Кижи Россинский.pptx
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KIZHI. CREATED BY D. ROSSINSKI Form 6 С TEACHER I. KH. GUKASYAN The Architectural Ensemble of the Kizhi Pogost is a UNESCO World Heritage-listed site. The Kizhi island cultural historical and natural complex is included into the State Code of Cultural Heritage Sites of Special Value of the Russian Federation: The Church of the Transfiguration of Our Saviour, The Church of the Intercession and The Bell-Tower of the Kizhi Pogost.
• Kizhi is an island near the geometrical center of the Lake Onega in the Republic of Karelia(Medvezhyegorsky Di strict), Russia. It is elongated from north to south and is about 6 km long, 1 km wide and is about 68 km away from the capital of Karelia, Petrozavodsk.
• Kizhi Island: 1. Shlyamino village on Volkostrov Island 2. North Karelia sector 3. Chapel of the Three Saints 4. Pudozhsky sector 5. Yamka settlement 6. Chapel of Spas 7. Vasilyevo settlement 8. Karelia sector 9. Pier and museum administration 10. Kizhi Pogost 11. Zaonezhye 11. Ersenevo village on Zaonezhsky peninsular.
• Farming and other traditional activities • From the early times, the most important occupation of the islanders was farming. All available area, about half of the island was converted to fields; from the remaining half, a quarter was rocky and the rest occupied by swamps. On one occasion in 18 th century, two villages were moved from Kizhi island to the nearby infertile mainland to free land for farming. Until 1970, the island had about 96 hectares of fields yielding various grains and potato, and combine harvesters and tractors for field cultivation. The farming was stopped in 1971 by a government directive. Some fields were reconstructed in 2004 as part of the Kizhi museum. Those fields are an exhibit demonstrating major steps of the farming and harvesting work.
• Other traditional activities of the area included embroidery, making beaded jewelry, weaving (including traditional birch bark weaving), knitting, spinni ng, woodcarving (which included making traditional Russian wooden toys) and pottery.
ORIGINAL CHURCHES OF KIZHI • The first mentioning of churches on the island is dated to 1563. This document describes two domed wooden churches with a bell-tower standing in the southern part of the island (on the site of the present Kizhi Pogost), and mentions their earlier description of 1496. A more • Kizhi churches were built on stones, without a deep foundation. Their major detailed description was basic structural unit is a round log of documented in 1628. In particular, Scotts pine (Pinus sylvestris) about 30 cm in diameter and 3 to 5 meters long. Many contrary to the later, domed thousands logs were brought for churches of the pogost, the first construction from the mainland which ones had pyramidal roofs. Those was a complex logistical task in that time. The logs were cut and shaped with axes churches were burned by a fire and assembled without nails, using interlocking corner joinery — either round caused by lightning in the end of 17 th century. notch or dovetail. Flat roofs were made of spruce planks and the domes are covered in aspen.
• The first church raised after the fire was the Church of the Intercession (Russian: церковь Покрова Богородицы, 1694) which was heated and held services all year long. It was reconstructed several times in 1720– 1749 and in 1764 rebuilt into its present 9 -dome design. In 1714, the 22 -dome Transfiguration Church (Russian: Церковь Преображения Господня) was constructed and soon after the bell-tower was added, thereby completing the Kizhi Pogost. The bell-tower was entirely rebuilt in 1862. Much earlier, some time in the 17 th century, a 300 -meter long fence was built around the churches, which then served as a protection ground against Swedish and Polish incursions.
KIZHI MUSEUM • • • The ensemble of wooden architecture in Kizhi - a memorial 3 -ruble coin of the Central Bank of Russia (1995). Open-air museum Kizhi is one of the first in Russia, which started functioning on the island in 1951 and currently contains about 87 wooden constructions. The most famous of them is the Kizhi Pogost, which contains two churches and a bell-tower surrounded by a fence. The pogost was included in the UNESCO World Heritage list in 1990. Since 1951, a large number of historical buildings were moved to the island. They include Church of the Resurrection of Lazarus from Murom Monastery, which is regarded as the oldest remaining wooden church in Russia (second half of 14 century), several bell-towers, more than 20 peasant houses, mills, barns and saunas. In 1993, the museum was included into a short list a Russian Cultural Heritage sites. The museum contains more than 41, 000 exhibits. Most of them are domestic artifacts: tools, dishes, utensils, furniture, etc. There about 1000 icons of 16– 19 centuries which includes the only in Russia collection of "heavens". There also church items, such as crosses early manuscript of 17– 19 centuries. Museum also contains exhibits of 20 th century, about 10, 000 photographs and 1, 500 drawings. The museum conducts a wide range of scientific studies in the history, archeology, ecology, nature and other fields related to the island. It is based in Kizhi and Petrozavodsk, has an advanced web portal and a web camera on the island. Kizhi museum also publishes the monthly "Kizhi newspaper". In summer, it runs weeklong education courses at the school and university level.
