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INTRODUCTION “Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. It has the power to unite people in a way that little else can. Sport can awaken hope where there was previously only despair. ” (Nelson Mandela, Laureus World Sports Awards Ceremony 2000) 02
BACKGROUND TO INDABA • Sport and Recreation South Africa together with priority sports federations and a plethora of significant role-players in the sector resolved at the Strategic Planning Workshop held on the 10 – 12 January 2011 to hold a National Sport and Recreation Indaba that will be all inclusive and all encompassing. • It was further resolved that the National Sport and Recreation Indaba should be preceded by Provincial Izindaba (to be simultaneously hosted in all 9 provinces) and predicated on the widest and broadest possible consultation, robust engagement, and a brutally frank exchange of ideas with the people and structures at grass-root level. 03
BACKGROUND TO INDABA • At this strategic planning session and under the leadership of the Minister of Sport and Recreation, Mr Fikile Mbalula, the updated White Paper on Sport and Recreation and Road Map outlining priority areas was adopted. • These documents will form the basis for the development of government’s first ever National Sport and Recreation Plan nurturing a vibrant sport system that encourages growth and development and supports South Africans to be world-beaters. 03
BACKGROUND TO INDABA • Government is committed to fundamentally change the status quo of skewed representation, and ensure that South Africa has national teams and the amenities which are a true reflection of our demographics. • We need to engage our stakeholders widely to ensure that we able to provide a refreshing perspective and new impetus to transformation. • Change has to take place from the ground up and that means that it has to start at school level. • We need a review of transformation policies that deal directly with issues of equity, equality, excellence, access, organisational culture and good corporate governance. 03
BACKGROUND TO INDABA • At this indaba we hope to formalise input into the Provincial Sports Policy which will inform the national sports plan to guide South African sport and to streamline implementation towards common objectives. • The draft national sports plan will be discussed at the Provincial Izindaba. Feedback from the public (website) and the provincial izindaba will be evaluated and the national sport plan will be updated accordingly by Sport and Recreation South Africa. 03
NATIONAL SPORT & RECREATION PLAN • The National Sport and Recreation Plan will outline the implementation plan for the policy framework for sport and recreation as captured in the White Paper. • In other words the White Paper will determine the “what” and the National Sports Plan the “how”. • Worldwide sport strategies are focused on increasing levels of participation in sport and recreation, as well as achieving success in high-profile sports. • The National Sport and Recreation Plan will focus on these two internationally recognised pillars for any successful sport system as well as the enablers required. 03
WHITE PAPER ON SPORT • The first White Paper on sport and recreation was released in 1996. The White Paper was the first official policy on sport and recreation since the establishment of the National Ministry on 1 July 1994. • Five years later the Department of Sport & Recreation released an updated White Paper. 03
WHITE PAPER ON SPORT • In 2003 Cabinet approved a Ministerial Task Team report on the rationalization of South African sport with a reduction of seven umbrella bodies to two: Ø A fully fledged Department of Sport and Recreation to deal with mass participation and, Ø A non-governmental sports organization (SASCOC) to assume the coordinating responsibility for high performance sport. • 03
SOCIAL & ECONOMIC IMPACT OF SPORT • There is ample evidence that sport and recreation have enormous social and economic values to a country. • The actual impact thereof is largely the result of the quality of the overall sport systems put in place by Government (at all levels) and the private sector. • For every rand invested in sport there are multiple social benefits such as long-term health benefits, stronger and more secure communities, social cohesion, crime reduction, psychological well-being, improved productivity and employment opportunities where participants benefit from developing and improving a variety of skills. • Sports programmes can also empower and promote the inclusion of marginalised groups. 03
SOCIAL & ECONOMIC IMPACT OF SPORT • In addition to the social benefits, sport is big business making substantial contributions to national, regional and local GDP. • After the successful hosting of the 2010 FIFA World Cup there has been increasing interest in the potential contribution of sport to inward investment and economic regeneration in communities, cities and regions. • Globally more and more policy makers realize that sport and recreation is more than fun and games. • It has proven abilities, among others, to bind us together as a nation (the 2010 FIFA World Cup serves as an example), to increase our sports tourism and contribute to peace and development, to increase social and economic values as well as to enhance healthy and fulfilling lives. 03
