KYUSHU UNIVERSITY The Current State of Electronic Voting In Korea and Japan Asiacrypt 2003 Rump Session SAKURAI LABORATORY Kyushu Univ. JAPAN Yong-Sork HER, Kouichi SAKURAI 1/11 SAKURAI LABORATORY
KYUSHU UNIVERSITY The latest voting ratio < A general election> Korea Japan Date : April 13, 2000 Date : Nov. 9, 2002 SAKURAI LABORATORY Voting ratio 57. 2 % 2/11 Voting ratio 59. 86 % SAKURAI LABORATORY
KYUSHU UNIVERSITY Electronic-Voting n To prevent the losses by the conventional voting system n Using Network and cryptography techniques n Automatic and fast voting procedure SAKURAI LABORATORY n Untill it is realized the home–voting, Convenient place-voting…. 3/11 SAKURAI LABORATORY
KYUSHU UNIVERSITY Korea The Automatic Counting - In the Presidential-Election of Korea < Dec. , 19, 2002> -Reduction of counting time for SAKURAI LABORATORY opening ballot From The Chosun Ilbo 4/11 SAKURAI LABORATORY
KYUSHU UNIVERSITY Japan • Okayama on 23, June (2002) • Niimi city : A mayoral and a municipal election • General voter SAKURAI LABORATORY • Absentee voter 5/11 • Touch panel method like ATM (Automated-teller Machine) of BANK. SAKURAI LABORATORY
KYUSHU UNIVERSITY Japan election law in Okayama election u Necessity - Japan election law : If an absentee voter died or the loss of the right of casting the ballot before Election Day, the ballot becomes an invalid ballot. News SAKURAI LABORATORY u An Amendment of Japan’s election law (4. June, 2003) Although an absentee voter died before election day, the ballot is a valid ballot. 6/11 SAKURAI LABORATORY
KYUSHU UNIVERSITY E-voting procedure Receive IC-card Inputs the IC card in voting terminal SAKURAI LABORATORY Authentication 7/11 Store the contents of voter Voting SAKURAI LABORATORY
KYUSHU UNIVERSITY Analysis of Japan‘s e-voting Items The existed voting The electronic Voting 1994 (Paper-voting) 2002 Voting officer (43 -voting place) 180 -person 178 -person Counting officer 85 -person 58 -person 13 -person Admission member (入会人) Counting time -Major -Councilman Invalid ballots -Major -Councilman 3 hours 25 SAKURAI LABORATORY minutes 25 minutes 242 214 0 0 Voting ratio 92. 06 % 86. 82 % Election costs 8/11 4 hours 25 minutes 11, 630, 000 16, 460, 000 SAKURAI LABORATORY
KYUSHU UNIVERSITY Analysis of Japan ‘s e-voting (Cont. ) Candidate Group The ratio of votes obtained E-voting < General voter> Existing voting Candidate 1 78. 4 % 69. 6 % Candidate 2 9% 11. 5 % Candidate 3 Candidate 4 Total 9/11 5% SAKURAI LABORATORY 13. 3 % 7. 6 % 100% <14, 966 persons> 5. 6 % 100 % <1719 persons> SAKURAI LABORATORY
KYUSHU UNIVERSITY Comparison of Korea and Japan In real election Reservation Voting Counting KOREA Paper Voting SAKURAI LABORATORY JAPAN Paper Voting 10/11 E-voting SAKURAI LABORATORY
KYUSHU UNIVERSITY Conclusion The E-voting will be realized in the future. I SAKURAI LABORATORY think 11/11 SAKURAI LABORATORY