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KIWANIS CLUB OF JACKSONVILLE BEACHES FLORIDA DISTRICT – DIVISION 5 MEMBERS OF OUR CLUB Lex Allen Jane Alvarez Edward Ash Herman Bass John Bates Sevena Baum Charles Bender Guy Bond Max Booke Ed Borders Doug Bradshaw Howard Brownie Brown Ed Buickerood Bill Bull Mark Cantrell Barry Chandler Bob Cook Bob Cooper Gary Crumley 246 -4180 396 -3373 242 -9000 246 -7537 280 -8358 249 -5115 223 -0890 247 -1770 223 -2231 241 -5491 945 -9807 249 -5877 249 -0414 223 -2206 241 -0432 247 -9778 241 -5634 246 -3763 241 -0131 247 -8508 Jonathan Daugherty Beryl Dryden Jim Dunford Bill Fogg Erica Godamunne George Hamilton Molly Holbert Brenda Howard Bill Hutchinson Fred King Jenn King Carl Krouch Don Lafond James Lane Jim Lee Dianne Ludwig Fred Lyons Ralph Marcello Walter Mather 249 -9033 241 -0888 249 -3593 249 -5129 821 -9842 246 -0407 249 -5341 262 -9808 246 -2853 246 -4168 230 -3806 249 -8842 382 -1023 285 -7273 247 -3187 249 -2374 246 -3860 992 -7221 246 -6745 Deborah Mayhew John Meadows John Meighan Bill Montgomery Paul Myers Joe Overby Walt Pfeil Neil Powell Jerry Richey Leigh Roberts Ed Robinson Al Russ Butch Shadwell Don Stanton Bill Thompson Burt Van Wagner Carol Wallace Bill Wilson Ed Zazzarino 685 -2156 285 -5082 247 -9268 221 -5527 992 -1816 249 -3513 221 -6810 343 -3571 223 -1376 247 -8929 223 -1591 645 -0688 223 -4465 992 -2123 246 -1442 246 -7264 992 -8037 249 -8562 249 -4232 Committee Chairmen God Bless America Club Bulletin Community Service Fund Raising House Human & Spiritual Values Interclub Membership/Education/Retention New Projects Program Coordinator Public Relations Young Children Priority One Youth Services Bev Shadwell Corky Borders Ralph Marcello John Meighan Al Russ Lex Allen TBA Burt Van. Wagner Max Booke Jonathan Dougherty John Bates Butch Shadwell Special Events Auction Golf Tournament Military Recognition Teacher Recognition Day Rose Day Sale Scholarships Erica Godamunne Ed Robinson John Meighan Al Russ Max Booke Jim Dunford Chartered: August 1, 1946 July 28, 2005 Our 59 th Year of Service Selva Marina, 1600 Selva Marina, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Web page: www. beacheskiwanis. com Editor- Beverly Shadwell Ph. 223 -4465 Thursdays 12: 15 PM 8 July 28 Greeters Butch Shadwell August 4 Bevs@shadtechserv. com August 11 August 18 Al Russ Guy Bond Bill Montgomery Ed Zazzarino John Meighan Paul Myers Prayer Gary Crumley John Bates Sevena Baum Ed Robinson Guest Intro Jim Lee Carol Wallace Fred King Ed Buickerood Speaker Intro Ralph Marcello Neil Powell Program Monique Madden Don Davis FBI Special Agent Wayne Weaver Identity Theft Jaguars Bob Cook TBA Penman Road cleanup Aug 13 Florida District Convention August 25 -28 From Madden Advisory Services Florida House of Rep “Smart Money” radio show Featured Kiwanian/ Spiritual Moment Ed Buickerood Bill Wilson Upcoming Events A generous man forgets what he gives and remembers what he receives. --Old Proverb 2004 -2005 Officers President Carl Krouch 1 st Vice President Don Lafond 2 nd Vice President Erica Godamunne Treasurer Ralph Marcello Secretary Leigh Roberts Past President John Bates Board of Directors Butch Shadwell Burt Van. Wagner Ed Robinson Neil Powell Jonathan Dougherty James Lee District Governor Bill Rushing Lt. Governor Division 5 Bill Montgomery DIVISION 5 CLUBS Jacksonville - Downtown - Hilton Hotel-1201 Riverplace Blvd. , 12: 30 Fernandina Beach - Municipal Golf Clubhouse, 6: 30 PM Florida District Exec. . Director George Langguth Monday International President Case Van Kleef Tuesday St. Augustine - Gypsy Cab Restaurant, 828 Anastasia Blvd. , Noon Wednesday Arlington - Jax. University - Bartlett Kinne University Center, 11: 30 District Club Bulletin Chair Ross Edwards (Meets first, second & third Monday of each month) (824 -8244) (Meets the first and third Wednesday of the month) Deerwood - Steak & Ale, Baymeadows Rd. , Noon Thursday Historic St. Augustine - Conch House - 57 Comares Ave. , 7: 00 AM Jacksonville Beaches - Selva Marina - Atlantic Beach, 12: 15 Westside - Holiday Inn - I-295 & Commonwealth, 12: 30
