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Kick-off meeting Paris 30 th and 31 rst of March 2009 Infrastructure for the Kick-off meeting Paris 30 th and 31 rst of March 2009 Infrastructure for the European Network for Earth System modelling IS-ENES Introduction Action soutenue par la Région Ile de France

Kick-off meeting Paris 30 th and 31 rst of March 2009 ENES http: //www. Kick-off meeting Paris 30 th and 31 rst of March 2009 ENES http: //www. enes. org • An informal network of European groups and institutes interested in climate and Earth system modeling Launched in 2001 by Guy Brasseur (MOU) • Approximately 40 groups from academic, public and industrial world • Main focus : discuss strategy to accelerate progress in climate and Earth system modeling and understanding • Several EU projects PRISM, ENSEMBLES, METAFOR, COMBINE, IS-ENES [ESMVAL, EUCLIPSE] Support to PRACE & DEISA 2 Scientific Board : S. Joussaume, J. C. André, J. Mitchell, T. Palmer, J. Marotzke, R. Budich, A. Navarra, P. Kabat Action soutenue par la Région Ile de France

Kick-off meeting Paris 30 th and 31 rst of March 2009 Challenges for the Kick-off meeting Paris 30 th and 31 rst of March 2009 Challenges for the ESM community To improve our understanding and prediction of future climate changes : - better account for the full complexity of the Earth system - better account for climate change on regional scales - enhance interactions with the impact community - disseminate knowledge on climate change European competitiveness and expertise: - Improve research infrastructure : models & world-class high-performance computers - Contribute to international expertise : CMIP 5/IPCC AR 5 - Better integrate countries new to the subject Action soutenue par la Région Ile de France

Kick-off meeting Paris 30 th and 31 rst of March 2009 Infrastructure for ENES Kick-off meeting Paris 30 th and 31 rst of March 2009 Infrastructure for ENES • Euroclivar Concerted Action recommended in 1998 “a better integration of the European modelling effort with respect to human potential, hardware and software”. - develop collaboration - establish a European climate computing facility, - enhance the exchange of software and model results. • First started with PRISM under FP 5 : common coupler OASIS • ENES in 2001 Action soutenue par la Région Ile de France

Kick-off meeting Paris 30 th and 31 rst of March 2009 Infrastructure for European Kick-off meeting Paris 30 th and 31 rst of March 2009 Infrastructure for European climate/Earth system models Infrastructure : ESMs and ESM environment ESM data Interface with HPC ecosystem Action soutenue par la Région Ile de France Users of Infrastructure : The ESM community ENES User communities : Regional climate models Impact studies

Kick-off meeting Paris 30 th and 31 rst of March 2009 IS-ENES Infrastructure for Kick-off meeting Paris 30 th and 31 rst of March 2009 IS-ENES Infrastructure for ENES FP 7 I 3 2009 -2012 starts March 1 rst 2009 18 partners Climate centers Computing Centers Data Centers Expertise on computing Expertise on CC impacts PCMDI : collaboration International standards NEC had to cancel Action soutenue par la Région Ile de France European ESMs in IS-ENES Arpège-Nemo Meteo-France C-ESM CMCC COSMOS MPI-Met EC-Earth KNMI-SMHI HADGEM 3 Hadley IPSLCM IPSL

Kick-off meeting Paris 30 th and 31 rst of March 2009 IS-ENES Four main Kick-off meeting Paris 30 th and 31 rst of March 2009 IS-ENES Four main objectives: • 1 - Foster the integration of the European ESM community • 2 - Foster the development of ESMs • 3 - Foster high-end simulations • 4 - Foster application of ESM simulations for climate change impacts Action soutenue par la Région Ile de France

HPC ecosystem Kick-off meeting Paris 30 th and 31 rst of March 2009 PRACE HPC ecosystem Kick-off meeting Paris 30 th and 31 rst of March 2009 PRACE & DEISA 2 CIRCE, CECILIA … Impact studies In link with ENES ESMVAL / EUCLIPSE Model evaluation Climate change simulations ESM development COMBINE ENSEMBLES METAFOR Model infrastructure 2009 Action soutenue par la Région Ile de France IS-ENES CMIP 5/Prepare IPCC AR 5 2012

Kick-off meeting Paris 30 th and 31 rst of March 2009 1 - Foster Kick-off meeting Paris 30 th and 31 rst of March 2009 1 - Foster the integration Network and Service Activities NA 1, NA 2, NA 3 & SA 1 • Further integrate the European climate/ESM community, – development of the future ENES strategy ESMs, high-performance computing – exchange of expertise Access to information, network of experts – training activities : summer schools • Develop a virtual Earth System Modelling Resource Centre – integrate the distributed facilities (existing/developed) e-infrastructure (models, tools, data, compute resources) Action soutenue par la Région Ile de France

