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Km 3 Net S. Colonges APC Quality division CLB firmware/software meeting (video) 22 –may 2017
Agenda • • • Fides training Functional / product level – infrastructure definition Tools HALT/HASS Conclusion
Fides training -May 2 to 5, 2017 -APC – Paris Participants on the workshop (Stephane, Pietro, David, Diego, Luigi, Giuliano, remotely Fabio and Riccardo – also Pietro the last day) Main idea: Stephane support / help designers to perform the FIDES analysis and FMECA. But: in order to be useful designers should be actors! Prepare production, tests and ESS procedures
Fides training Configuration management: Item Data List is mandatory for success (Very important item for KM 3 Ne. T) Reference for all the documents. (Also important for KM 3 Ne. T) Especial file for Data List -> for each group -Define asap same deliverable for each product -Use same templates for documents 22/05/2017 –KM 3 NET Electronic meeting
Example of deliverables proposal Product specifications CIDL (Configuration item data list) User manual Technical report Design files ICD: Interface Control Document Manufacturing Test benches Test Reports Records and logbook (Assembly reports) Reliability analysis If available: Public tenders, purchase order, Certificate Of Conformity, Video meeting to continue with the FIDES analysis. Lead free or led -> To be check
Fides training -Fides presentation (Refers to KM 3 NET FMECA_reliabilitytraining_2 to 5 may 2017 – google doc) -RAMS tool presentation (developped @APC) and FIDES tool -Functional analysis: -Definition of products level -DOM functional analysis è Goal : describe functions and quantity of each item (the risk is strongly dependant to item quantity) Practical analysis: - Compass V 1 and V 2 analysis (to be completed) – FIT and FMECA -FMC V 2 analysis (FIT and FMECA) -DOM -HALT / HASS procedure
Functional analysis Definition Architecture for Functional Analysis: Name - (Example) Level 1: Infrastructure – (KM 3 Ne. T) Level 2: Structure - (ARCA-ORCA) Level 3: Equipment – (Link – Onshore- offshore) Level 4: System (offshore: Building block – link: General JB) Level 5: Subsystem (Secondary JB – DU) Level 6: Module (BOB – DOM – DU Base) Level 7: Assembly (Boards: PB, CLB, etc) Level 8: Subassembly (functions – PB rails, etc)
Objectives Our Goal? Reach the highest reliability and safety possible level. Define maintenance and recovery plan Activities name (work package): RAMS: Reliability Availability Maintainability and Safety How? Performing a reliability Engineering Reliability is a continuous improvement (Deming wheel) All the people should be involved : Brainstorming Then the main support tool is FMECA
Priorities FMC finish Laser beacon Power System (Rosanna) DOM FMECA Update of the DOM BPS protection version circuit CLBV 3 WRS
RAMS Tool Components BILL of material import Generic components FIDES data / Reliability models data (from Fides analysis) Define maintenance resources Reliability factors audit Graphical functions display Sort components failure rates Tools (for analysis) Failures rates summary / function Functional analysis (input for FMECA and failure rate analysis) Configuration management Process factor audit tool Failures modes analysis Component rating / reliability models selection. Individual FIT display
FMECA form example
INPUTS Necessary inputs for analysis: Ø Latest design files (Bill of material and related schematics, drawing, firmware, software, gerbers…) Ø Design changes tracking: please don’t changes all the reference designators from one version to the other Ø Technical report and functional analysis Ø Tests reports (including current, power measurement, thermal analysis when available, EMC…)
Failure rate analysis Failure rate repartition: Bathtub curve shape: -Infant mortality: conception or manufacturing defects -Usefull life / Maturity: Constant/ random failure -Wear out: Failure rate increasing (not for electronic components) Weibull law for mechanic (No normal life : only wear out)
Reliability data 2 main sources: • Manufacturer data (@ a given environment acceleration law should be applied in order to calculate the value for the product application) • Handbooks (Fides is strongly recommanded for KM 3 NET) Define life profile (phase duration and constraints in term of temperature, humidity, vibrating(…
Failure rate data (Fides) FIT data: Failure In Time
APC RAMS Tools -This excel is the main tool for RAMS analysis to collect all data and analyse reliability -Developed by Stéphane Colonges @ APC -Allow to define all functions and assembly levels -Allow to import bill of material -Allow import FIT data (from Fides analysis “Excel_file_fides_result”, manufacturer, field data, or other handbooks) -Audit process tool : to determine Pi Process (impact directly FIT data calculated with Pi Process = 1) -Allow simplifying and accelerate failure rate calculation using reliability models (generic components failure rate data calculated for the application life cycle): Example: Ceramic capacitor 10 µF – 10 V for decoupling, rating 50% and not placed in interface could be selected as CAPA_CER_HCV_0, 5_Typ 2_NIP reliability model -Analyse failure rate / function / assembly / equipment… -FMECA analysis (with automatic failure occurrence and function relation import) -Maintenance table -Tools available in support of Fides analysis
RAMS Tool Components BILL of material import Generic components FIDES data / Reliability models data (from Fides analysis) Graphical functions display Customized results display Sort components failure rates Tools (for analysis) Functional analysis (input for FMECA and failure rate analysis) Configuration management Process factor audit tool Failures rates summary / function Component rating / reliability models selection. Individual FIT display
RAMS Tool Define maintenance resources Failures modes analysis Reliability factors audit
System qualification Qualification: Check components maximum rating (HALT: Highly Accelerated Life Test) - Electrical constraints: Voltages, ESD (design/fmeca/procedures), current, breakdown voltage, EMC Facilities: Signal generators power supply. Oscilloscope, multimeters, test benches - Environmental and mechanical constraints: -Temperature, humidity, vibration, shocks, pressure, chemical pollution, salt, radiations (cumulated dose, transcients…), vaccum, UV… Facilities: Climatic chambers, Hyperbar chamber, vaccum chamber, vibrating bench, colbalt 60 source, particle accelerator Salt
ESS HASS: High Accelerated stress screening (youth failure removing) Cause: bad soldering, bounding defect, low component quality… But: Remove or reveal defect due production (bad soldering, bounding defects, low component quality) or conception (too small pad or bad component placement. Component rating margin too short) … Or problem with the manufacturing procedure (example: humidity catch up during board cleaning). Simulate an initial board aging (burnin) and perform thermal constraints (stress screening)
Burnin and ESS 2 nd power off/on Switch Voies Séries des 20 UB t° Control box 20 boards supply 1 rst power off/on Climatic chamber control Failures ESS procedure Climatic chamber control PC 0 failures Failures Production Experiment feedback Operation (field data)
Prressure test Pressure chamber: maximum pressure (certified): 400 bar real-time electronic pressure control available: +-5 bar pressure rump up/down: from 1 bar/sec up to 20/bar sec pressure cycling possible Diapo: 23
Actions: Reliability factors Identify reliability improvement factors: • Design: ESD protection, Hi. Rel and critical components, derating, components placement, thermal dissipation, monitoring parameters, environmental protections, ROHS Vs Wiskers, components obsolescence • Manufacturing: HASS, assembly process, production strategy (batches), visual inspection, manufacturing and functional tests, IPC class, cleanliness, cabling, repairing actions • Quality factors: documentation, configuration management • Failure mode analysis: failure rate analysis, FMECA Output: Reliability level rating impact the failure probability