здоровый образ жизни.ppt
- Количество слайдов: 9
Конкурсная работа Работу выполнила: Ученица 8 класса «Г» Коханова Юлия Руководитель проекта: Учитель высшей категории Шкуратова Людмила Николаевна Пятигорск 2015
«Здоровье-великое дело как для того, кто им пользуется, так и для других» Кармиль Т. Цель моей работы- указать на то как важно беречь свое здоровье, а именно: правильно питаться, заниматься спортом, не употреблять алкоголь и наркотические вещества.
Life style I think that man's health depends on his style of life. It is a pleasure to look at a strong man and slim, nice woman. To look well you should follow some rules: don't smoke, don't take drugs, don't eat high-food, don't drink alcohol, eat more vegetables and fruits, sleep well, do sport, do exercises, take a rest in the open air.
I'm fifteen years old and the last two years do morning exercises. It gives me energy for a whole day. I think if you do simple exercises three or four days a week, you can feel better. The same way can add you dousing with cold water, it stimulates your health.
In my opinion, food is an essential part of our health. The food can give our body a lot of vitamins, minerals and energy. For example, we can get a lot of vitamins eating fruits and vegetables.
Many people think that good food is very important for a healthy life style. They eat salads, vegetables, fruits. But many people eat fast food, it's very dangerous for their health. Firstly, they eat a lot of crisps, chocolate, fast-food, hot-dogs and drink fizzy drinks. It’s very harmful for health.
Secondly, people think that food can relive stress, but it's false. Doing sports, communicating with relatives or friends, knitting, playing different games, drawing, singing or reading books would be much more useful.
At the end, I want to say that our life and health depends on us, all is in our hands, important thing is not to give up.
здоровый образ жизни.ppt