SOCIAL & ECONOMIC IMPACT OF SPORT • To fully benefit from and exploit the social and economic opportunities of sport it is essential to have an integrated sport system in place that is effectively coordinated, aligned, functional and performance oriented. • A Case for South African Sport is linked to the ability of the overall sport system to produce both social and economic value that is measurable. • The envisaged National Sport and Recreation Plan will pave the way for such a sport system. 03
KEY PILLARS FOR DISCUSSION & DEBATE • Transformation and Sport Development • Revival of School Sport • From Mass Mobilization and Recreation Programmes to Healthy Lifestyles • Sport Tourism and Funding • Institutional Mechanisms 03
TRANSFORMATION & DEVELOPMENT • Transformation in sport is a subject that has been debated and debated at length ever since we became a democracy. Imposing quotas was seen as a way to speed-up the process but this is clearly not working. • Change has to take place from the ground up and that means that it has to start at school level. • We need a review of transformation policies that deal directly with issues of equity, equality, excellence, access, organisational culture and good corporate governance. 03
TRANSFORMATION & DEVELOPMENT KEY FOCUS AREAS FOR DISCUSSION AND ADOPTION: • To achieve inclusiveness and consensus on what each federation or club's contribution is towards the realisation of equity, equality, excellence, access and good governance as embodied in the new draft transformation charter which would apply to all sports organisations. • To support the current review of the Transformation Charter by Sport and Recreation South Africa (SRSA), in consultation with sport federations and other key stakeholders in sport. Fast-tracking a transformation charter and delivery mechanisms for all sectors and role-players involved in sport and recreation. 03
TRANSFORMATION & DEVELOPMENT KEY FOCUS AREAS FOR DISCUSSION AND ADOPTION: • To find ways on how to establish close working relationships with sport federations and the subsequent support of their development and high performance programmes to ensure that identified talent is optimized in the pursuance of sporting excellence. • To put into place strategies for federation’s to formulate and adopt policies on selection of teams which are aligned to their national policies. This will ensure an effective transformation and development plan is in place, balancing the imperatives of merit and development. 03
TRANSFORMATION & DEVELOPMENT KEY FOCUS AREAS FOR DISCUSSION AND ADOPTION: • To have an integrated and sustainable club structure providing formal sport participation opportunities. A network of club structures integrated into provincial and national sport structures spanning urban and rural areas across the country forms the basis of sports provision in any sport system. • A human resource base empowered through the provision of accredited education and training. The sport and recreation sector can make an important contribution to the priority of human empowerment through the education and training of people 03
TRANSFORMATION & DEVELOPMENT KEY FOCUS AREAS FOR DISCUSSION AND ADOPTION: • To support and empower South African coaches. Coaching and the development of sporting skills are key elements in any successful sport system. • A formal structure to support and empower South African athletes. Given the enormous commitment required of any athlete to reach the top and their relatively short athletic careers, it is important to develop athletes holistically as well as allowing them the opportunity to have a platform to raise their wishes and concerns. An element such as life skills is for example one of the important areas of an athletes development. 03
TRANSFORMATION & DEVELOPMENT KEY FOCUS AREAS FOR DISCUSSION AND ADOPTION: • To empower volunteers to adequately support the South African sports system. Sport depends heavily on the commitment of thousands of volunteers. Volunteering can offer individuals the opportunity to become involved in an exciting sporting event, which may act as a starting point for ongoing community involvement. • To provide Federations with administrative and governance support through the medium of a Sports House. Scarce resources in South African sport can be better utilised when basic services are shared by various role-players. 03
REVIVAL OF SCHOOL SPORT • We have embarked on an intensive programme to revive the culture of school sport, especially in rural and township schools. • We are firm advocates of re-instating physical education in the school curriculum but we will need to put this on the agenda of our deliberations with the Department of Education. • The remodelled School Sport Mass Participation Programme is to be implemented in this financial year as a special intervention to revive school sport by dividing clusters of schools into school sport structures and leagues. 03
