Корея на английском языке koreya.ppt
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Korea Republic Korea (South Korea)
Republic Korea Respu blika Kore ja (Korean Tehanminguk) — the state in East Asia, located on the Korean peninsula. The informal name of the country widely used in a Russianspeaking press, — Ю жная Kore ja.
Korea is a geographical area, a civilization and the state which was once uniform, and now divided into North Korea and South Korea. Both Koreas are on the Korean peninsula in East Asia. In the northwest the Korean peninsula borders on China, in the northeast – with Russia, and through the sea passage located in the southeast, there is Japan.
n The republic Korea occupies a southern part of the Korean peninsula acting on 1100 kilometers from the basic part of Asia. From the West the peninsula is washed by Yellow sea, from the east — sea of Japan, and from the south — Korea strait and the East Chinese sea. A country total area — 99 617, 38 square kilometers. Landscape mainly mountain, plains occupy only 30 % of territory. At coast of an order of 3000 islands, mainly small and uninhabited. The largest island — Cheju. Climate monsoonal, summer hot and damp, winter rather cold and dry. The annual norm of deposits varies from 1370 millimeters in Seoul to 1470 millimeters in Pusan.
n Independence date - on August, 15 th 1945 (from Japan) Official language - Korean Capital - Seoul The largest city - Seoul The form of government - Presidential republic The president - Whether Maine the Tank The Prime minister - the Khan Son Su Territory: • Only 99 274 km ² • water table % – 0, 3 % (107 th in the world) the Population • All - 49 024 737 people (2007) • Density - 480 people / km ² (25 place in the world) Gross national product • Total $999, 369 billion (2008) • Per capita $20 582 (14 th in the world) Currency - South Korean there
Seoul – capital of Republic of Korea
Basis and development history The history of South Korea begins with the Soviet-American agreement in the end of summer of 1945 about division of spheres of influence into peninsula. Under this contract the part of Korea to the south of 38 parallels passed under jurisdiction of the USA, northern — under jurisdiction of Soviet Union. Since the basis South Korea has passed the big way in development совей economy and cultures. In 1960 th years the country was one of the poorest in region, and now is the developed industrial state. Since 1990 th years the Korean music, television serials and a cinema become more and more popular in other countries of the world.
Parliament of South Korea n In South Korea Unicameral National meeting (299 places). 243 deputies are selected on majority system with relative majority of votes in one-mandatory districts, 46 — under national party lists with a 5 percent protecting barrier. Term of deputy powers — 4 years. Parliamentary elections have started to be spent with 1950. To 1988 elections passed at essential restrictions of democratic freedom from South Korean presidents — Pak Chon Hi and, later, Chon Du Hvana. In 1988 have passed the first free parliamentary elections.
Administrative division South Korea is divided into 1 city of the special status (тхыкпёльси), 6 cities of direct submission ("cities-mother countries") with the status equal to provinces (кванъёкси) and 9 provinces those). They, in turn, share on a number of smaller formations including: a city (си), district (кун), district (ку), the big area (ып), settlement (мён), area (tone) and microdistrict (ри).
Natural resources n In South Korea coal, tungsten, graphite, molybdenum, lead is extracted. Earth use: arable lands: 21 % of a pasture: 1 % large forests: 65 % another: 13 % (1993, an estimation. ) n The irrigated earth: 13 350 km ² (1993, an estimation. )
Economy of South Korea Advantages: the world's largest судопроизводитель (45 %-s' share of the market). Stable budgetary proficiency since the Korean export prevailed over Japanese because of a high course of yen. Great demand in China on the Korean goods, especially cars. Weaknesses: High debts and sensitivity to the international movement of the capital. Since 1997 amplifying working-class movement. A strong competition from Japan.
industry In 1940 th years national economy leaned mainly against agriculture and light industry. Within next several decades the accent was displaced towards light industry and manufacture of consumer goods, and in 70 and 80 th years of the XX-th century — towards the heavy industry. Within 30 years after the president of the country Pak Chon Hi in 1962 declared the beginning The first five-years period, national economy grew very high rates, and the structure of economy has strongly changed.
religion The basic religions in South Korea — the traditional Buddhism and rather recently проникшее in the country Christianity. On both these currents strong influence has rendered Confucianism which was official ideology of a dynasty of Choson within 500 years, and also шаманизм which was the basic religion of the simple people of Korea. According to the statistics collected by the South Korean government in 2003 about 46 % of inhabitants of the country aren't adherents of any religion. Christians make 27, 3 % of the population, and Buddhists — 25, 3 %. Adherents of other religions make about 2, 5 % of the religious population. Basically it is followers of school Vonbulgyo, and school Chhondogyo combining elements of Daoism, Confucianism and Christianity. Confucianism confesses a small amount of believers, however till now in way of life of Koreans lines of its influence are traced. A small amount of Koreans practises Islam.
population settling Koreans make overwhelming majority of the population of the country (excepting small (100 thousand) the Chinese minority — especially those who has arrived to the country not from China, Hong Kong and Macao, that is from Japan, Malaysia, India and Philippines). It is a lot of workers from China, Philippines and Malaysia. In big cities, especially in Seoul the foreigners involved in sphere of business and formation work. There is an American military contingent number of 28 000 persons.
Корея на английском языке koreya.ppt