Скачать презентацию KMTC e-Service Guide Contents I Registration VIII Скачать презентацию KMTC e-Service Guide Contents I Registration VIII


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KMTC e-Service Guide KMTC e-Service Guide

Contents I. Registration VIII. Cargo Tracking II. Login IX. Arrival notice III. Main Page Contents I. Registration VIII. Cargo Tracking II. Login IX. Arrival notice III. Main Page X. How How XI. How to amend a booking IV. Schedule Inquiry – i) Schedule Inquiry – ii) V. Booking Master – i) Booking Master – ii) VI. S/R Inquiry – i) S/R Inquiry – iii) VII. B/L Master – i) B/L Master – ii) to to make a a booking – – i) iii) iv) XII. How to create B/L data – i) How to create B/L data – ii) XIII. How to amend B/L data – i) How to amend B/L data – ii)

I. Registration 1 1. Click ‘REGISTER’ button for registration. 2 2. Fill in the I. Registration 1 1. Click ‘REGISTER’ button for registration. 2 2. Fill in the personal information. 1) Name in English 2) Company name in English 3) Membership type ① Forwarder ② Shipper or Consignee ③ Carrier ④ Transport Company ⑤ Customs house broker 1) 2) 3) • 3 Save, then the data will be sent for registration and you can check the result within 30 min.

II. Login 1 1. Click ‘LOGIN’ button to use other functions 2. Choose ‘Customer’, II. Login 1 1. Click ‘LOGIN’ button to use other functions 2. Choose ‘Customer’, and input your ID and PW. 2

III. Main Page 1 2 3 4 5 1. About KMTC You can find III. Main Page 1 2 3 4 5 1. About KMTC You can find general information about KMTC. 2. Service Routes Our direct service routes are displayed. 3. Information about vessels, containers, and ports are provided. 4. Support You can find news, notices, and other information. 2 6 4 5. E-KMTC Put your mouse on to move into various functions such as schedule inquiry, booking and S/R and B/L management. 6. Speed Inquiry You can use ‘Speed Inquiry’ to check up cargo tracking and schedule.

IV. Schedule Inquiry – i) 1 1. Various options to search vessel schedule 2 IV. Schedule Inquiry – i) 1 1. Various options to search vessel schedule 2 2. You can choose places which you want to check schedule, 3 6 3. You can search schedule based on date of departure or date of arrival. 4 5 4. By clicking the arrow left and right it will allow you to search by month. 5. A list of schedule will be displayed. 6. This display helps you to find if you can make a booking. Red: no more booking available Blue: booking available 7 8 7. When you click a vessel name, you can find the detailed schedule and so on. 8. Only when you choose a vessel in blue, you can make a booking.

IV. Schedule Inquiry – ii) After choosing a vessel on the schedule calendar 1. IV. Schedule Inquiry – ii) After choosing a vessel on the schedule calendar 1. You can find the ETA, ETD, and terminal information. 1 2 2. You can make a booking on the selected vessel by clicking the ‘Booking’ button. Then you are lead to where you can input basic information for booking. This button is displayed in case you choose a vessel in blue on the calendar.

V. Booking Master – i) In Booking Master, you can search your bookings, make V. Booking Master – i) In Booking Master, you can search your bookings, make a new booking, or create a B/L data. 1. You can find your bookings by directly inputting booking numbers, setting period for ‘on board date’ or ‘booking date’. 2. You can click ‘All’ button when you are not sure of your booking number and try to find booking numbers. Your bookings will be found based on ‘booking date’. 1 2 7 4 3 5 6 3. You can make a new booking. You will be lead to where you can input basic information for booking. 4. You can move into a booking detail by clicking the booking No. 5. After choosing a booking number (red circle), you can move into a booking detail as well. 6. After choosing a booking number (red circle), you can create a B/L data. 7. You can print out a delay notice.

V. Booking Master – ii) Booking Detail 1. The personal information of WEB ID V. Booking Master – ii) Booking Detail 1. The personal information of WEB ID is automatically shown. If a different user make a booking, correct information needs to be input. This information will be useful for us to contact the PIC of booking. 2. You can search schedule. Clicking the magnifier will lead you to the schedule table. 1 3. Input an actual shipper. 4. You can choose terms, CY or CFS only. 5. You can add another size or type of container. (+) button. 2 3 6. You can delete a row of container information. (-) button. 4 7. If a container is your own, tick the box. 5 7 6 8. There are three types of special cargo. DG cargo, (OOG)Out of Gauge, and In Gauge. More details of special cargo booking is guided later. 8 9. You can write down special requests, if you have. 9 10 10. Save and booking is complete.

