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Knowledge is power Knowledge is power

 Altai State Academy of Education named Shukshin (AGAO) - Federal State Educational Institution Altai State Academy of Education named Shukshin (AGAO) - Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education in Biysk Altai region. In 1939 on the basis Bijskogo Pedagogical School was opened Bijskij Teacher's Institute, which in 1953 was transformed into the Pedagogical. In 2000, the college received university status, and in 2001 it was named Shukshin. According to the order of March 29, 2010 Bijskij State Pedagogical University named after V. M. Shukshina renamed Altai State Academy of Education named V. M. Shukshin

Your attention is the Faculty of History and Law. Your attention is the Faculty of History and Law.

Faculty of History and Law was opened in 1996, and a year later a Faculty of History and Law was opened in 1996, and a year later a general meeting shall elect the dean of the faculty of the candidate of historical sciences, docent SA Goushchin. Began very difficult, painstaking work on the organization of faculty, curriculum guides, creation of special departments and logistics.

Faculty grew rapidly. The faculty has been involved in several conferences. Faculty always felt Faculty grew rapidly. The faculty has been involved in several conferences. Faculty always felt the support and understanding of the university administration.

For 10 years our department completed 268 full-time students and 153 students of the For 10 years our department completed 268 full-time students and 153 students of the correspondence department. In 1999, the first dean of the faculty and his deputy in one of its publications, expressed the hope that over time will produce a young faculty historians university level - researchers and educators. With joy we can say that our hopes are justified. .

Very welcoming faculty gladly met us freshmen! Very welcoming faculty gladly met us freshmen!

Here they are members of our faculty. Adult and junior composition! Here they are members of our faculty. Adult and junior composition!