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King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals in World Rankings, A Success Story & Ranking/OAI at UQU Sadiq M. Sait, Ph. D Director, Information Technology King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals Dhahran, Saudi Arabia 19 March 2008 Special Presentation to UQU Faculty and Staff
Success Similar to Quality, it is very subjective and is difficult to define Simply because it means different things to different people Recently Ranking of Universities has gained importance worldwide many do not like it very controversial they are here to stay How others see us, according to their criteria
A little bit about KFUPM How the world sees universities Ranking agencies Their criteria Our standing Summary Questions
About KFUPM 1963 Focus on Technology Research & Teaching emphasized People (Difficult Selection Process) Accreditation Emphasis on Processes & Institutionalization Evaluation (Faculty, Staff, Students 0 Strategic Plan, Vision, Values
Other Things About KFUPM IT Technology Campus of the Future (e. Univ, Wi. Fi) Systems (ERP: e. Business, Banner, BI) Dhahran Techno-Valley Science Park, Incubator International Advisory Board Research Institute (30+ years of Applied Research & Consultancy Experience) Centers of Excellences
How The World Sees Us? Ranking Agencies Shanghai Jiao Tong University THE-QS Webometrics
Ranking Agencies Shanghai Jiao Tong University Research and Leadership: Nobel Prize, Field Medals, Highly Cited Research ( Nature, Science , Arts, Humanities), Citations and Impact) Also have subject (engineering) rankings THE-QS Academic and Employer Review, Internationalization, S/F Ratio, Research Impact Webometrics Webdomain: Its Size, Visibility, Scholarly Content, and Rich Files. Note: If you want to do well in rankings then you must understand their criteria
Shanghai Jiao Tong Quality of Education (Alumni, 10%) Quality of Faculty Nobel Prize & Field Prize winners (20%) Highly Cited Researchers (20%) Research Output Nature & Science Articles (20%) Articles in Science Citation Index (20%) Academic Performance with respect to size of institution (10%) For more details on definition of indicators see http: //www. arwu. org/rank/file/ARWU-M&P. pdf Highly Cited means that an individual is among the 250 most cited researchers for their published articles within a specific time-period
THE-QS Academic Peer Review Arts & Humanities Engineering & IT Life Sciences & Biomedicine Natural Sciences Social Sciences Employer Review Faculty Student Ratio Citations per Faculty Internationalization Faculty Students
Academic Peer Review Center Piece of THE-QS WUR Based on online survey Results are compiled based on 3 years worth of responses Subject Areas You cannot submit your own institution Divided into 5 subject areas Carries a weight of 40%
Employer Review Global online Survey (similar to peer review) You may submit a list of potential employers Carries a weight of 10%
Others Faculty Student Ratio Watch out for definition Carries a weight of 20% Citations per Faculty Use Scopus Ratio of citations in the last five years to publications (all: journal, conference papers, review articles, etc; in the last 5 years) Carries a weight of 20% Internationalization Faculty (5%) Students (5%)
THE-QS Rankings How to get in and Improve Register (and Update) University Profile Register as Peer Reviewers Participate in their events (Sponsor, exhibit, attend) Provide employer information Understand the spirit of what they are saying (Example: S/F ratio, or internationalization) Advertize, market, improve your image Rest depends on quality of your faculty/students (not much can be done about it)
Web Publications Web is already the main scholarly communication tool OAI (Open Access Initiatives) Web publication is richer (color, animation, etc) Web presence increases visibility and impact of institutions activities But there is a larger than expected academic digital divide In the near future Web indicators will be an important part of the evaluation procedures and world rankings Web Search engines are the new knowledge intermediaries and web positioning is becoming more and more relevant
About Our Universities • Of our research/scholarly manuscripts, and other knowledge we generate, a good estimate is that only 1 -4% of the worlds academicians can afford to buy/subscribe and have the opportunity to read and benefit from them • Many in poor countries (and some in rich countries) do not even know of the fantastic theories and literature that scholars like in your University have produced
A picture is worth a 1000 words ……
… only if someone sees it
About Our Universities Live or not (definitely live, everything is always in a state of flux, and knowledge is generated every minute) • Number of files on your PC keep growing in a live university • Why have they not changed for us on the Internet for such a long time?
With so many great thinkers under one roof, there is a lot of what we generate that can be shared
Current Situation 200 Top Universities Webometrics Ranking (January’ 07)
Publishing • As academicians, all of us are anxious to get our work published, for all the good reasons • You can accomplish much more by making your work public, via the Internet (a demo later will illustrate) • If publishing is so important, and publishing on the Internet is easier than chasing publishers, then what is the reason for this delay and inertia? • No better way to – Benefit others with your knowledge – Getting cited and tracking your citations • What is your weight in the scholarly world? (Will let you answer) (visit http: //scholar. google. com and enter site: uqu. edu. sa)
In the age of Internet, everyone of us can be a publisher
e. Prints & Copyright • The manuscript that is prepared and submitted the first time to the publisher is called a pre. Print • We have a provision in our university at (KFUPM) to publish pre. Prints, visit http: //eprints. kfupm. edu. sa • It is the property of the organization where the employee worked to generate both the knowledge and the manuscript • Only the version that has been reviewed by the publisher, edited by him/her for language (value addition), and printed in the journal after signing of the copyright form is subject to terms of copyright
Other Documents • The entire academic world is sharing knowledge --- why not UQU? • Course work & Lecture Notes, Seminars, Project Presentations, Conference Presentations, Theses Presentations, Coop/Summer-Training reports, Submitted papers, White papers, Project reports (progress and final), to name a few can be published on our websites • Even rejected papers (Lutfi Zadeh’s initial works) • Even our committee reports (non-confidential documents) are good study documents for the world to benefit • The number of pages on the Internet is growing at the rate of almost 10, 000 a day
What is our share?