VI. S/R Inquiry – i) In S/R (Shipping Request) Inquiry you can search S/R VI. S/R Inquiry – i) In S/R (Shipping Request) Inquiry you can search S/R data, or create a B/L data. 1. You can find your S/R data by directly inputting booking numbers or S/R numbers, setting period for ‘on board date’ or ‘booking date’. 1 2. You can click ‘All’ button when you are not sure of your booking No. or S/R No. Your bookings will be found based on ‘booking date’. 2 3. A related S/R No. is shown when the S/R is created for a specific booking. 3 4 When you click the S/R No, you can find or change the detailed information of the S/R. 4. After choosing a booking number (red circle), you can create a B/L data.

VI. S/R Inquiry – ii) S/R Detail 1. For a new S/R, the number VI. S/R Inquiry – ii) S/R Detail 1. For a new S/R, the number is automatically given. 2. In case you need to make another B/L for one container, you use this function after making a first B/L data. 2 1 3 3. Similar to the ‘Part S/R+’, this function is used for two different containers or more. 4 4. S/R can be filled in by bringing up an existing B/L. 5 8 6 7 9 5. Details of the vessel schedule can be found. 6. You need to input the name of a shipper, consignee, or notify party. 7. You need to input the address of each party. 10 8. It helps you to easily fill up the details of each party. You can select among recent data from the latest 10 B/L. 9. You can choose description of POL and POD or input directly. 10. Condition of ocean freight payment needs to be chosen.

VI. S/R Inquiry – iii) 1. You can input container no, seal no, and VI. S/R Inquiry – iii) 1. You can input container no, seal no, and so on. S/R Detail Press (+) button to add, and () to delete. 2. You can input details of Mark & No, and cargo description. 1 4 3 4 The quantity of containers and packages are automatically shown based on the details of ‘container’ and ‘package’. 16 lines with 39 letters are available. 2 2 3. You can add or delete a space for Mark & No and Description. 4. It helps you to easily fill up the details of each. You can select among recent data from the latest 10 B/L. 5. You need to input commodity, 5 6 7 6. You can find KMTC’s agent address based on POL or POD. 7. You can upload a rider or DG certificate. 8 9 8. You can write down special requests, if you have. 9. You can save or cancel.

VII. B/L Master – i) In B/LMaster, you can search your B/L data, or VII. B/L Master – i) In B/LMaster, you can search your B/L data, or amend it. 1. You can find your B/L data by directly inputting B/L No, or booking No, setting period for ‘on board date’, ‘booking date’, or ‘B/L input date’. 1 2. You can click ‘All’ button when you are not sure of your B/L No. Your B/L list will be found based on ‘on board date’. 2 3. You can see details of B/L data and amend it by clicking a B/L No. 3 4. You can do the same after choosing a B/L No. (red circle) and press ‘C/A Detail’. 5 6 7 5. After choosing a B/L No. (red circle), you can print an invoice. 4 6. After choosing a B/L No. (red circle), you can print a copy of B/L. 7. You can find the Pro forma schedule of the vessel.

VII. B/L Master – ii) After choosing a B/L No. or pressing ‘C/A Detail’ VII. B/L Master – ii) After choosing a B/L No. or pressing ‘C/A Detail’ 1 1. When you choose a B/L No. or click ‘C/A Detail’ from the B/L Master, a conditions and terms for self amending is displayed. If you are not allowed to amend B/L data, it will not be shown. 2. You can proceed further when you tick the box and press ‘confirm’. 2 3 3. This pop-up informs you if there is an on-going C/A. If all of C/A are approved by KMTC, there will be no data. Close it, then you can find details of B/L data.

VIII. Cargo Tracking 1 In Cargo Tracking, you can find where your cargo is. VIII. Cargo Tracking 1 In Cargo Tracking, you can find where your cargo is. 1. You can check cargo tracking by directly inputting B/L No, container No, or booking No. 2 2. If there are more than two containers, you can choose a container which you want to check. 3. Information is displayed as icons. 3 4 4. More detailed information is provided.

