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KIWANIS CLUB OF JACKSONVILLE BEACHES FLORIDA DISTRICT – DIVISION 5 MEMBERS OF OUR CLUB Lex Allen Jane Alvarez Edward Ash Herman Bass John Bates Sevena Baum Charles Bender Guy Bond Max Booke Ed Borders Doug Bradshaw Howard Brownie Brown Ed Buickerood Bill Bull Mark Cantrell Barry Chandler Bob Cook Bob Cooper 246 -4180 Gary Crumley 396 -3373 Jonathan Daugherty 242 -9000 Beryl Dryden 246 -7537 Jim Dunford 280 -8358 Bill Fogg 249 -5115 Erica Godamunne 223 -0890 George Hamilton 247 -1770 Molly Holbert 223 -2231 Brenda Howard 241 -5491 Bill Hutchinson 945 -9807 Fred King 249 -5877 Jenn King 249 -0414 Carl Krouch 223 -2206 Don Lafond 241 -0432 James Lane 247 -9778 Jim Lee 241 -5634 Dianne Ludwig 246 -3763 Fred Lyons 241 -0131 Ralph Marcello 247 -8508 249 -9033 241 -0888 249 -3593 249 -5129 821 -9842 246 -0407 249 -5341 262 -9808 246 -2853 246 -4168 230 -3806 249 -8842 382 -1023 285 -7273 247 -3187 249 -2374 246 -3860 992 -7221 Walter Mather Deborah Mayhew John Meadows John Meighan Bill Montgomery Paul Myers Joe Overby Neil Powell Jerry Richey Leigh Roberts Ed Robinson Al Russ Butch Shadwell Don Stanton Bill Thompson Burt Van Wagner Carol Wallace Bill Wilson Ed Zazzarino 246 -6745 685 -2156 285 -5082 247 -9268 221 -5527 992 -1816 249 -3513 343 -3571 223 -1376 247 -8929 223 -1591 645 -0688 223 -4465 992 -2123 246 -1442 246 -7264 992 -8037 249 -8562 249 -4232 Chartered: August 1, 1946 June 2, 2005 Our 59 th Year of Service Selva Marina, 1600 Selva Marina, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Web page: www. beacheskiwanis. com Past Presidents Day June 2, 2005 Committee Chairmen Club Bulletin Community Service Fund Raising House Human & Spiritual Values Interclub Membership/Education/Retention New Projects Program Coordinator Public Relations Young Children Priority One Youth Services Bev Shadwell Corky Borders Ralph Marcello John Meighan Al Russ Lex Allen TBA Burt Van. Wagner Max Booke Jonathan Dougherty John Bates Butch Shadwell Special Events Put your ad in this space. Scores of qualified buyers! $10 per inch. Auction Golf Tournament Military Recognition Teacher Recognition Day Rose Day Sale Scholarships 2004 -2005 Officers President Carl Krouch 1 st Vice President Don Lafond 2 nd Vice President Erica Godamunne Treasurer Ralph Marcello Secretary Leigh Roberts Past President John Bates Board of Directors Butch Shadwell Burt Van Wagner Ed Robinson Neil Powell Jonathan Dougherty James Lee District Governor Bill Rushing Lt. Governor Division 5 Bill Montgomery Erica Godamunne Ed Robinson John Meighan Al Russ Max Booke Jim Dunford Florida District Exec. . Director George Langguth International President Case Van Kleef District Club Bulletin Chair Ross Edwards Proudly Serving the Children of the World
