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Kosciuszko Bridge Project RFP Informational Meeting New York State Department of Transportation August 6, 2013
Agenda • • • Project Scope Technical Requirements Permits/Agency Coordination Public Outreach Design-Build Procurement General Contract Information Submission Requirements Evaluation and Selection Questions
Project Scope
Base Project Scope Design and Construction of: • New EB Main Span (Cable-Stayed) • New EB Brooklyn and Queens Approaches • New EB and WB Brooklyn Connector, including ramps • New EB and WB Queens Connector, including LIE Interchange ramps • New EB and WB Portion of Meeker Avenue Viaduct
Base Project Scope Preliminary Design of: • New WB Main Span (Cable-Stayed) • New WB Brooklyn and Queens Approaches
Base Project Scope Demolition and Removal of: • • • Existing Main Span Existing Brooklyn and Queens Approaches Existing Brooklyn Connector Existing Queens Connector Existing Portion of Meeker Avenue Viaduct Existing buildings in acquired ROW
Base Project Scope • Design, erection, maintenance and removal of temporary bridges – to maintain 6 lanes of BQE traffic throughout construction with no detours or diversion of traffic to local streets • Reconstruction and realignment of local streets within project limits • Relocation and/or protection of existing utilities
Base Project Scope • Design and construction of new bridge drainage system • Design and installation of new highway signage and pavement markings and local street pavement markings, signage and traffic signals • Design and installation of new bridge, local street and pedestrian lighting • Work Zone Traffic Control
Base Project Scope • Streetscaping improvements on reconstructed and realigned streets • Design and construction of retaining walls • Means and methods for handling and disposal of contaminated and hazardous materials
Base Project Scope • Construction of cap on portions of Laurel Hill Site – NYSDEC approved final design plans provided by the Department • Continued implementation of the NYSDEC approved monitoring plan for the Laurel Hill Site for the duration of the construction
Base Project Scope • Means and methods that minimize the number of construction truck trips on local streets by utilizing barge and/or rail to transport materials • Design, construction and removal of any temporary docking facilities required if barges are utilized to transport materials
Base Project plus Option Scope • Depending on price submitted versus available funds, the Department may elect to exercise an Option for the construction of the new WB Main Span • Due to fiscal constraints the construction of the new WB Approaches will be issued as a separate future contract
Base Project plus Option Scope • If the Department chooses to exercise the Option, the Project will include the Base Project Scope as well as the design and construction of the new WB Cable-Stayed Main Span (not including railing, joints, striping and pavement markings)
General Scope of Work • All other items of work necessary to complete the Project safely, on schedule, within the Lump Sum price proposed, and in compliance with the Contract Documents and meeting the commitments made in the 2009 Record of Decision (ROD)
Technical Requirements
Required Structure Type Main Span: Cable-Stayed
Required Structure Type Main Span – Cable-Stayed structure: • single tower structure • tower height limited to approx. 295 feet by FAA Determination (unless further study is completed)
Required Proposed Roadway • New structure shall be within the State’s acquired ROW • New roadway alignment shall meet Design Criteria provided in RFP Part 3 • New bikeway/walkway – 20’ wide
Required Proposed Roadway • Profile grades for the Brooklyn Approach, Main Span & Queens Approach shall not exceed the profile grades shown in the 40% Civil Plans • At the Brooklyn Connector, horizontal geometry for EB Mainline diverge to the EB C-D Roadway shall be designed as a major fork diverge
Required Proposed Roadway
Required Proposed Roadway • A 15’-0” minimum clear space shall be provided between EB and WB approach spans 15’
Required Proposed Roadway • A 15’-0” minimum clear zone shall be provided beyond the new structure, but within the acquired Permanent Easement (PE) PE 15’
Required Proposed Roadway • A 14’-6” minimum clearance shall be provided above any existing street below new structure
Required Proposed Roadway • EB and WB auxiliary lanes inclusive of median barrier shall be continuous and at length shown in the 40% Civil Plans
New Drainage System • All stormwater runoff from the bridges must be captured in a new drainage system and treated before being discharged to Newtown Creek • Draft Drainage Report and Amended Drainage Plan for local street drainage has been prepared by the Department and reviewed by NYCDEP
New Drainage System • New sewer pipe to be installed under the existing Rail Road tracks in Queens
New Drainage System
Contaminated Materials • Contaminated soil & groundwater throughout project limits • Historic use of properties over the past century • Mostly non-hazardous levels • Several more serious areas of concern
Contaminated Materials • Contaminated Materials Investigation Findings Report, April 1, 2011 (Includes Newtown Creek Sediment Sampling Data) • Draft Contaminant Management Plan (CMP), January 2013 • Draft Construction Health and Safety Plan (CHASP), January 2013
Contaminated Materials • Safety Protocols for handling & disposal of contaminants (federal & state regulations) • All plans will require approval from the appropriate regulatory agencies prior to start of work
Meeker Avenue Solvent Plume
Meeker Avenue Solvent Plume In the vicinity of the Meeker Avenue Solvent Plume • All piles shall be driven to a depth so that they are a minimum of 10 feet above the Raritan Clay Layer (Silty Clay) to avoid cross contamination below that Clay layer. • Piles penetrating the Raritan Clay Layer shall not be allowed unless the Design. Builder obtains approval from NYSDEC.