LAST WEEK SPEAKER Welcome Guests 88 TH CONVENTION OF THE FLORIDA DISTRICT OF KIWANIS Happy Birthday! Bill Fogg 7/30 John Meadows 8/01 Bill Rushing Florida District Governor Last week, July 21, The Beaches Club was honored to have our Kiwanis Florida District Governor Bill Rushing as our guest speaker. First Lady Carole Rushing joined him as our guest. Governor Bill has an interesting and full life history--professional accountant, retired from Florida state government, a small business owner and a community college business instructor. His offices and awards in Kiwanis--since 1963 --are many. These include being president of two clubs to Lt. Governor to Governor. And after his term as governor, he will be on the Membership and Growth Committee of Kiwanis International. Bill Rushing's private life history includes church leadership and serving as Sergeant Major in the Florida National Guard. All this and he and First Lady Carole have been married longer than 44 years. They have raised two daughters and have five granddaughters. Governor Bill exhorted our club to join all Florida Kiwanis clubs to (1) grow and build membership, (2) support our Foundation's service goals with children, and (3) sponsor and build more Kiwanis youth and children's clubs and programs. We all should take this advice to heart, and become more effective Kiwanians, better citizens and have more fun doing it! Our thanks to Gov. Bill Rushing and First Lady Carole for enriching our meeting. -Bill Montgomery The Kiwanis Service Slogan is……. A. B. C. D. “Serving Pizza In 30 Minutes Or Less” “Charities R Us” “Serving The Children Of The World” “God Help Us” Thanks for print services from Don Lafond Watson Realty Corp. If you haven’t been to a District Convention, you should go to this one! It will be held at the Tampa Marriott Waterside Hotel & Marina on the bank of the Hillsborough River, August 25 th – 28 th 2005. We are funding attendees up to $200 each. Be sure you signup for the interclub luncheon on Saturday. You may register online at www. floridakiwanis. com Don’t delay! The deadline is August 5 th. Happy Anniversary! Guy & Reva Bond 7/30 Date Joined: None ABOUT KIWANIS Kiwanis is an international service organization comprised of 600, 000 adult and youth members in 91 nations whose mission is to improve the quality of life for children and families worldwide. The Florida District, comprised of more than 290 clubs and 11, 000 Kiwanians within Florida is one of the largest and most successful districts in Kiwanis International. Kiwanis members are active or retired business professional men and women. Membership is 83 percent male, 17 percent female. The average Kiwanis member is 57 years old, a college graduate, married, and a homeowner. The average Kiwanian has been a member for 9. 6 years. Source: http: //www. kiwanis. us/kiwanisus/media/about. asp One Word Puns 1. ARBITRATOR: A cook that leaves Arby's to work at Mc. Donalds. 11. MISTY: How golfers create divots. 2. AVOIDABLE: What a bullfighter tried to do. 12. PARADOX: Two physicians. 3. BERNADETTE: The act of torching a mortgage 13. PARASITES What you see from the top of the Eiffel Tower. 4. BURGLARIZE: What a crook sees with. 14. PHARMACIST: A helper on the farm. 5. CONTROL: A short, ugly inmate. 15. POLARIZE: What penguins see with. 6. COUNTERFEITERS: Workers who put together kitchen cabinets. 16. PRIMATE: Removing your spouse from in front of the TV. 7. ECLIPSE: What an English barber does for a living. 17. RELIEF: What trees do in the spring. 8. EYEDROPPER: A clumsy ophthalmologist. 18. RUBBERNECK: What you do to relax your wife. 9. HEROES: What a guy in a boat does. 19. SELFISH: What the owner of a seafood store does. 10. LEFTBANK: What the robber did when his bag was full of money. 20. SUDAFED: Brought litigation against a government official