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Keys for an Effective Business Planning Workshop September 27, 2006
Dr. Timothy B. Folta l l Associate Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship Director – BIOMEDSHIP (Biomedical Entrepreneurship) Program – http: //www. purdue. edu/biomedship/ Instructor, Undergraduate, MBA, & Ph. D. Courses in Entrepreneurship research published in leading journals – – Entrepreneurial survival Entrepreneurial risk Entrepreneurial entry Acquisitions of entrepreneurial firms
Why write a business plan? l According to Dun & Bradstreet study of businesses between 1989 -1992: – 66% of businesses remain open at least 2 years. – 49. 6% remain open at least 4 years. – 39. 5% remain open at least 6 years. l Study of Canadian firms found roughly the same:
Why write a business plan? (cont. ) l Cooper, Dunkelberg, and Woo (1988) found that 95% of entrepreneurs believe that their ventures will most probably succeed even though over half of all new ventures fail. – – l Over-optimism of own ability? Don’t perceive risks? Shane and Delmar (2003) found that entrepreneurs who have completed business plans or undertaken more business planning should be: – – – more likely to survive further along in product development further along in organizing the venture Cooper, A. C. , Dunkelberg, W. C. , & Woo, C. Y. (1988). ‘Entrepreneurs’ perceived chances of success. ’ Journal of Business Venturing, 3: 97 -108. Delmar, F. & Shane, S. (2003). ‘Does business planning facilitate the development of new ventures, Strategic Management Journal, 24(12), pp 1165 -1185.
Tale of Two Markets 1995 -2000 üGet big fast üConcept funded üTime to IPO üYoung Entrepreneurs üEntrepreneurs controlled valuation 2001 -today üGet profitable fast üWhere’s the business model? üPath to profitability üExperienced veterans üVC controls valuation Source: Venture One
Why write a business Plan? Increase awareness of key challenges Overcome subjectivity bias Convince other stakeholders Employees Angel Capital Providers VC Partners Debt
Agenda I. III. IV. V. VI. First … some terminology Getting started: Begin with the end in mind Plan outline Some considerations when writing the plan Do’s and Don’t’s Q&A
First …. some terminology l l l Unique Selling Proposition Competitive Advantage Business Model
Unique selling proposition or Value Proposition l l How the product or service benefits the customer in a unique way Answers the critical question for each customer: “What’s in it for me? ”
Examples of Value Propositions – “We provide a friendly, comfortable, well-located place offering a wide range of fresh, customized quality coffees, teas, and other beverages for the person who enjoys a good experience and a good beverage. ” – “An easily accessible Internet site that is convenient all of the time to provide a wide selection of books, CDs, and videos at a fair price to the busy, computer-literate customer. ”
competitive advantage a firm’s distinctive factors that give it a superior of favorable position in relation to its competitors. l A sustainable competitive advantage is a competitive advantage is maintained persistently. l
A firm establishes a competitive advantage by driving a wedge between the costs it incurs and the willingness to pay (WTP) The Firm’s Economic Contribution Value WTP WTP Firm Profit Price or Cost Firm Profit Cost
3 Broad Types of Choices that Define a Company’s Business Strategy The scope over which the advantage is targeted The advantage the firm aims to deliver Positioning Strategy The activities throughout the value chain that deliver the intended advantage Organizational Strategy Participation Strategy
The advantage the firm aims to deliver Superior Competitive Position WTP Firm Profit Cost Alter WTP Cost Alter Marginal Cost WTP Firm Profit Cost Alter WTP Alter Marginal Cost
Examples of Sources of Competitive Advantage Source Example Efficiency, low costs Alcoa Product innovation Intel Quality, reliability Mercedes Customer responsiveness Dell Manufacturing innovation Toyota
The scope over which the advantage is targeted Geography Product Demography
The activities throughout the value chain that deliver the intended advantage Production Design Logistics Marketing Sales Service Human Resources
business model l A business model is the description of the business and how it will work in economic terms – that is, how it will make money. – to be persuasive, it must specify how / why each stakeholder gains from the venture
Getting Started Begin with the end in mind
“Would you tell me please which way I ought to walk from here? ” “That depends a good deal on where you want to get to, ” said the Cat. “I don’t much care where –” said Alice. “Then it doesn’t matter which way to walk, ” said the Cat. From Alice’s ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND
The End l Could refer to the purpose of the plan – – – l Recruiting talent Gaining confidence in business opportunity Securing financing Could refer to the exit – – IPO Sale or Merger