Underground Oil Spill
Underground Oil Spill • Exxon. Mobile Consent Order with NYSDEC. • Product recovery system consists of recovery wells, product collection, soil vapor recovery and treatment of contaminated groundwater • The oil layer varies in depth from 30 to 50 feet below grade. • The oil layer varies in thickness from 1 inch to 2. 5 feet
Underground Oil Spill In the vicinity of the Underground Oil Spill • All piles shall be driven to a depth so that they are a minimum of 10 feet above the Raritan Clay Layer (Silty Clay) to avoid cross contamination below that Clay layer. • Piles penetrating the Raritan Clay Layer shall not be allowed unless the Design. Builder obtains approval from NYSDEC.
Newtown Creek - Superfund Site
Newtown Creek - Superfund Site • The EPA placed Newtown Creek on the Federal Superfund National Priority List in September 2010 • EPA Remedial Investigation anticipated field work from March 2014 to February 2015 • EPA dredging contract anticipated to begin 2017 • Coordination with EPA required.
Laurel Hill Site
Laurel Hill Site • Laurel Hill Site is a NY State Class 2 Inactive Hazardous Waste Site • There is an existing sheet barrier wall along Newtown Creek intended to prevent movement of contaminated groundwater into the Creek
Laurel Hill Site • A groundwater treatment system and monitoring wells are located on the Parcels • The Contractor must construct asphalt caps on Parcels 1 A, 2 and 9 A per NYSDEC approved design plans before construction or staging activities can begin on these sites
Laurel Hill Site
Laurel Hill Site
Laurel Hill Site • Approved design plans, and site specific Site Management Plan (SMP) and HASP will be provided in the Final RFP • Cap must be maintained by the contractor throughout construction
Laurel Hill Site • The existing monitoring wells and groundwater treatment system must be protected and maintained throughout construction or relocated with NYSDEC approval • The existing barrier wall must be protected and maintained throughout construction
Laurel Hill Site • A monitoring program has been prepared to monitor the sheet barrier wall and the soil and groundwater movements on the site to establish a baseline • The Department will initiate the monitoring program prior to award of the Design-Build Contract and readings will be posted to the website
Laurel Hill Site • Based on readings taken during the RFP phase, the Department will establish allowable tolerances for the monitoring program • Upon award of the contract the Design-Builder shall take over responsibility for maintaining the monitoring and for continuing the readings
Laurel Hill Site • If the readings indicate that due to the contractor’s activities, the wall has been compromised and that groundwater from the site is moving through the wall into the Creek, it may be necessary to halt construction in the vicinity of the wall and remediate the wall until the work can be restarted at the site
Delivery of Materials • The ROD committed to limiting local truck traffic by bringing materials and equipment to the site by barge via Newtown Creek • Delivery of materials by rail is also feasible and can be discussed further with LIRR and New York & Atlantic Railway
Barge Delivery • Temporary platforms anticipated on both Brooklyn and Queens side of Newtown Creek to load/unload material, equipment, etc. • Dredging is NOT anticipated
