La. Te. X – A document preparation system
Advantages • Professionally crafted layouts are available, which make a document really look as if “printed. ” • The typesetting of mathematical formulae is supported in a convenient way. • Users only need to learn a few easy-to-understand commands that specify the logical structure of a document. They almost never need to tinker with the actual layout of the document. • Even complex structures such as footnotes, references, table of contents, and bibliographies can be generated easily. • Free add-on packages exist for many typographical tasks not directly supported by basic LATEX. For example, packages are available to include Post. Script graphics or to typeset bibliographies conforming to exact standards. Many of these add-on packages are described in The LATEX Companion [3]. • LATEX encourages authors to write well-structured texts, because this is how LATEX works—by specifying structure. • TEX, the formatting engine of LATEX 2", is highly portable and free. Therefore the system runs on almost any hardware platform available.
Disadvantages • LATEX does not work well for people who have sold their souls. . . • Although some parameters can be adjusted within a predefined document layout, the design of a whole new layout is difficult and takes a lot of time. • It is very hard to write unstructured and disorganized documents. • Your hamster might, despite some encouraging first steps, never be able to fully grasp the concept of Logical Markup.
Installation • Pdf • Ghostscript - для работы с Post. Script • Gsview - тоже • Mik. Te. X : Mik. Te. X - package manager – packages – cyrilic; Mik. Te. X - package manager – languages – russian; General – Refresh – Update; • Editor: Win. Edt, Texniccenter, Te. Xmaker etc. Dictionary!
Набор простого текста Неразрывный пробел:
Тире и кавычки
Начертания и др.
Размер шрифта
Выделение текста
Структура документа
Список литературы
Ссылку можно поставить на что угодно
Общие сведения
Еще символы В La. Te. Xe можно набрать практически любой символ!
Функции Следующие функции отличаются в русском варианте:
Еще индексы
Дроби и радикалы
Цепные дроби
Скобки Left и right должны быть в паре!
Несколько тонкостей неверно
Формулы на несколько строк
Формулы на несколько строк
Простая таблица
Несколько колонок