Kirov timber Industrial College.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 11
Kirov timber Industrial College
One of the priorities in the practice of the college is an artistic and aesthetic education of students. To do this, the college created a variety of studios, clubs and sections of different orientation. ? In the socio-cultural system of the college include the following objects:
Auditorium with 400 seats Equipped with all necessary light, sound, video and media equipment. The hall hosts a variety of concerts, festivals, theater performances, ceremonies, celebrations and other festivities.
College Museum of History College Museum - is permanent exhibitions of historical chronicles college. The museum serves as a conference room, equipped with all necessary electronic, video and audio equipment. The museum hosts vnutrikolledzhnye events, and activities of urban, regional and nationwide level.
Hostel № 1 (male) - 275 seats Address: Str. Karl Marx, 125. ? 67 -38 -48 phone? Bre. men's hostel number 1 Olga Abramovich? Educator hostel number 1 - Elena Kazakova S.
Hostel № 2 (female) - 345 seats Address: Str. Police, 47 phone 67 -83 -84 Head. Female Dorm number 2 - Blinov Nina Educators hostel number 2: Antsiferova Nina Boltacheva Elena V.
250401 Technology of wood - the occupational field to ensure the process of woodworking; lumber and panel materials and furniture, millwork and building products, ties, matches, trim parts made of wood. Qualifications Graduate - Technician
250405 Technology of complex processing of timber - producing region, which includes the collection of tools, techniques and methods for chemical mechanical wood processing to produce wood-based panels and plastics, pulp, paper, cardboard, woodchemical products and other convenience foods.
250407 harvesting technology - production area, which includes the collection of tools, techniques and methods of harvesting, integrated processing of raw timber, non-timber forest resources, organization of transportation of timber cargo.
250109 Landscape gardening and landscape construction - the occupational field of designing, tab, the arrangement of gardens and other landscaping objects of different purpose and use; introduction of new techniques and technologies for the implementation of measures for environmental management, environmental protection and the conservation of rare and endangered plant species in the region.
Thank you for your attention Marenin Maxim
Kirov timber Industrial College.pptx