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Web Usability for Diverse Audience and Culture Avinanta Tarigan Workshop On : Pemberdayaan Web Untuk Meningkatkan Kerjasama Internasional Menuju World Class University Dec, 11 th- 12 th 2009 GUNADARMA UNIVERSITY
Background Web = Branding Web = Marketing Web = Academic Services Web = Distribution of Information Web = Academic Atmosphere in Space of Cyber Internationalization. vs. Localization
Hal Penting Konten Informasi yang relevan dan organisasinya Frekwensi update dan alert Usability Kemudahaan navigasi Kemudahan dalam menemukan informasi yang dicari Penampilan Familiaritas Kontras vs Uniform, Highlight & Navigasi
Organisasi Informasi Arsitektur organisasi informasi vs Struktur Organisasi Contoh Organisasi Informasi: Prospective Students, Staffs & Students, Parents, Other Akademik dan Perkuliahan, Fakultas dan Program Studi, Penelitian dan Kerjasama, Pengabdian Masyarakat Latest News, Media Coverage, Campuss & Infrastructure, Achievements
Pengkinian Informasi Frekwensi Update menentukan posisi pada Layout Visi Misi. vs. Publikasi. v. s. University News. vs. Staff Blog Perlunya Information pool center One stop service untuk mengetahui hal-hal yang terkini dari seluruh domain (News, Blog, Pengumuman, dll) Moderasi. vs. Tidak Dimoderasi
Web Usability Kualitas “user experience” ketika berinteraksi dengan Web. Site Web Usability yang baik antara lain : Mudah untuk dipelajari Efisien dalam mencari atau menemukan informasi Navigasi dan Struktur Informasi Mudah diingat Sedikit kesalahan Kepuasan subyektif yang tinggi Look and Feel Localization (tidak saya terjemahkan sbg Lokalisasi)
Usability Guidelines Simple and natural dialogue Speak the users’ language Minimize the users’ memory load Consistency Visual look Command semantics Conceptual model
Usability Guidelines (cont) Feedback Clearly marked exits Shortcuts Good error messages Prevent errors Help and documentation
Things To Avoid Slow downloads Can’t find what I want or what I find is outdated Poor graphic design and layout Hard to navigate Gratuitous use of “bells and whistles” Inappropriate tone Designer-centeredness Lack of attention to detail
Design Web & Kultur / Budaya Web didisain agar dapat dibaca dan dirasakan lebih familiar oleh orang dari bangsa / kultur tertentu Culture Dimension (Hofstede) Power Distance: degree of equality, or inequality, between people in the country's society Collectivism-Individualism: degree the society reinforces individual or collective, achievement and interpersonal relationships Masculinity-femininity: The traditional masculine work role model of male achievement, control, and power. Uncertainty Avoidance: level of tolerance for uncertainty and ambiguity within the society - i. e. unstructured situations.
Indonesia Menurut Hofstede
Culture vs. UI : Power Distance, 1/2 Metaphors Mental Models High: Institutions, buildings with clear hierarchy: schools, government, monuments, etc. Low: Institutions, buildings with equality, options: Summerhill, play/games, public spaces, etc. High: Reference data with no relevancy ranking Low: Less structured data with relevancy Navigation High: Restricted access, choices; authentication; passwords Low: Open access, multiple options, sharable paths
Culture vs. UI: Power Distance, 2/2 Interaction High: Severe error messages: “Entry Forbidden, ” “You are wrong; ” wizards or guides lead usage Low: Supportive error messages, cue cards Appearance High: Images of leaders, nations; official music, anthems; formal speech Low: Images of people, daily activities; popular music; informal speech
Culture vs. UI: Individualism vs. Collectivism, 1/2 Metaphors Mental Models Individualist: Action-oriented, tools Collectivist: Relationship-oriented Individualist: Product- or task-oriented Collectivist: Role-oriented Navigation Individualist: Individual paths; popular choices, celebrity choices; stable across roles; customizable Collectivist: Group-oriented, official choices; changes per role
Culture vs. UI: Individualism vs. Collectivism, 2/2 Interaction Individualist: Keyword searches; active-oriented; multiple devices; customizable; Collectivist: Limited, official devices; role driven Appearance Individualist: Images of products, people; low context; hyperbolic, dynamic speech; market-driven topics, imagery, language; customizable; direct, active verbs Collectivist: Images of groups, organizations; images of roles; high context; official, static terminology; institution-driven topics, imagery, language; passive verbs
Power Distance vs. Individualism-Collectivism Individual • USA • Italy • France • Germany • Finland • South Africa Individualism Index • Israel • Japan • Brazil • Mexico • Korea • Singapore • Costa Rica Low Power Distance Index High Collective
Universiti Utara Malaysia
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
Culture vs. UI: Uncertainty Avoidance, 1/2 Metaphors High: Familiar, clear references to daily life; representation Low: Novel, unusual references; abstraction Mental Models High: Simple, clear articulation; limited choices; binary logic Low: Tolerance for ambiguousness, complexity; fuzzy logic Navigation High: Limited options; simple, limited controls Low: Multiple options; varying, complex controls
Culture vs. UI: Uncertainty Avoidance, 2/2 Interaction High: Precise, complete, detailed input and feedback of status Low: General, limited, or ambiguous input and feedback of status Appearance High: Simple, clear, consistent imagery, terminology, sounds; highly redundant coding Low: Varied, ambiguous, less consistent imagery, terminology, sounds
Sabena: Limited Choices
British Airways: Many Choices
Culture vs. UI: Masculinity vs. Femininity, 1/2 Metaphors Masculine: Sports-oriented; competition-oriented; workoriented Feminine: Shopping carts; family-oriented Mental Models Masculine: Work/business structures; high-level, “executive views; ” goal-oriented Feminine: Social structures; detailed views; relationshiporiented Navigation Masculine: Limited choices, synchronic Feminine: Multiple choices; multi-tasking, polychronic
Culture vs. UI: Masculinity vs. Femininity, 2/2 Interaction Masculine: Game-oriented; mastery-oriented; individual -oriented Feminine: Practical, function-oriented; co-operationoriented; team oriented Appearance Masculine: “Masculine” colors, shapes, sounds Feminine: “Feminine” colors, shapes, sounds; acceptance of cuteness
Power Distance vs. Masculinity • Japan Masculine • Austria • Italy • South Africa • USA • Singapore • South Korea Masculinity Index • Finland Feminine • Norway • Sweden Low Power Distance Index High
Excite: For Japanese Men: Cars/Stock Information
Japanese Excite for Women: Pale Colors and Recipe
Swedish Excite Interface: No Special Website for Women
Penutup Organisasi Informasi yang baik dan Usability yang tinggi menuntun user untuk : Apa yang kita inginkan agar user mengetahui → tercapai Cepat dan tepat mencari informasi Puas, ingat, dan ingin kembali Bahasa dan Kultur mempengaruhi bagaimana sebaiknya desain web dibuat Web yang universal seharusnya dapat mengakomodir semua pengaruh kultur dan budaya, tidak hanya bahasa