Kick-off meeting Paris 30 th and 31 rst of March 2009 2 - Foster Kick-off meeting Paris 30 th and 31 rst of March 2009 2 - Foster the development of ESMs Network, Service and Joint Research Activities NA 2, NA 3, SA 1, JRA 1 & JRA 3 • Increase the services around ESMs: – enhance model documentation – develop a service on common tools and model components OASIS, NEMO, CDO Towards ESM service ? • Foster the joint development and common evaluation of the European ESMs – ESM software environment tools to prepare, run, store, evaluate and exploit model simulations – ESM components Action soutenue par la Région Ile de France

Kick-off meeting Paris 30 th and 31 rst of March 2009 3 - Foster Kick-off meeting Paris 30 th and 31 rst of March 2009 3 - Foster high-end simulations Network and Joint Research Activities NA 1 & JRA 2 • Ensure an efficient access and execution of ESMs on high-performance computing facilities – Develop a common strategy e. g. “Scientific case”, needs – Enhance the interface with the EU large infrastructures DEISA 2 and PRACE Community representative – Ease access to the EU large infrastructures – Improve model performance on different computer architectures Action soutenue par la Région Ile de France

Kick-off meeting Paris 30 th and 31 rst of March 2009 4 - Foster Kick-off meeting Paris 30 th and 31 rst of March 2009 4 - Foster the application of ESM simulations Network, Service and Joint Research Activities NA 1, SA 2, JRA 4 & JRA 5 • Enhance the dissemination of model results: – enhance the service around model results – Develop more efficient tools to access data • Enhance the interaction with decision makers and user communities, mainly concerned by climate change impact studies: – Delivery of “position papers” – Service activity – Prototype services for impact studies Action soutenue par la Région Ile de France

Kick-off meeting Paris 30 th and 31 rst of March 2009 Action soutenue par Kick-off meeting Paris 30 th and 31 rst of March 2009 Action soutenue par la Région Ile de France

Kick-off meeting Paris 30 th and 31 rst of March 2009 Budget 7 591 Kick-off meeting Paris 30 th and 31 rst of March 2009 Budget 7 591 850, 55 € for 4 years Action soutenue par la Région Ile de France

Kick-off meeting Paris 30 th and 31 rst of March 2009 Action soutenue par Kick-off meeting Paris 30 th and 31 rst of March 2009 Action soutenue par la Région Ile de France

Kick-off meeting Paris 30 th and 31 rst of March 2009 Monday 30 th Kick-off meeting Paris 30 th and 31 rst of March 2009 Monday 30 th March 14 h 45 - 17 h 10 Description of IS-ENES project • Overview : – Introduction : Sylvie Joussaume – The future ENES strategy (NA 1), Jochem Marotzke • Earth system modelling (incl HPC) – Network and service activity (NA 3 & SA 1): » Sophie Valcke & Johan Silen – ESM tools, environments and performance (JRA 1 and JRA 2): » Steve Mullerworth and Graham Riley – ESM evaluation infrastructure (JRA 3) : George Tselioudis • ESM data : – service and research activities (SA 2 & JRA 4) : » Michael Lautenschlager & Martin Jukes – Bridging with impact community (JRA 5) : » Christian Pagé • The virtual Earth system Resource Center (NA 2): » Joachim Biercamp Action soutenue par la Région Ile de France

Kick-off meeting Paris 30 th and March Tuesday 31 rst of March 2009 9. Kick-off meeting Paris 30 th and March Tuesday 31 rst of March 2009 9. 00 - 12. 30 Break-out sessions by Workpackage – 9. 00 - 10. 30 First parallel sessions • NA, « Strategy » – Chairs: Sylvie Joussaume & Jochem Marotzke • NA 2&NA 3&SA 1, « Model network and service » – Chairs: Joachim Biercamp & Sophie Valcke • SA 2&JRA 4, « Data service and research activity » – Chair: Martin Jukes 10. 30 -11. 00 Coffee break (Salle Dussane) – 11. 00 -12. 30 Second parallel sessions • JRA 1&JRA 2, “Model performance” – Chairs: Steve Mullerworth & Graham Riley • JRA 3, “Model evaluation” – Chairs: George Tselioudis & Michael Schultz • JRA 5, “Impact” Chairs: Christian Pagé & Pascale Braconnot Lunch 12. 45 -14. 00 Action soutenue par la Région Ile de France