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Advices for people who want to find a job.pptx

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Kuzmicheva Darya Advices for people who want to find a job Kuzmicheva Darya Advices for people who want to find a job

Find your place Previously decide for yourself some important questions: What kind of job Find your place Previously decide for yourself some important questions: What kind of job you want to find? What is the timetable you want? At what salary you expect? Will the work quality of your life for the better? And the main - Why do you need a job? The main objective.

Active job search Information It is necessary is the true secret of a successful Active job search Information It is necessary is the true secret of a successful job-search Gathering information on types of: jobs job openings prospective employers (and those employer’s hiring managers) Build, cultivate, and utilize your network of contacts. For the vast majority of job-seekers, a large and strong network of contacts — of people who know you and want to help you uncover job leads — results in more job opportunities. Networking — in person and online — is essential to your job-search success. Continually seek out new people to add to your network.

Building a relationship with your job search Be considerate If you’re reconnecting with an Building a relationship with your job search Be considerate If you’re reconnecting with an old friend or colleague, take the time to get through the catching-up phase before you blurt out your need. Be authentic In any job search or networking situation, being you—the real you—should be your goal. Be specific in your request Before you go off and reconnect with everyone you’ve ever known, get your act together and do a little homework.

Your CV From the Latin. Curriculum Vitae – career, way of life, etc. Another Your CV From the Latin. Curriculum Vitae – career, way of life, etc. Another name for a CV is a résumé Write Edit Revise your resume Your CV is still the most critical tool of a job-search Basic steps: 1 Start with creating/revising a resume that focuses on your key accomplishments, skills, experience, and education/training. 2 Once you have a top-notch resume, the key is tailoring it to each job, each employer — using keywords and phrases specific to the opportunity you seek.

How to write a successful CV Your resume should consist of: Personal details Normally How to write a successful CV Your resume should consist of: Personal details Normally these would be your name, address, date of birth (although with age discrimination laws now in force this isn't essential), telephone number and email.

 CV Name: Darya Kuzmicheva Date of birth: 28 Apr. 1995 Citizenship: Russian Federation CV Name: Darya Kuzmicheva Date of birth: 28 Apr. 1995 Citizenship: Russian Federation Address: 27 Gagarina street, Moscow Vacancy: radio presenter, information E-mail: kuzmichevadarya@bk. ru service correspondent, press-secretary, Knowledge of programs: copywriter, presenter TV Professional qualifications: q writing news items, information q organizational work q work with primary sources, q collection of materials for the Russian press, q work in the frame q conducting a live broadcast on radio Adobe In. Design CS 5 (layout brochures, models, newspaper strips), the Adobe Illustrator (development infographics, logos) Microsoft Office: Power. Point 2010, Publisher, 2010, Word 2010, Excel 2010, Sony Vegas Pro (working with video) Sound Forge (working with sound, editing, mixing) Education: 2012 -2016 Bachelor of Moscow State Pedagogical University (Moscow State Pedagogical University); Specialty: Journalism; Honours Certificate of completion of the course the young counselor School Member of the Russian Union of Journalists (2016) Work experience since 2013

Tips for job interview 1. First impressions count Greet your interviewer with a smile Tips for job interview 1. First impressions count Greet your interviewer with a smile and firm handshake. Give eye contact. 2. Be prepared Re-read your CV and the job advert just before the interview. 3. Don’t waffle Answer questions properly – even if you need a few moments’ silence to collect your thoughts. Anderson advises, “It’s better to say you need a minute to think about your answer rather than speak instantly and regret it afterwards. ” 4. Be positive Interviewers like to see someone who enjoys a challenge and is enthusiastic. 5. Remember your body language It is not what you say, but how you say it. Use your hands and lean forward when making a point. Many people cannot think and control their body language at the same time, which is why you need to prepare. 6. Remember your manners It is better to choose than to be chosen. Tell the interviewer why you are interested in the company and job opportunity. Ask them for a business card and follow it up by sending a “thank-you” e-mail or letter.

Good luck in your job search! Good luck in your job search!