Barge Delivery
Rail Delivery • An existing track siding may be available for loading and unloading of construction and demolition materials
Railroad Coordination • Existing tracks in Queens owned by LIRR and operated and maintained by NY&A • Freight only - No passenger trains
Railroad Coordination • Three Party Agreement between the Department, NY&A and the Design. Builder • Design-Builder responsible for payment to NY&A directly for flagging and track outages Note: This is a change to the Draft RFP
Railroad Coordination • Two Party Agreement between the Department and LIRR • Department will be responsible for payment to LIRR for review of Design. Builder’s designs that impact the tracks (i. e. pipe installation, bridge demolition, etc. ) Note: This is a change to the Draft RFP
Permits / Agency Coordination
Agency Permit Requirements The following environmental permits have been obtained by the Department based on the 40% design plans: • NYSDEC Tidal Wetlands Permit • NYSDEC Section 401 Water Quality Certification • NYSDEC SPDES General Permit for Construction Activities • NY-2 C Permit for Industrial Facility
Agency Permit Requirements The following environmental approvals have been obtained by the Department based on the 40% design plans: • NYSDOS Coastal Zone Consistency • NYCDCP Waterfront Revitalization Program Consistency
Agency Permit Requirements The following permit applications have been submitted by the Department based on the 40% design plans: • US Coast Guard Bridge Permit • US Army Corps of Engineers Nationwide Permit No. 15 – USCG Approved Bridges
Agency Permit Requirements The Department is coordinating with NYCDOT OCMC regarding lane closure permits for BQE and local streets. Draft permit stipulations are included in the Draft RFP. OCMC permit is pending.
Agency Permits • Design-Build Contractor responsible for any necessary permit modifications or obtaining additional permits or environmental approvals • Design-Build Contractor responsible for all permit renewals
Cultural Resource Requirements • Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with FHWA, NYSDOT and NYSHPO • Approved Archaeological Area of Potential Effect (APE) • Approved Construction Protection Plan (CPP) for Old Calvary Cemetery
Cultural Resource Requirements • Approved Archaeological Work Plan (AWP) - includes archaeological monitoring during construction on sensitive blocks by a qualified professional archaeologist • Design-Builder shall follow the requirements of the approved APE, AWP and CPP
Archaeological APE – Brooklyn
Archaeological APE - Queens
Utility Relocations Preliminary Utility Work Agreements have been executed between the Department and the following utilities based on the 40% utility plans: • Consolidated Edison • Empire City Subway LTD. /Verizon Comm. • RCN • Time Warner • Buckeye Partners, L. P.
Utility Relocations Draft Preliminary Utility Work Agreements have been submitted and are under review for the following utilities based on the 40% plans: • National Grid - Gas • NYCDEP – Sewer • NYCDEP – Water Main
Con Edison • Anticipated impacts to existing underground and overhead facilities in Brooklyn and Queens • Design-Builder responsible for either supporting, protecting and maintaining facilities or relocating facilities based on final agreement coordination between Design Builder and Consolidated Edison.
