Скачать презентацию Kód ITMS projektu 26110130519 Gymnázium Pavla Jozefa Šafárika Скачать презентацию Kód ITMS projektu 26110130519 Gymnázium Pavla Jozefa Šafárika


  • Количество слайдов: 13

Kód ITMS projektu: 26110130519 Gymnázium Pavla Jozefa Šafárika – moderná škola tretieho tisícročia NAKUPOVANIE Kód ITMS projektu: 26110130519 Gymnázium Pavla Jozefa Šafárika – moderná škola tretieho tisícročia NAKUPOVANIE Vzdelávacia oblasť: Jazyk a komunikácia Predmet Anglický jazyk Ročník, triedy: 1. ročník Tematický celok: Nakupovanie Vypracoval: Mgr Štefan Hronec Dátum: (jún 2013)

OBSAH 1. Shopping 2. Ways of shopping 3. Shopping habits 4. In a shop OBSAH 1. Shopping 2. Ways of shopping 3. Shopping habits 4. In a shop 5. Are you a shopaholic 6. Making a complaint 7. Internet shopping 8. Advertisement 9. Discussion 10. Review 11. Zdroje 2

SHOPPING A retailer or shop is a business that presents a selection of goods SHOPPING A retailer or shop is a business that presents a selection of goods or services and offers to sell them to customers for money or other goods. Shopping is an activity in which a customer browses the available goods or services presented by one or more retailers with the intent to purchase a suitable selection of them. In some contexts it may be considered a leisure activity as well as an economic one. - Do you like shopping? How often do you go shopping? - Do advertisements influenced you? What do you like/dislike about advertising? 3

WAYS OF SHOPPING Look at the pictures of various ways of shopping. Compare them WAYS OF SHOPPING Look at the pictures of various ways of shopping. Compare them and give the pros and cons of each of them. Are you in favour of or against huge shopping centres popping up all over the country? Can small shops survive the current price war? 4

SHOPPING HABITS Teenage shopping habits are commonly stereotyped on television and in the media, SHOPPING HABITS Teenage shopping habits are commonly stereotyped on television and in the media, but not as often examined intensely. Every teen is thought to love shopping for clothes and spending money at the mall as frequently as possible, but is this actually true? Do teens actually enjoy shopping more than other age groups, or is this just a misconception? 1. How often do you think teenagers where you live spend time in malls? 2. How much depends on where you live? 5

IN A SHOP - You will hear a dialogue between shop assistant and costumer, IN A SHOP - You will hear a dialogue between shop assistant and costumer, than try to answer questions about this dialogue. - Form a short dialogue between Shop assistant and costumer from sentences betlow. Shop assistant What size are you? I’m sorry, we’ve sold out. We have a lot of them. Yes, of course. Here you are. Oh, it fits you perfectly. This one is 100% pure wole. Good morning, can I help you? It’s 100€, please. Sorry, cash only. Bye bye, come back again. Yes of course, try this one on. Would you like to see anything else? They’re near the cashier. But we have another color. Here you are. Yes, it suits you. Customer Ok, let me see that coat. Ok, I’ll try it on. Well…maybe a cardigan. Can I pay by credit card? Yes, I’m looking for a blue coat. Hum, I thing I’m size 52 I agree. Maybe one made of cotton? Where are the changing rooms? Can I try it on? I’ll take it then. How much is that? I don’t like it. Can I try a different one on? Ok, see you later. Oh… This cardigan is nice. 6

ARE YOU A SHOPAHOLIC? Shopaholics are individuals who can't control their spending. For those ARE YOU A SHOPAHOLIC? Shopaholics are individuals who can't control their spending. For those people, buying something is like a spring tonic - it makes them feel great. How do you know you're a shopaholic? Take this simple test. 7

MAKING A COMPLAINT What should you do if you have faulty goods? - Listen MAKING A COMPLAINT What should you do if you have faulty goods? - Listen to the conversation and give your oppinion. Simulation: You are a shop assistant in a large department store. A costumer who bought a Tv last month has come to complain that it doesn´t work. He wants you to change it right now. Ask him details about the product and what happened to it. Explain why exchanging the Tv is not possible. 8

INTERNET SHOPPING - Speak about advantages and disadvantages of internet shopping. Are you for INTERNET SHOPPING - Speak about advantages and disadvantages of internet shopping. Are you for or against internet shopping? Watch the video about consumer rights when buying things on the internet, than answer questions and discuss this topic. 9

ADVERTISEMENT Does advertising influence you in choosing a product or not? Look at the ADVERTISEMENT Does advertising influence you in choosing a product or not? Look at the adverts and describe them. Which of them do you find most interesting? Do you find some of the adverts sexist? Why? Writing Exercise: The city where you live is thinking about restricting advertising. They have asked students to respond to the following statement before they make their decision. There is too much advertising and it should be restricted by law. Write your composition using 180 -200 words. State wether you agree/disagree and give two reasons for your opinion. 10

DISCUSSION Here are some tips on how to save money when buying food. Look DISCUSSION Here are some tips on how to save money when buying food. Look at the following list, choose three tips which you think are the most important. Explain your choice. 1. Do not go shopping every day. 2. Make a shopping list. 3. Don´t go shopping when you are hungry. 4. Go alone. 5. Carefully check the item you want to buy. 6. Check the price carefully. 7. Keep all your recipes 11

REVIEW 1. Watch this video quiz about Westfild shopping center in London it will REVIEW 1. Watch this video quiz about Westfild shopping center in London it will help you to practice your listening skills and improve your vocabulary. 2. Reading exercise, christmas shopping. Use the words in the word box to complete the gaps than press „check to check your answers. 1. Video listening exercise – Spitafield Market. Watch this short movie and than answer questions below. 12

POUŽITÉ ZDROJE http: //teens. lovetoknow. com/Teenage_Shopping_Habits http: //www. 5 minuteenglish. com/feb 26. htm http: POUŽITÉ ZDROJE http: //teens. lovetoknow. com/Teenage_Shopping_Habits http: //www. 5 minuteenglish. com/feb 26. htm http: //www. ecenglish. com/learnenglish/lessons/shopping-english http: //www. cosmopolitan. co. uk/lifestyle/quiz-are-you-a-shopaholic http: //www. bbc. co. uk/worldservice/learningenglish/radio/specials/ 1331_howto_feedback/page 2. shtml http: //www. esolcourses. com/content/lifeintheuk/consumerrights/shopping-online/internet-shopping-listening. html http: //www. esolcourses. com/content/topics/christmas/intermediate -christmas-shopping-gap-fill. html http: //www. esolcourses. com/content/lifeintheuk/shopping/spitalfiel ds-market-quiz. html 13