- Количество слайдов: 17
Land Camp 2015 Water Rights and Water Allocation April 13 -15, 2015 Menucha Retreat and Conference Center, Columbia Gorge, OR Water rights for land trusts in Washington State April 14, 2015 Duncan Greene with Kelley Beamer, Steven Shropshire, and Jacquelyn Wallace
WATER LAW FUNDAMENTALS ◘ Water as a natural resource • Public ownership • State allocates right to use water (“water right”) ◘ Riparian doctrine versus appropriation system • Eastern states: riparian doctrine • Western states: appropriation system
WASHINGTON STATE WATER LAW ◘ ◘ Now primarily based on appropriation Permit system adopted for new water rights Department of Ecology – regulatory agency Instream flow rules adopted by Ecology
NATURE OF WATER RIGHTS ◘ Use right – “usufruct” ◘ “Perfected” water right is real property interest ◘ Not absolute • Can be lost through non-use • “Relational” rights: § § To other rights Dependent on physical availability
“EXEMPT WELL” ISSUE ◘ Permit-exempt groundwater use (RCW 90. 44. 050) ◘ Generally, up to 5, 000 gpd – domestic, industrial uses ◘ No quantity cap for stockwatering ◘ Exempt use can establish water rights, but no application process or permit document.
TRUST WATER RIGHTS PROGRAM ◘ Provides mechanism to “hold” water rights for future uses without relinquishing ◘ For instream and out-of-stream uses ◘ Temporary or permanent ◘ Water right retains original priority date ◘ Used to implement Ecology’s Water Acquisition and Water Banking programs.
WATER RIGHTS DOCUMENTS ◘ Permit Process • Application – four-part test • Permit (“inchoate” water right) ◘ Certificate (“perfected” water right) ◘ Claims • Pre-1917 for surface water • Pre-1945 for groundwater
ATTRIBUTES OF A WATER RIGHT ◘ Priority Date ◘ Quantity • Annual Quantity (“Qa”) • Instantaneous Quantity (“Qi”) ◘ ◘ ◘ Place of Use Point of Withdrawal or Diversion Purpose of Use Season of Use Statute allows applicants to apply for change of some of these attributes.
WATER RIGHTS APPURTENANCY ◘ Perfected rights are appurtenant to land on which they are used ◘ Water right certificates specify authorized “place of use” ◘ Some tricky ownership questions may arise
WATER RIGHTS TRANSACTIONS ◘ General rule: perfected water rights conveyed with the appurtenant land unless expressly reserved ◘ Title insurance generally not available ◘ Stand-alone water rights transactions • Private transaction • Administrative regulatory approval for change (Ecology)
WATER RIGHTS DUE DILIGENCE ◘ ◘ Title report on appurtenant land Ecology files Actual historical use (objective/subjective sources) Other review, depending on circumstances
VALUATION AND APPRAISALS ◘ Valuation methods • • Sales comparison Land price differential Income capitalization Replacement cost ◘ Appraisals • Formal appraisals can be costly • Typically not used in private transactions • Informal consultant opinion as alternative
ORTING VALLEY FARMS PROJECT ◘ The property: • • Former dairy farm 10 parcels, 100 acres Divided by rural highway Multiple overlapping water rights ◘ The situation: • Recent death of farmer • No continued farming by the family • Sale by widow (and possible development) imminent ◘ The project: • Partnership between PCC Farmland Trust and Pierce County • Conservation easements • Three new farmers
Orting Parcels
Orting Water Rights
For more information: Duncan Greene 206 -623 -9372 DMG@vnf. com Graphic credit (slide 9): Washington Rivers Conservancy, Landowner's Guide to Washington Water Rights, 2 nd Ed. (2009)