposure on environmental contamination issues, the public be very careful in dealing with pollution problems.
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