Con Edison shall be responsible for: • Installation and energizing of all overhead and underground conductors • Installation of all utility poles • Installation of all overhead electric equipment • Removal of all existing utility poles and overhead electrical equipment
Empire City Subway / Verizon • Existing facilities where impacts are anticipated (based on the 40% plans) shall be protected by the Design. Builder, or will be relocated by Verizon
RCN • Existing overhead facilities in Queens where impacts are anticipated (based on the 40% plans) shall be relocated by RCN prior to the start of construction as outlined in the Preliminary Utility Work Agreement • There are no existing facilities in Brooklyn
Time Warner • Existing overhead facilities in Queens where impacts are anticipated (based on the 40% plans) shall be relocated by Time Warner once the buildings within the project Right-of-Way are demolished as outlined in the Preliminary Utility Work Agreement • There are no existing facilities in Brooklyn
Buckeye Partners L. P. • Existing facilities in Varick Avenue and within the LIRR Right-of-Way to be supported and protected during construction • A Buckeye Partner Inspector is required to be on-site during any construction or demolition activities adjacent to their facilities
National Grid • Anticipated impacts to existing facilities in Brooklyn and Queens • It is anticipated that the project will require new gas main installations both within and outside the Project Limits which will also require the decommissioning of Governor #131 in Varick Avenue
National Grid • Work outside the Project Limits to be completed by National Grid by September 2013 • Staging of gas relocation work within the Project Limits must adhere to the stipulations included in the Preliminary Utility Work Agreement in order to decommission the Governor #131
NYCDEP - Sewer • Anticipated impacts to existing facilities in Brooklyn and Queens • Draft Drainage Report and Amended Drainage Plan for local street drainage has been prepared by the Department and reviewed by NYCDEP • Existing sewer under bridge in Brooklyn to be abandoned and outfall to Newtown Creek to be plugged
NYCDEP – Water Main • Anticipated impact to existing facilities in Brooklyn and Queens • Capacity of new water mains must support standpipe systems on new bridges. Water main networks were designed to remove “dead ends” and increased water main diameters as required
NYCDEP – Water Main • Relocation of existing fire hydrants must adhere to NYCDEP/FDNY requirements
Right-of-Way Acquisition Status All Right-of-Way acquisitions complete except as indicated below. Map and Anticipated Type of Property Owner Parcel Acquisition Number Sagres 9 LLC M 121 P 173 Acquisition Temporary Easement Date August 31, 2013
Right-of-Way Vacancy Status All property within ROW is vacant except: Tenant Anticipated Vacancy Date NYPD August 31, 2013 CCR Sheet Metal, Inc. August 31, 2013 Lanoves, Inc. August 31, 2013 Sunny Lumber Supply NY, Inc. To be determined Karp Associates, Inc. To be determined O’Connell Contracting August 31, 2013
Building Demolition - Brooklyn - PROPERTY STILL OCCUPIED
Building Demolition - Queens - PROPERTY STILL OCCUPIED
Public Outreach
Public Outreach • The Department shall provide a full -time Community Liaison for the Project • The Design-Builder shall provide support to the Department regarding public outreach, media relations, community meetings, project website, press releases and newsletters
Public Outreach • The Department will continue to coordinate with the project’s Stakeholders Advisory Committee (SAC), as it has done since 2002
DBE Workshop • Networking sessions for DBEs to present and discuss their credentials with the shortlisted teams • Supportive services presentation and workshop to provide information on financing, bonding, insurance, legal issues, bid preparation and other essential aspects of obtaining and retaining work on the contract
DBE Workshop • DBE certification workshop to assist M/WBEs obtain the DBE certification needed to work on federally funded transportation projects such as Kosciuszko Bridge construction • Development of a DBE Directory that includes over 650 firms that are approved DBEs under the NYS Unified Certification Program
DBE Workshop When: Thursday, August 15 th 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Where: Baruch College 1 Baruch Way (corner of East 24 th St. and Lexington Ave. ), Manhattan
Design-Build Procurement
Procurement Schedule Activity Final date for Proposers to submit Form C(S) Final RFP to Shortlisted Firms Proposal period one-on-one meetings with all Proposers, specific dates to be determined Final date for Proposers to submit ATC’s for review Final date for requests for changes to Proposer’s organization and personnel Final date for Department’s responses to ATCs submitted for review Final date for receipt of Proposer questions Issue date for Final Addendum and/or answers to Proposer questions Final Date for proposer to respond to conditional approval of ATCs Proposal Due Date Post Proposal meetings (if required) Selection of Best Value Execution of Contract and Notice to Proceed Date August 13, 2013 August 20 -21, 2013 to September 17 -18, 2013 September 25, 2013 October 9, 2013 September 30, 2013 October 8, 2013 October 16, 2013 October 23, 2013 to November 20, 2013 December, 2013 Late January, 2014