REVIVAL OF SCHOOL SPORT KEY FOCUS AREAS FOR DISCUSSION AND ADOPTION: • To review and adopt the school sport framework currently being developed by Sport and Recreation South Africa (SRSA). • To lobby civil society structures for support of the “Revive School Sport” Strategy. 03
REVIVAL OF SCHOOL SPORT KEY FOCUS AREAS FOR DISCUSSION AND ADOPTION: • To maximize sport and recreation in every school in South Africa. The benefits inherent to participating in school sport have not been fully capitalised upon after our democracy. The promotion of sport and physical education at schools plays an important role in creating motivation for, and commitment to life-long participation. Evidence exists that sport and physical activity can benefit education. Sport presents the child at school with life skills in a way unsurpassed by any other activity. 03
REVIVAL OF SCHOOL SPORT KEY FOCUS AREAS FOR DISCUSSION AND ADOPTION: • The delivery of effective school sport programmes will become the responsibility of sport federations and the department will begin to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of their delivery. • Place special emphasis on the formation of viable school sport code structures from school based through to national levels. Establishing ongoing leagues with special focus on specific codes thus ensuring that Wednesdays and Fridays become synonymous with learners engaged in meaningful play. • Educators will be empowered to deliver physical education and sport in schools. They will form the core of these school sport structures and this will firmly place the sustainability of this programme on the educator. 03
MASS MOBILISATION & RECREATION “Getting the nation to play” as the pervasive theme of the department’s Siyadlala Mass Participation Programme. Sport and recreation has a developmental role to play in our society. Social ills such as crime, alcohol and drug abuse, teenage pregnancies, women and child abuse and sexually transmitted diseases resulting from unsafe sex practices are prevalent in disadvantaged and poor communities. South Africa is on its way to overtaking America as the world's fattest nation. Almost half of South Africans over the age of 15 are overweight or obese, and medical researchers warn that the government may soon have to step in to manage the epidemic. 03
MASS MOBILISATION & RECREATION KEY FOCUS AREAS FOR DISCUSSION AND ADOPTION: • To find ways of how the mass participation and recreation programmes can reach broad sectors of populations, including marginalized groups, and affording them access to participation and a share in the wider sport community. Communities directly involved will benefit from a significantly enhanced quality of life. • To provide customised programmes to encourage participation in sport and recreation. To increase an interest in participating in sport and recreation creative opportunities need to be available to diverse segments of the population. 03
MASS MOBILISATION & RECREATION KEY FOCUS AREAS FOR DISCUSSION AND ADOPTION: • To improve the health and well-being of the nation by offering active recreation opportunities. Recreation is not just about fun and games, it plays a pivotal role in amongst other, improving the health and well being of an individual, creating livable communities and promoting social cohesion. In terms of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Article 24), all people have a basic human right to recreation activities. 03
MASS MOBILISATION & RECREATION KEY FOCUS AREAS FOR DISCUSSION AND ADOPTION: • To initiate and implement campaigns to promote participation in sport and recreation. A more dedicated effort is required from the corporate sector to understand appreciate the benefits of an active and healthier nation. We will need, therefore, specific initiatives to secure more involvement of the private sector in mass based sport and recreation activities. 03
SPORT TOURISM & FUNDING South Africa’s national sporting and tourism bodies have taken a major first step towards the formalisation of the sports tourism industry, as tangible steps are put in place to ensure the legacies of the 2010 FIFA World Cup are sustained for years to come. With South Africa’s global reputation as capable mega events hosts firmly established, South Africa will use its hosting of the IOC’s Session in Durban to continue to emphasise to the world’s sporting leaders South Africa’s considerable qualities as a potential host of world-class international sporting events. 03
SPORT TOURISM & FUNDING KEY FOCUS AREAS FOR DISCUSSION AND ADOPTION: • There is a need to position sport and mega-events in national tourism development strategies in order to maximize their potential as a driver of growth and development. Sport and tourism bring people together in many unimaginable ways and can play a major part as instruments of change. • The FIFA World Cup was a major boost for South Africa’s international reputation, but it is important to note that hosting ongoing sustainable events across all sporting codes in South Africa are equally important for us to drive future tourism and economic growth. 03