Other Benefits to UQU Best way to attract excellent international faculty Best way to market yourself and your school for collaboration Easy for aspiring junior faculty to get promoted On google alone there are over 200, 000 search queries per day
Who did people ask before google?
Should the knowledge we generate be a part of the response?
Where do we go from here? Institutional Policies Ownership – University’s Enforcing /Incentivizing Web publications (how? ) Research Funding Faculty Promotion Annual Evaluation
Research committee Policies All conference papers submitted for support must have full searchable text files on the faculty’s website Previous publications must also be available to support Project reports (if support is from research project) Power. Point presentation to be made must also be available A website for each project approved (sample)
Promotion Cases Policies Dossier on the web Preprints of all journal/conference publications and technical reports: (a separate section for 5 selected publications) No communication with the candidate except via the website he updates whenever he wills Reviewers do not get printed material, nor do the committee members
Annual Evaluation Policies Last two years publications on the website Also: All teaching material on the website project reports on the web patent documents on the web committee reports on the web Any other supporting documents that can be made public or will help enhance the image of the university
What Can Your ITC Do? Site. Maps (for all sites, and updated) Make sure the crawlers visit your site and pick pages (Webmaster tools) Training (many do not know that it is simpler than using MSOffice) Storage and Backup Updating the web and making sites which are simple to index No frame for example No big size pages Generating Templates for Faculty Pages and Departmental Pages Easily Uploadable Tools for Rich Files Make Research Documents Searchable Contact other organizations for Backlinks (Link exchanges) Universities worldwide Local/International Forums (Islamicfinder. org, for example) Collaborating with google scholar (particularly for material in the library, UQU Journal of Islamic knowledge, etc. )
Summary of Web Sucses Web is becoming more important for academic institutions Web contents are easier to publish, cheaper to distribute and they reach far larger audiences Scholars still are not prone to publish on the Web, but in the meantime US universities are providing A LOT of info on their websites Web success is related to the volume and quality of the information provided Web visibility and impact is correlated with the institution overall performance
Conlusion Strategy and Vision People (including Peers) Interact, Collaborate Use Technology Take full advantage of Internet/Web Evaluation criteria of faculty/staff should match with objectives Tracking (we have BI)
Improving Umm-Ul-Qura University‘s Web presence Technicalities Sadiq M. Sait Makkah, Saudi Arabia, 19 November 2008
Criteria & Expected Correlation?
Size (S) Number of pages recovered from four engines: Google, Yahoo, Live Search and Exalead. For each engine, results are normalised to 1 for the highest value. Then for each domain, maximum and minimum results are excluded and every institution is assigned a rank according to the combined sum (37, 900) In google, enter site: uqu. edu. sa ITC Services & Projects 3/18/2018 40
Visibility (V) The total number of unique external links received (inlinks) by a site can be only confidently obtained from Yahoo Search, Live Search and Exalead. For each engine, results are normalised to 1 for the highest value and then combined to generate the rank (10, 500 for UQU, 14 from domain: edu) In yahoo. com, enter linkdomain: uqu. edu. sa -site: uqu. edu. sa ITC Services & Projects 3/18/2018 41
Rich. Files (R) After evaluation of their relevance to academic and publication activities and considering the volume of the different file formats, the following were selected: Adobe Acrobat (. pdf), Microsoft Word (. doc) and Microsoft Powerpoint (. ppt). These data are extracted using Google. site: kfupm. edu. sa filetype: pdf ITC Services & Projects 3/18/2018 42
Scholar (Sc) Google Scholar provides the number of papers and citations for each academic domain. These results from the Scholar database represent papers, reports and other academic items (55 for UQU). http: //scholar. google. com site: uqu. edu. sa ITC Services & Projects 3/18/2018 43
Webometrics Rank =4*Rank. V+2*Rank. S+1*Rank. R+1*Rank. Sc ITC Services & Projects 3/18/2018 44
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Orders of Magnitude Larger!!
Improving Webometrics Rank ØContent is the key: o Visibility is measured by the number of external in-links Quantity, diversity, organization, freshness and originality of the contents increase the number of visits Visitors are candidate web authors for linking visited pages Google’s Page Rank: Ranking algorithm combining visibility and web pages importance. Portals and directories transfer high PR to website listed on them o Rich formats are usually reserved to the quality information, including scientific papers Web archiving own or hosted documents increases the impact of the websites: Open Access initiatives, self-archiving, institutional or thematic repositories (How about an Arabic Repository for UQU: Archive international work? ) o Popularity refers to the visits received by the website Number, origin and behavior of the visitors should be monitored in any web strategy project
Things to Avoid • Barriers to crawlers – Hostile design • Flash without embedded links • Javascripts/Java with incomplete URLs – Orphaned pages (not linked from others) (Open Directory Listing) • Invisible Web – Gateways to databases without categories – Dynamic pages with long URLs • Lazy Webmasters – “Dead” links, Irregular Contents update, No title or META, bad URLs, few alternative formats (pdf, ppt, doc, ps)
Visibility in the Region
Rich Files, Size, & Scholar
Popularity: Comparisons
Popularity: Long term Evolution
Suggestions Middle and Long term strategies Open access mandatory Vertical initiatives: From personal to institutional repositories Horizontal initiatives: Libraries! Increase web cooperation with other academic institutions of the country and the region Exchange links Cooperative repositories Develop web positioning policies Open/distance learning initiatives Exploit the future: Building broadband multimedia repositories Repositories Automate Tracking
Questions ?
Thank You ITC Services & Projects 3/18/2018 83