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Kód ITMS projektu: 26110130519 Gymnázium Pavla Jozefa Šafárika – moderná škola tretieho tisícročia News Vzdelávacia oblasť: Jazyk a komunikácia Predmet Anglický jazyk Ročník, triedy: IV. OA Tematický celok: Novinky Vypracoval: Ing. Diana Matisová Dátum: 10. 2013
MASS MEDIA Communication is a process of sending and receiving information Mass media – brings news about what happened home and in the world, spread news quickly, provides education and entertainment
THE PRESS 1. NEWSPAPER – the daily press – important – informing its reader about the latest news in political, cultural and economic life sport reviews Popular section Some sad news – road accidents, robberies, murders Cultural achievements The hottest political issues Sport results Editorial at the front page advertisements Interviews with famous personalities
NEWSPAPER daylies newspaper delivery weeklies buy in news stand Newspaper Supplements are pages put inside the main newspapers Huge supplements – on Thursday or Friday – mixture of news and entertainment Small supplements – one topic as hobbies, job, housing, advertisements – taxes in the spring, universities in the autumn
NEWSPAPER BROADSHEETS - quality paper, large in size with few black and white pictures, text – serious, reliable and unemotional In Britain – The Times – the oldest existing newspaper – was founded in 1785, The Daily Telegraph, The Guardian
NEWSPAPER TABLOIDS - smaller in size, shorter texts with many coloured picture, large headlines, not very serious, gossips and sensational news, information – subjective In Britain – The Daily Mirror, The Sun
MAGAZINES Provide entertainment or information, women prefer clothes, men – technical devices -are published weekly, forthnightly, monthly, quarterly – can not supply fresh daily news - all magazine articles come with number of photographs 1. JOURNALS - limites number of readers are inetersted – doctors, engineers, economists – the latest development in their field – quicker than through the books
MAGAZINES 2. HOBBY MAGAZINES - for motorists, nature lovers, fishermen, sportsmen – gardening, fashion, crosswords, animals 3. CULTURAL MAGAZINES - for the lovers of theatre, museum, cinema
RADIO Is a powerful thing, it may broadcast 24 hours a day, during the day you can turn on radio when you are cooking, working, driving music advertisement reports interviews information
TELEVISION - provides enteratinment and education Public service station – much less advertising, in Britain BBC 1 – British Broadcasting Corporation (sport and current events), BBC 2 – documentaries, travel programmes, music, foreign films Commertional station – sponsored by an independent company, supperted by advertisers, less serious, news – sensational, exciting, full of action, in Britain – ITV, Channel 4 and Channel 5
INTERNET The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that serves several billion users worldwide. It is a network of networks that consists of millions of private, public, academic, business, and government networks, of local to global scope entertainment google Wiki E-mail E-books PC games radio latest news facebook Newspaper and magazines films education TV
ADVANTAGES AND DISADVATAGES Try to think of advantages and disadvantages of different types of mass media MASSMEDIA PRESS RADIO TELEVISION INTERNET ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES
Mass Media in time Print : books, newspapers, magazines 1500 Recordings : music, games, movies 1890 s Cinema 1910 s Radio 1920 s TV 1950 s Internet 1995 s Mobile 2000 s
Použité zdroje • http: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Internet • http: //www. upsidelearning. com/blog/index. p hp/2010/07/07/interesting-mobile-statisticsby-tomi-ahonen-mlearncon/