CHURCH OF THE RESURRECTION OF LAZARUS • Tradition says that the church was built by the monk Lazarus (1286 – 1391) in the second half of the 14 th century. The church became the first building of the future Murom Monastery located on the eastern shore of Lake Onega. Over time, the church became the main attractions of the monastery as it was reputed to miraculously cure illnesses. Clergy announced the monk Lazarus as a local saint, and every summer, on 23– 24 June, the church was attracting pilgrims. The building is 3 meters tall and has a perimeter of 9× 3 m. The original two-tier iconostasis of the church is preserved; it consists of 17 icons of 16– 18 th centuries. •
CHAPEL OF THE ARCHANGEL MICHAEL • Chapel of the Archangel Michael • The Chapel of the Archangel Michael was moved to Kizhi in 1961 from the Lelikozero village. It measures 12. 0× 3. 0× 11. 0 meters and has a rectangular frame elongated from east to west and a two-slope roof. Above the entrance hall there is a belfry capped with a pyramid roof. The iconostasis of the chapel has two tiers and contains icons of 17– 18 th centuries.
THE CHAPEL OF THREE SAINTS • The Chapel of Three Saints from village Kavgora (XVIII-XIX centuries). In 1961 was transported and restored on the island. The State Museum-Reserve of History, Architecture and Ethnography "Kizhi" Demography By the end of 16 th century, there were 14 settlements on the island. By the early 1900 s, their number reduced to nine, which were named Pogost, Bachurino, Bishevo, Bosarevo, Vasilyevo, Kyazhevo, Morozovo, Navolok and Yamka. By the end of World War II, seven of them disappeared and only Vasilyevo and Yamka remain. They are a part of the "Kizhi rural settlement" belonging to the larger Velikogubskoe rural settlement of Medvezhyegorsky District, Republic of Karelia, Russia.
• • • SETTLEMENTS The pogost settlement is located near the Kizhi Pogost. It was first mentioned in the early 17 th century; then it consisted of four houses, two of which were burned down during a local revolt. By 1678, the number of houses increased to seven, six of which belonged to the Pogost priests and one to a peasant. The settlement shrank to five houses by the early 1900 s and disappeared by 1950. Nowadays, on their place stands a historical house of Oshevnev, which was moved here in 1951 from Oshevnevo village, and which became the first exhibit of the Kizhi museum opened in 1960. Bachurino was named after a peasant Fedor Bachurin; between the 17 th and 19 th centuries, it contained only two houses which then grew to three. This settlement was the poorest on the island – in 1876, it owned only one horse and two cows, and in the early 20 th century, only two cows for 24 people living there. Bishevo settlement was located in the north-eastern part of the island. In 1563, it had one house but there were four houses there by 1678. In 1820, from eight men of the settlement, six were wealthy – the settlement had 5 horses, 11 cows and 4 sheep. In the early 1900 s, there were only 4 horses and 3 cows for 11 people, and by 1950 the settlement had disappeared. Bosarevo settlement was formed in 1858 -1869 with one house of 11 people, which became two by 1911. Kyazehvo settlement was located on the northernmost shore of the island had two houses in 1563. One more was built by 1876, but the houses were small and had almost no animals. Thirteen people lived there by 1905. Morozovo settlement was known since 1582 and contained one big house which was taken apart in 1950. Nearby, there is the Chapel of the Three Saints. It stands 22 meters tall and was built in the late 18 th century in the Kavgora village. Navolok settlement was one of the largest and richest in the area with four houses in 1563 and seven from 1696. About 40 people lived there in the 19 th century, most of whom were peasants but two were shoe makers and one carpenter. The settlement had a boat which was used for cargo. While most Kizhi settlements were shrinking with time, Vasilyevo was growing from one house in 1840 to two in 1876, three in 1911 and five in 2009. Of the present five houses, two are original and others were moved here as museum exhibits. Near them, there is a historical Chapel of the Assumption of the Virgin. Yamka settlement had two houses in 1563, both of which were burned down in 1616. They were rebuilt later and by 1911, the settlement was the largest on the island with 11 houses. One of its inhabitants, Semen Kostin, was a leader of the Kizhi Uprising of the 1769. One of his neighbors became a wealthy merchant and a regular donor to the reconstruction of the Kizhi churches. Apart from historical houses and barns, in Yamka there is a windmill built in 1930 and two chapels. The Chapel of Spas was built in the 17 th– 18 th centuries in Vigovo village and moved to Kizhi in 1950 s. Its style is similar to that of the Chapel of the Archangel Michael. The Chapel of Petr and Pavel is smaller and simpler in design. It was built in the early 18 th century in the Tipinitsa village and then moved to Kizhi. Its interior could not be preserved.
Кижи Россинский.pptx