PAST PRESIDENTS of KIWANIS CLUB OF JACKSONVILLE BEACHES 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 Ish BRANT* +# Doug SCOTT*+ Hewitt DANIEL* Bill Mc. DUFFIE* Jimmy COSTELLO* Edward HARRISON, Sr. George WATKISS* James KEARNEY* Frank GRIFFEN* Charlie YOUNG* Jack KESTERSON* Franklin CHAMBERS* Carroll GRIFFIN Walter FREEMAN* Bill THOMPSON+ Willie CHAO* Chuck FRANKS* Bill GRIFFITH* Justin MONTGOMERY James COMER* Cy KOTHMAN* John HIBBARD Bob COOK Munroe GRIFFIN* W. R. "Tommy" THOMAS Bob HALE Newt COLEE Howard BROWN 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 John BAUM* Gene BARNETTE Guy CRAIG*+ Richard WHITE Gary WEAVER Bill WILSON+ Fredric SCHULTZ+ Jon THOMPSON Howard BROWN Charles BENDER Bill BULL+ Bill NOE Ralph BOONE Dan ROURKE Barry CHANDLER Townsend HAWKES* Andy BUNCH Paul CARMICHAEL+ Curt HUBBARD+ Jim DUNFORD Bob GRANACHER Ed "Corky" BORDERS Pete GENTRY+ Edward ASH Bill MONTGOMERY+ Joe OVERBY Ed BUICKEROOD+ Butch SHADWELL Al RUSS+ John BATES PAST PRESIDENTS of KIWANIS CLUB of PABLO 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 Joseph KEHOE Charles MEYER Wilson MERRIHEW Thomas MEYERS Davis STANTON Wallis DOLAN Ole MARKUSSEN Vernon PREVATT Lyman GESSELL Richard PITTMAN Vernon PREVATT Francis AGNE Bill HUTCHINSON 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Joe THORNTON Ed ZAZZARINO Bibb Graves Scotty THORNTON Bibb Graves Pat Freer Bud HILLIKER Fred KING Jack GLENDENNING Burt VAN WAGNER Emil HOJAK Burt VANWAGNER Fred KING PAST PRESIDENTS OF OTHER CLUBS Paul CARMICHAEL+ Sam LONG + Leigh ROBERTS *Deceased +Lt. Governor Walter MATHER+ Ed BUICKEROOD+ #Governor Editor- Beverly Shadwell Ph. 223 -4465 Thursdays 12: 15 PM Bevs@shadtechserv. com June 9 June 16 June 23 Carl Krouch Carol Wallace Leigh Roberts Charlie Bender Jane Alvarez Bob Cook Ed Robinson Bill Wilson Prayer Beryl Dryden Al Russ Corky Borders Butch Shadwell Guest Intro Joe Overby Ed Ash Erica Godamunne Bill Montgomery Speaker Intro Carl Krouch Don Lafond Program Sam Long Mark Woods TBA Past Presidents Day Editor of Editorial FL Times Union John Lawrence & Tom Simson Meade Coplan Carl Krouch Greeters Featured Kiwanian/ Spiritual Moment Upcoming Events June 2 Happy Birthday! Fred King 6/8 Flag Day June 14 God Bless America Empower Media John Meighan Leigh Roberts Father’s Day June 19 th “Those who cannot remember the past, are condemned to repeat it. ” About Kiwanis –George Santayana Kiwanis International was founded January 21, 1915, in Detroit, Michigan, by Allen Simpson Browne, a Moose lodge organizer, and Joseph G. Prance, a tailor. Kiwanis is an organization devoted to the principle of service; to the advancement of individual, community, and national welfare; and to the strengthening of international goodwill. Kiwanis membership spans the globe, with more than 300, 000 members in more than 8, 000 clubs in 79 countries, giving on average $70 million and 6. 5 million volunteer hours for community service each year. Interesting An item of unusual interest in the Past International Presidents’ room of the International Office, is a massive redwood table that measures 15 by 6 feet. This large redwood table has an interesting history. Brought from California to Chicago as an exhibit for the Columbian Exposition in 1893, it was stored for years before being finished and brought to the “ 520” building, where it was used as the Board table. According to research by the Redwood Association, the slab from the table dates back to the year 391 A. D. Thanks for Print Services By Don Lafond Watson Realty Corp.