ATCs • Proposers may submit, on a confidential basis, proposed alternatives to the requirements of the Contract Documents for the Department’s pre-approval • The proposed end product of the alternative must be equal to or better than the end product of the Contract Documents and must meet the commitments made in the EIS, ROD and permits or the Design-Builder is responsible for obtaining revised approvals at their expense
One-On-One Meetings • Three (3) sets of meetings will be held (three meetings with each Proposer) • One-on-One Meetings will be recorded • Department reserves the right to disclose to all Proposers any issues raised during the meetings • Department will not disclose information pertaining to an individual Proposer’s technical concepts, proposal or ATCs
One-On-One Meetings • Preliminary Agenda provided by the Department. • Proposer may send the Department proposed additional agenda topics at least five (5) business days in advance of the meeting date. • The Department will advise the Proposer of the final agenda three (3) business days before the meeting. • Additional One-on-One Meetings may be held if required to review ATCs or if the Department believes it is warranted
One-On-One Meetings • Order of Shortlisted Teams • 1 st meeting – the order of teams determined by drawing names from a hat • Subsequent meetings – the order will rotate (1 st will become 4 th, 2 nd will become 1 st, 3 rd will become 2 nd and 4 th will become 3 rd)
One-On-One Meetings 1 st Meeting Agenda • • • Overall concept Horizontal and vertical alignments Lane configurations EIS requirements DB Team Issues / ATCs
One-On-One Meetings 2 nd Meeting Agenda: • • Environmental issues/remediation Legal Contract DB Team Issues / ATCs
One-On-One Meetings 3 rd Meeting Agenda: • • • Schedule Staging Material Delivery Visual Quality DB Team Issues / ATCs
General Contract Information
DBE Utilization The overall DBE participation goal for the Contract is 14% of the total Contract price
Project Labor Agreement (PLA) • The due diligence study to determine whethere will be a public benefit to implementation of a PLA is under review. • If a PLA is to be included, such agreement will be provided to the Proposers in the Final RFP or by Addendum.
Proposal Stipend Proposers will be eligible for payment of a Stipend if they submit Proposals that: • achieve a “pass” rating on all Pass/Fail Evaluation Factors; • meet or exceed the minimum qualifying quality-based evaluation thresholds as defined in the RFP (no unacceptable ratings on overall quality factors; • are competitive and reasonable; and • are not selected by the Department
Proposal Stipend Subject to the requirements and limitations set forth in the RFP, NYSDOT shall pay the Proposer a Stipend Amount equal to 50% of the Proposer’s total Qualified Costs, not to exceed $1 Million
Liquidated Damages The Design-Builder shall be subject to payment reductions for WZTC nonconformance for: • Each lane closure period on the BQE or ramps greater than the total number proposed in Form SCD • Each lane closure on Meeker Ave. and Vandervoort Ave greater than the total number proposed in Form SCD
Liquidated Damages The Design-Builder shall be subject to payment reductions for WZTC nonconformance if: • a lane closure on a local street extends beyond the hours permitted.
Liquidated Damages BASIC WORK ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL NON-PAYMENT Original Contract Amount Non-Payment Amount From More Than To and Including $0 $ 500, 000 $ 200 $ 500, 000 $ 2, 000 $ 400 $ 2, 000, 000 $ 500 $ 5, 000 $ 10, 000 $ 750 $ 10, 000 $ 20, 000 $ 1, 000 $ 20, 000 $ 50, 000 $ 3, 000 $ 50, 000 $250, 000 $ 5, 000 $250, 000 $500, 000 $10, 000 $500, 000 - $20, 000
Liquidated Damages If a lane closure on the BQE extends beyond the hours permitted, the Design-Builder shall pay liquidated damages: Liquidated Damage ($) Unit Violation $12, 000 Per 10 minute increment 1 minute < T <= 30 minutes $36, 000 Lump Sum 30 minutes < T <=1 hour $135, 000 Per Hour T > 1 hour T = time lane closure extends beyond permitted hours
Liquidated Damages Interim Completion is achieved once all traffic is permanently shifted onto the new bridge. The Interim Completion Milestone Date will be established based on the proposed duration provided by the successful Proposer in Form SCD. The Design-Builder shall pay liquidated damages in the amount of $60, 000 per day for failure to achieve Interim Completion by the Interim Completion Milestone Date
Early Completion Bonus An Early Completion Bonus will be paid in the amount of $60, 000 per day (25 days maximum) for the number of days the Interim Milestone is achieved before the Interim Completion Milestone Date as established by the duration provided by the successful Proposer in Form SCD.