6 things you must have to get VC funding l Compelling business models Good business plan Unique technology with clear benefits Strong Intellectual Property position BIG markets Experienced management team Realistic financial plan Ø Not necessarily in this order of importance!! l l l
General Venture Capital Fund L. P. Capital 99% Limited Partners 1% General Partners General Partner Expertise L. P. 1% Limited Partners 99% General Partners L. P. Key Features * 10 Year Life * Annual Management Fee - 2. 5% * Profit Share: 80% Limited Partners, 20% General Partners -2 to 0 years 0 to 4 years 4 to 8 years Raise Funds Locate Deals Invest Grow Investments Investment Fund Cycle 9 -10 years Liquidate Investments
Example $50 MM $0 $200 MM $150 MM $0 P 1 P 2 P 3 P 4 P 5 • Investors get $100 MM back • $300 MM Profit Split • VC gets 20% • Investors get 80% VC I 1 I 2 I = Investors, P = Target ventures Total Amount Harvested = $400 MM I 3 Total Amount Invested = $100 MM
Key Components of the Business Plan l l I. II. III. IV. V. VII. Cover Page Table of Contents Executive Summary The Company Market Analysis Competitive Analysis Products and Services Marketing and Sales Finance Appendix
1. 0 The Executive Summary l l Probably the most important part of the plan. It is a business plan in miniature – should be able to stand on its own. Organize in order of importance No more than 2 pages Did you know that most business plans are never read by a VC partner?
II. The Company A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. Company History Mission Legal Business Description Strategy Technology Value Proposition Management Organization, Alliances, and Relationships Intellectual Property Strategy Facilities
Example of Mission Statement: e. Bay Mission “We help people trade practically anything on earth. e. Bay Statement was founded with the belief that people are basically good. We believe that each of our customers, whether a buyer or a seller, is an individual who deserves to be treated with respect. We will continue to enhance the online trading experience of all – collectors, hobbyists, dealers, small business, unique item seekers, bargain hunters, opportunistic sellers, and browsers. The growth of the e. Bay community comes from meeting and exceeding the expectations of these special people. ”
Strategy l l l Major opportunities Estimated cost of entry, time frame, and risk Competitive advantage – – – l l Type of advantage Scope of advantage Key activities driving advantage Product / Service A Product / Service B
Technology l l Proprietary Technology relationships
The Average Start-up Firm The Established Firm Human Capital Other assets: technology, market power, reputation, customer relationships, scale economies, scope economies, etc.
Why Venture Capitalists Reject Business Plans Unacceptable management team 52% Company not market driven 38% Time frame too long 33% Inadequate financing plan 25% No proprietary position 15% No experience in industry (VC) 12% Other pitfalls: too long, opportunity too small, poor organization, lack of focus
The relationship between prior experience and performance l In a Purdue study of 2994 entrepreneurs by Gimeno, Folta, Cooper, and Woo (1997) – – Similarity of prior business to current one is one of the strongest predictors of performance. Other predictors of performance Formal education l Management experience l Entrepreneurial experience l
Management I. Leadership team and brief resumes II. Ownership, voting, stock options, and other incentives III. Outside support a) b) c) d) Accountant Attorney Consultant Board of directors / advisors
Organization, Alliances and Relationships l l l Joint Marketing agreements Supplier Agreements Joint Development agreements
III. Market Analysis A. B. C. D. E. Market Description Target Market Customer Buying Criteria Distribution Strategy Market Penetration and Sales Volume
Market Description l l We expect to compete in the [define niche] of the [define industry]. This market was approximately [$x] at [wholesale or retail] last [period available], according to [cite resource]. We believe a major future trend in the industry will be toward [environmentally oriented, miniaturized, high quality, value oriented] product offerings. Market research [cite source] suggests that this market will [grow/shrink] to [$x] by the year [200? ]. We expect the niche in which we compete to [grow/shrink/remain stagnant] during this time. The major forces affecting this change will be [falling cost of computers, explosion of home based businesses, tendency for baby boomers to have less kids-and pamper their pets, whatever]. The are of greatest growth within the industry will be [x]. [Company] is uniquely positioned to attend to this segment because …
Target Market i. ii. We define our target market as [x], [y], and [z]. Currently the market is shared by [a] competitors. Market segments and characteristics of those segments
Customer Buying criteria i. ii. Motivation to buy Primary market research to suggest target customers want product or service.
