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OBJECTIVES Identify the basic network media required to make a LAN connection. Identify the OBJECTIVES Identify the basic network media required to make a LAN connection. Identify the types of connections for intermediate and end device connections in a LAN. – Identify the pin out configurations for straight-through and crossover cables. - Identify the different cabling types, standards and ports used for WAN connections. - Define the role of device management connections when using Cisco equipment. Design an addressing scheme for an inter-network and assign ranges for hosts, network devices and the router interface. Compare and contrast the importance of network designs.

BASIC NETWORK MEDIA REQUIRED TO MAKE A LAN CONNECTION Select the appropriate hardware, including BASIC NETWORK MEDIA REQUIRED TO MAKE A LAN CONNECTION Select the appropriate hardware, including the cabling, to install several computers together in a LAN

SELECTING THE APPROPRIATE LAN DEVICE Routers §Act as the gateway, connecting LANs to other SELECTING THE APPROPRIATE LAN DEVICE Routers §Act as the gateway, connecting LANs to other networks §Primary devices used to interconnect networks §Each port on a router connects to different networks – therefore requires a different subnet! §Segments broadcast domains §Segments collision domains §Interconnect networks that use different technologies (LAN/WAN interfaces) §LAN – usually UTP cabling, can be fiber.

HUBS VS. SWITCHES Hubs – less expensive, used in a very small LAN where HUBS VS. SWITCHES Hubs – less expensive, used in a very small LAN where low throughput is OK Switches – segments collision domains, interconnects network segments, more expensive, but performance makes it cost effective.

DEVICE SELECTION FACTORS Planning ensures that all requirements and deployment options are considered. DEVICE SELECTION FACTORS Planning ensures that all requirements and deployment options are considered.

FACTORS TO CONSIDER WHEN CHOOSING A SWITCH Cost – determined by its capacity (# FACTORS TO CONSIDER WHEN CHOOSING A SWITCH Cost – determined by its capacity (# ports) and features (security, manageability, etc. ) Redundancy – how much do you need to adequately protect your network.

CHOOSING ROUTERS Same considerations as a switch + §Expandability – can buy fixed and CHOOSING ROUTERS Same considerations as a switch + §Expandability – can buy fixed and modular configurations. Modular provides expansion slots to increase flexibilty. §OS features – security, Qo. S, Vo. IP, Multiple layer 3 protocols, special services (NAT, DHCP, etc. ) §Very expensive…get what you want initially to help keep costs to a minimum.

KNOW THE CABLE TYPES Given a specific network connection, identify the type of cable KNOW THE CABLE TYPES Given a specific network connection, identify the type of cable required to make the connection

TYPES OF MEDIA UTP – 100 m Each type has advantages/disadvantages: Fiber Wireless Cable TYPES OF MEDIA UTP – 100 m Each type has advantages/disadvantages: Fiber Wireless Cable length, cost, bandwidth, ease of installation, susceptible to EMI/RFI Attenuation: the decrease in signal strength along an electrical or optical cable.

WHY IS FIBER BETTER THAN COPPER? Greater distance per cable run Limited susceptibility to WHY IS FIBER BETTER THAN COPPER? Greater distance per cable run Limited susceptibility to EMI/RFI Greater bandwidth potential

Be able to identify cable and know what it is used for: Straight thru Be able to identify cable and know what it is used for: Straight thru – connecting unlike devices on different layers Cross over – connecting like devices on same layer Rollover – console connection from PC to switch/router

LAN CONNECTIONS 2 types of UTP interfaces MDI (Media-dependent interface)– normal Ethernet pinout. Pins LAN CONNECTIONS 2 types of UTP interfaces MDI (Media-dependent interface)– normal Ethernet pinout. Pins 1 & 2 Tx, pins 3 & 6 Rx. Computers, servers, & routers all have MDI connections. MDIX (Media-dependent interface-crossover) – Swaps the Tx pairs internally which allows the end devices to be connected to a hub or switch with a straight-thru cable. These can be setup by automatic detection and negotiating of MDI/MDIX operation of the port OR by enabling the mechanism to electrically swap the Tx & Rx pairs.

IDENTIFYING CABLE - KNOW THIS! 10. 2. 2 Straight-thru – switch to router, PC IDENTIFYING CABLE - KNOW THIS! 10. 2. 2 Straight-thru – switch to router, PC to switch, PC to hub Crossover – switch to switch/hub, hub to hub, router to router, pc to pc, pc to router (NIC to Ethernet port)

WAN CONNECTIONS For V. 35 serial cables: § Uses DB 60, Winchester 15 pin, WAN CONNECTIONS For V. 35 serial cables: § Uses DB 60, Winchester 15 pin, and smart serial connectors

CONFIGURING A ROUTER OR SWITCH Uses a rollover cable to connect COM port to CONFIGURING A ROUTER OR SWITCH Uses a rollover cable to connect COM port to console interface on a router.

DESIGN AN ADDRESSING SCHEME FOR AN INTERNETWORK 1 st – KNOW the number of DESIGN AN ADDRESSING SCHEME FOR AN INTERNETWORK 1 st – KNOW the number of hosts you need on the network (pcs, printers, servers, ipphones, ip-camers, routers, switches, wireless access points, etc. ) – look at the future! Subnets? How many?

DESIGN AN ADDRESSING SCHEME FOR AN INTERNETWORK Calculate the address ranges for sub networks DESIGN AN ADDRESSING SCHEME FOR AN INTERNETWORK Calculate the address ranges for sub networks



IMPORTANCE OF NETWORK DESIGNS How many subnets? What kinds of cable? IMPORTANCE OF NETWORK DESIGNS How many subnets? What kinds of cable?

IMPORTANCE OF NETWORK DESIGNS Describe how to count the segments between router interfaces IMPORTANCE OF NETWORK DESIGNS Describe how to count the segments between router interfaces

VLSM – YOU ARE NOW READY TO LEARN IT! I will give some examples VLSM – YOU ARE NOW READY TO LEARN IT! I will give some examples on the board… be sure to write them down… and work as many as possible. You will have to use VLSM in your labs for this chapter. We will actually start designing IP addressing schemes, setting up the PC’s and routers, and making sure they all work The labs we do in this chapter CLOSELY emulate what you will have to do for your hands-on final. Just pay attention and you can do this… it is simply subnetting a subnet…. don’t make it over-complicated!

ONE MORE TO GO! Test – TBD… Online Test - discuss Study guide – ONE MORE TO GO! Test – TBD… Online Test - discuss Study guide – due on test day § Pg. 264 – Multiple choice (2 questions) § Pg. 266 -267 – Multiple Choice (3 questions) § Pg. 267 - Concept questions (2 questions) § Pg. 268 – Multiple Choice (3 questions) Labs – § 10 -1, 10 -2, 10 -3 (you HAVE to know how to set this up)