Liquidated Damages The Project Completion Date will be established based on the proposed duration provided by the successful Proposer in Form SCD. The Design-Builder shall pay liquidated damages in the amount of $150, 000 per day for failure to achieve Project Completion by the Project Completion Date.
Early Completion Bonus An Early Completion Bonus will be paid in the amount of $150, 000 per day (25 days maximum) for the number of days the Project Completion is achieved before the Project Completion Date as established by the duration provided by the successful proposer in From SCD.
Security Related Information • Security Sensitive Information will be communicated separately to the Proposer’s Representative for Security Information • Proposer’s Representative must pass a background screening through Secure Worker Access Consortium (SWAC) before being accepted by the Department
Security Related Information • The issuance by the Department of any security sensitive Documents to a Proposer shall be subject to all Proposers executing and delivering a confidentiality agreement to the Department. Security sensitive information will not be released to any proposer until all proposers have submitted the confidentiality form. • Forms will be distributed today and are due by August 17 th.
Security Related Information • Proposer’s Representative shall contact the Department’s Designated Representative to obtain Security Related Requirements and Instructions to Proposers
Submission Requirements
Proposal Contents • Volume 1: Administrative Submittal • Volume 2: Technical Proposal for Base Project and Option • Volume 2 A: Proposal Components (Base Project) • Volume 2 B: Proposal Components (Option) • Volume 3: Price Proposal
Evaluation and Selection
Evaluation Criteria • Pass/Fail Factors - Legal - Financial - Administrative - DBE Compliance - Price Proposal
Evaluation Criteria • Quality Factors • Key Personnel • Technical Solutions • Management Approach • Schedule • Project Support • Price
Evaluation Ratings • Adjectival Rating Criteria to be used: - Exceptional - Good - Fair - Poor - Unacceptable (Evaluators may also use a “+” or “-” suffix to further differentiate the strengths or limitations within a quality rating)
Best Value Evaluation Procedure Establishment of Evaluation Teams • The Department will establish Evaluation Teams that will be responsible for rating the Proposer’s Proposals • Office of Contracts will be assigned to review the Pass/Fail Factors and Subfactors of the Administrative Proposals • Evaluation Teams will be assigned to review specific Quality Factors and subfactors of the Technical Proposals
Best Value Evaluation Procedure Establishment of the Selection Committee • The Department will establish a Selection Committee that is responsible for determining the overall quality rating of each Technical Proposal and for making a recommendation of the Best Value Proposal • The Selection Committee will not know the Design-Build Team (nor its members) associated with each Proposal or the proposal prices at this stage
Best Value Evaluation Procedure Evaluation of the Base Project Proposals • Each Evaluation Team will determine a Quality Rating for their assigned Quality Factor or Subfactor without knowledge of the Proposal prices • The Evaluation Teams will then present the Evaluations to the Selection Committee
Best Value Evaluation Procedure Determination of most Highly Ranked Base Project Proposal • The Selection Committee will review the evaluations and determine the overall Quality Rating of each Technical Proposal • The Selection Committee will then be informed of the price for each Proposal. • The Selection Committee will then identify the most highly ranked Base Project Proposal
Best Value Evaluation Procedure Evaluation of the Base Project plus the Option Proposals • The same procedures will be followed as for the evaluation of the Base Project • The Factors that are common to both the Base Project and the Base Project plus the Option will not be re-evaluated (Volume 2) • The following factors will be re-evaluated for the Base Project plus the Option (Volume 2 B) • Constructability Plan • Initial Phasing/Sequencing Plan • Initial Baseline Schedule and Form SCD
Best Value Evaluation Procedure Determination of most Highly Ranked Base Project Plus the Option Proposal • The Selection Committee will follow the same procedures as for the Base Project for the selection of the most highly ranked Base Project Plus the Option Proposal
Best Value Evaluation Procedure Determination of the Best Value Proposal • The Selection Committee will then compare the highest ranked Proposal from the Base Project Proposals and the highest ranked Proposal from the Base Project plus the Option Proposals and use their professional experience and judgment to determine which of the two provides the Best Value to the Department
Best Value Evaluation Procedure Presentation to the Selection Official • The Selection Committee will then present their recommendation of the Best Value Proposal to the Selection Official
Best Value Evaluation Procedure Selection of Best Value Proposal • The Selection Official will determine if the Selection Committee’s recommendation of overall Best Value Proposal should be adopted by the Department • Only after the Selection Committee’s recommendation receives the concurrence of the Selection Official will the name of the selected Design-Build Team be identified
Department’s Designated Rep. Peter Russell Office of Contracts Management NYSDOT 50 Wolf Road, 6 th Floor Albany, NY 12232 Peter. Russell@dot. ny. gov
Available Information Reference Documents and Engineering Data as listed in the RFP are located on the project website https: //www. dot. ny. gov/kbridge
Final RFP – Known Additions • Structural Steel shall be metalized or galvanized (not painted). • The Final RFP will identify the date when Map 31 (Karp Associates) will be vacated.