Market Penetration and Sales Volume l For each channel, identify the target volumes and assumptions over a five year period
Revenue Model: how the firm will generate revenue l l Product sales model Subscription fee model Advertising revenue model Transaction fee revenue model
Sources of revenue growth l l l Increasing brand recognition Intellectual property licensing International expansion Acquisition of other firms Price increases New product offerings
IV. Competitive Analysis l Key competitors – l Industry analysis – l Product, price, market share, location, promotion, management, financial strength. Barriers to entry, intensity of rivalry, buyer power, supplier power, availability of substitutes. Distinguishing qualities of company
V. Product and Services A. Description of how it works. What needs are met. Photos or drawings. B. Product line plans C. R&D D. Production and delivery 1) Location 2) Build versus buy versus license decisions, 3) Facilities and logistics. E. Packaging F. Fulfillment G. Service and Support
VI. Marketing and Sales l l l Marketing Plan Sales Strategy Distribution Channels and Partners Sales Cycle Pricing Strategy Marketing Communications
l Sales Strategy – – l Distribution Channels and Partners – – l l Selling Methods Product Positioning Distributors Direct Sales Retailers Corporate Sales Cycle Pricing Strategy – – Product A Product B
l Marketing Communications – – – Trade shows Advertising Press Releases Conferences / Seminars Internet Promotions Direct Mail
VII. Financial Plan l l l Highlights of financial statements Revenue Sources Funding requirements How you intend to use Funds Required Analysis: – – – l Supplemental analysis – – l Profit and loss forecast Cash flow forecast Balance sheet Ratio analysis Break-even analysis Harvest plan
Some Overall Thoughts on the Financial Section of the Plan l Financial projections are relatively unimportant (Sahlman) – Everyone knows they’re inaccurate: – However, they take on more importance if the fundamentals of the business model are well established.
VIII. Risks and Milestones l l l Critical risks: technological, market, execution Potential mitigation of the risks Performance milestones
IX. Appendices l Pro-forma financial reports – – – l l l l l Assumptions, trends, comparatives Cash flow statements Income statements Balance sheets Sources and uses of funds Supplementary financial analysis Resumes / Management Team Biographies Testimonials Patent applications Description of primary data analysis Contracts Promotion literature Competitive Profiles Press Clippings References
For what do you need financial assumptions? l l l l Sales - when to begin, growth Start-up costs fixed and variables expenses terms on accounts receivable, payable inventory turnover terms of financing initial cash position timing of key events
How to generate pro-forma financials? Beginning balance sheet Income statement Cash flow statement Sales forecast Assumptions Ending balance sheet
The Cover Page VP The Very Profitable Company 333 West St. West Lafayette, IN 47906 765 -463 -2012 Fax (765) 494 -9658 Jones@msn. com Contact: Wayne Jones - CEO The company was established in 2003 Like Coach Wooden – Pay attention to detail This (2 nd) version of the plan was completed September 2004 Plan #2. 4
Some Considerations When Writing the Business Plan l l l How long should it be? Where to start? Who should write the plan? What should the plan look like? Should you have more than one version of the plan? Should you seek the perspective of outsiders?
The impression continuum Messy (poor organizational skills) Over-organized (hiding lack of content) Too short (glib) Too long (unable to get to the point) No pictures (lacking creativity) Too many pictures (lacking discipline) Too conservative (too bearish) Too optimistic (unrealistic, naïve) B&W faded photocopy (lacking marketing skills) Full color ad-like production (no self control, too flashy or focused on appearances) the answer: tell the story & keep it succinct!!!
Do’s and Don’t’s of Business Plans
Do … tell the story l l l Make sure the business model resonates throughout the plan Make it a page turner … Each section should lead to the next Each business story must be told in a slightly different way … do not follow a fixed formula Edit with a sharp knife
Don’t … make common mistakes l l l Beat the reader over the head with your point Too much repetition & irrelevant information Not enough information Ignore risks Ask for less money than is needed
Time’s Yours!