SPORT TOURISM & FUNDING KEY FOCUS AREAS FOR DISCUSSION AND ADOPTION: • To ensure that South African sport and recreation benefit from strategic International Relations. The world has become a global village hence the function of international relations is becoming more and more important. Multilateralism becomes critical because no country can prosper on its own, also in the field of sport and recreation. • Develop Bidding & Hosting Guidelines. • Draft a register of events available for bidding and evaluate feasibility of hosting, also considering the scope of sport tourism. 03
SPORT TOURISM & FUNDING KEY FOCUS AREAS FOR DISCUSSION AND ADOPTION: • Ensure the proper functioning of the Provincial Events Coordinating Committee (Cabinet) to render assistance to host successful international events in Kwa. Zulu-Natal. • Evaluate impact of sport tourism in Kwa. Zulu-Natal and identify initiatives to enhance impact. 03
SPORT TOURISM & FUNDING KEY FOCUS AREAS FOR DISCUSSION AND ADOPTION: • Ensure the proper functioning of the Provincial Events Coordinating Committee (Cabinet) to render assistance to host successful international events in Kwa. Zulu-Natal. • Evaluate impact of sport tourism in Kwa. Zulu-Natal and identify initiatives to enhance impact. 03
INSTITUTIONAL MECHANISMS KEY FOCUS AREAS FOR DISCUSSION AND ADOPTION: • To support the development of South African sport through the establishment of an Academy System. The academy system refers to a range of institutions in SA that will be part of a national unified approach with the main target of developing sporting talent at different levels. • To assist athletes to perform optimally through the provision of world class Scientific Support Services. Sports development and excellence in high performance sport requires an evidence-based, holistic and coordinated sport science and athlete support system. 03
INSTITUTIONAL MECHANISMS KEY FOCUS AREAS FOR DISCUSSION AND ADOPTION: • To look at strategies and different approaches we may use to provide and sustain infrastructure development. The department is engaging all stakeholders to try and look at better ways of re-sourcing the maintenance of the existing facilities and prepare our communities to assume responsibility for their sports fields. • To develop different strategies as to how facilities are utilized and how viable programmes can be implemented to sustain the communities. 03
INSTITUTIONAL MECHANISMS KEY FOCUS AREAS FOR DISCUSSION AND ADOPTION: • To put into place strategies for federations to implement competition strategies to allow for access to competitions by talented athletes at all levels of the development continuum, starting with competitions from school levels, tertiary, provincial, national, zonal, continental and international. • To establish District/Provincial Sport Councils to provide for the integrated development of South African sport at provincial and local levels. Clarify the role and function of the District/Provincial Sports Council as a watchdog body. 03
INSTITUTIONAL MECHANISMS KEY FOCUS AREAS FOR DISCUSSION AND ADOPTION: • Work closely with tertiary institutions in an effort to ensure that disadvantaged athletes can access their programmes thereby enjoying the benefits of scientific testing, medical screening, competition and nutritional support, high performance training and competitions. • Development of a Bursary System to retain talent in the province and provide opportunities for disadvantaged and talented athletes 03
INSTITUTIONAL MECHANISMS KEY FOCUS AREAS FOR DISCUSSION AND ADOPTION: • To expose athletes to national sporting events as part of their development programme. • To develop elite athletes by exposing them to international competitions. • To establish a Sports Information Centre that empowers South African sport and recreation. 03
INSTITUTIONAL MECHANISMS KEY FOCUS AREAS FOR DISCUSSION AND ADOPTION: FUNDING MECHANISMS: • Conduct audit of sources of funding for provincial sport & establish a Provincial Sport Funding Forum. • Develop a tool to monitor & evaluate ‘Return on Investment’. • Lobby for lotto increased allocation to sport & recreation. • Ring-fence funding for sport and recreation facilities in MIG and other funding resources. • Secure donor funding for sport and recreation development programmes 03
ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES CLARIFY ROLES OF: • • • 03 Tertiary Institutions School Sport Code Associations Sport Federations and Local Structures Military, Police and Correctional Services Provincial Government Departments District & Local Municipalities Academies Non-Government Organizations Sport Agencies Others (Identify)
CONCLUSION Let us embark on genuine and constructive debates and ‘fire chat’ conversations aimed in the altar of public discourse to be rigorously interrogated and subjected to public scrutiny. This is an opportunity for all of us to shape the future direction of South African Sport and create a platform from which all youth, irrespective of their background, can compete on an equal footing to ensure the long-term sustainability and benefits of sport for all communities. 03