RFP - Question and Answers Question 1: Section 1. 6. 1 of the ITP states that August 23, 2013 is the final date for requests for changes to the Proposer’s organization and personnel. This conflicts with Section 1. 15 of the ITP which states that requests for changes must be made no later than 14 calendar days prior to the Proposal Due Date (currently, the Proposal Due Date is October 23, 2013). Please clarify, when is the deadline for requests for changes to the Proposer’s organization and personnel.
RFP - Question and Answers Answer 1: The deadline for submitting Form RFC as stated in Section 1. 15 is 14 calendar days prior to the Proposal Due Date. Section 1. 6. 1 will be corrected in the Final version of the RFP.
RFP - Question and Answers Question 2: ITP Appendix A, Section A 2. 1 states that Proposers are to provide a firm offer to NYSDOT for the period stated in ITP Section 2. 7. 1 of the ITP does not exist. Please clarify the length of the period noted in Section A 2. 1 of ITP Appendix A. Answer 2: The section referenced should be ITP 2. 9. 1. The reference will be corrected in the Final RFP.
RFP - Question and Answers Question 3: ITP Appendix B, Section B 5. 1. 1 states that the Proposer should include an executive summary of the Initial Baseline Project Schedule and references ITP Appendix B, Section B 3. 1. 2. ITP Appendix B, Section B 3. 1. 2 concerns Design Drawings and is not related to the Initial Baseline Project Schedule. Please provide the correct ITP reference that should be listed in ITP Appendix B, Section B 5. 1. 1. Answer 3: The section referenced should be B 5. 2. 1. The reference will be corrected in the Final RFP.
RFP - Question and Answers Question 4: Can the Directive and Indicative Plans included in Part 6 of the Draft RFP be provided to the Proposers in. dwg format (i. e. , Auto. Cad)? Answer 4: The indicative and directive drawings currently exist in microstation and can only be provided in that format.
RFP - Question and Answers Question 5: The NYSDOT has scheduled a DBE/MWBE Workshop for August 15, 2013. Can Proposers schedule their own outreach events, or do these efforts need to be coordinated with NYSDOT?
RFP - Question and Answers Answer 5: As stated in the ITP Section 1. 9, “The Proposer must demonstrate a proactive good faith to recruit DBE’s……” Though the planned DBE/MWBE Workshop scheduled by the Department is one vehicle proposers can use to recruit DBE’s, it is up to the Proposers to determine which additional outreach methods they will need to use to meet the DBE goals and “demonstrate a proactive good faith”. These efforts do not need to be coordinated through the Department.
RFP - Question and Answers Question 6: Please provide the as-built drawings for the following structures: The Brooklyn Connector to the Kosciuszko Bridge The Brooklyn Approach to the Kosciuszko Bridge The main span Kosciuszko Bridge The Queens Approach to the Kosciuszko Bridge The Queens Connector to the Kosciuszko Bridge We need to receive these drawings as soon as possible in order to start working on the demolition items while we are waiting for the design of the new structures.
RFP - Question and Answers Answer 6: The As-Built drawings will be supplied on a thumb drive to each of the shortlisted teams at the RFP informational meeting.
Hat Poll to determine order of teams for One-on-One Meetings
Kosciuszko Bridge Project RFP Informational Meeting New York State Department of Transportation August 6, 2013