IX. Arrival Notice In Arrival Notice, you can find information of import shipment. 1. IX. Arrival Notice In Arrival Notice, you can find information of import shipment. 1. You can find B/L data by directly inputting B/L No or setting period for ‘arrival date’. 1 2. You can find if a B/L is surrendered, a Seaway bill, or O. B/L. 2 3. After choosing a B/L No. (red circle), you can print an invoice. 4. After choosing a B/L No. (red circle), you can print a copy of B/L. 3 4 5 6 5. After choosing a B/L No. (red circle), you can print an A/N. 6. You can find the Pro forma schedule of the vessel.

X. How to make a booking – i) 1. From the Schedule menu, you X. How to make a booking – i) 1. From the Schedule menu, you can select a schedule first, then press ‘Booking’. Then selected schedule and corridor is automatically shown on the next step. 1 2. You can also make a booking from the Booking Master menu by clicking ‘Booking’. 1 2 Then, you are lead to where you can input details for booking, but you need to choose a schedule there.

X. How to make a booking – ii) Booking Detail 1. The personal information X. How to make a booking – ii) Booking Detail 1. The personal information of WEB ID is automatically shown. If a different user make a booking, correct information needs to be input. This information will be useful for us to contact the PIC of booking. 1 2. You can search schedule. Clicking the magnifier will lead you to the schedule table. 3~8. You need to input details. 2 3 8. There are three types of special cargo. DG cargo, (OOG)Out of Gauge, and In Gauge. More details of special cargo booking is guided on the next page. 4 5 7 6 9. You can write down special requests, if you have. 8 10. Save and booking is complete. 9 10

X. How to make a booking – iii) DG cargo 1 1. To make X. How to make a booking – iii) DG cargo 1 1. To make a booking for a dangerous cargo, you need to select ‘DG cargo’. 2 5 4 2. Click the magnifier to select basic information based on UNNo. 3. Please search a UNNo, and choose one. 4. Please fill up the other information. Every details should be provided. 5. Please press (+) button to input more than two materials. 3 3

X. How to make a booking – iv) OOG Cargo 1 1. To make X. How to make a booking – iv) OOG Cargo 1 1. To make a booking for an OOG cargo, please select ‘(OOG)Out of Gauge’. 2. Please fill up with details. 2 3. For in gauge cargo, the process is the same as normal cargo.

XI. How to amend a booking 1. You can move into a booking detail XI. How to amend a booking 1. You can move into a booking detail by clicking the booking No. 1 2 2. After choosing a booking number (red circle), you can move into a booking detail as well. 4 3 3. You can amend the details and save.

XII. How to create B/L data – i) 1 1. You can move to XII. How to create B/L data – i) 1 1. You can move to a menu to input B/L data from the Booking Master menu. Please search a booking number, then click ‘S/R Create’ button. 1 2 2. You can also move from the S/R Master menu. Please search a booking number, then click ‘Create’ button. 2

XII. How to create B/L data – ii) 1 1. Please fill up with XII. How to create B/L data – ii) 1 1. Please fill up with details. 2. When you save, you can notice a message for the next step, and some of new buttons will be shown. 3. If you want to cancel an S/R, please click ‘S/R Cancel’. 4. You need to press ‘Confirm’ to make sure the data are sent to KMTC. Please make sure to confirm when you finish to input details. After confirmation, the S/R is fixed and you can not amend the data. However, you can amend the B/L data in B/L Master menu. 2 4 3

XIII. How to amend B/L data – i) 1 1. You can check or XIII. How to amend B/L data – i) 1 1. You can check or amend the details of B/L data by clicking a B/L No. or ‘C/A Detail’. 1 2. Then a conditions and terms for self amending is informed. If you are not allowed to amend B/L data, it will not be shown. 2 3. You can proceed further when you tick the box and press ‘confirm’. 4. This pop-up informs you if there is an on-going C/A. If all of C/A are approved by KMTC, there will be no data. 3 4 Close it, then you can find details of B/L data.

XIII. How to amend B/L data – ii) 1. If you are available to XIII. How to amend B/L data – ii) 1. If you are available to amend data, they will be displayed in dark black and you can put a cursor where you want to amend. 1 2 2. However, if you are not available to amend data, they will be displayed in gray. 3. Within 10 minutes from saving, KMTC will accept or reject C/A. 3