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  • Количество слайдов: 69


Conditionals Conditionals

1. I only told you because I thought you would be interested. TOLD I. 1. I only told you because I thought you would be interested. TOLD I. . . you if I thought you weren't interested.

would not have told would not have told

2. I won't organise the party unless you arrange the food. LONG I'll organise 2. I won't organise the party unless you arrange the food. LONG I'll organise the party. . . arrange the food.

as long as you so long as you as long as you so long as you

3. I think it would be a good idea to speak to the manager 3. I think it would be a good idea to speak to the manager first. WERE If. . . speak to the manager first.

I were you I would I were you I'd I was you I would I were you I would I were you I'd I was you I would (more informal) I was you I'd (more informal)

4. If you do the washing up I'll make the coffee. PROVIDED I'll make 4. If you do the washing up I'll make the coffee. PROVIDED I'll make the coffee. . . the washing up.

provided you do provided you do

5. You're tired because you keep staying up late. WERE If. . . to 5. You're tired because you keep staying up late. WERE If. . . to bed earlier, you wouldn't be so tired.

you were to go you were to go

6. You never enter competitions so you'll never win anything. MIGHT If you entered 6. You never enter competitions so you'll never win anything. MIGHT If you entered competitions. . . something.

you might win you might win

7. The reason I haven't got much money is because they didn't give me 7. The reason I haven't got much money is because they didn't give me promotion. POOR If they had given me promotion I. . . now.

wouldn't be so poor would not be so poor wouldn't be so poor would not be so poor

8. I've been so happy since I met you. MIGHT I. . . so 8. I've been so happy since I met you. MIGHT I. . . so happy if I hadn't met you.

might not have been might not have been

Comparative/ Superlative Comparative/ Superlative

1. The food was so good we had to leave a tip. SUCH It. 1. The food was so good we had to leave a tip. SUCH It. . . that we had to leave a tip.

was such good food was such good food

2. The computer was too expensive for me to buy. ENOUGH I. . . 2. The computer was too expensive for me to buy. ENOUGH I. . . money to buy the computer.

did not have enough didn't have enough did not have enough didn't have enough

3. It's the most beautiful painting I've ever seen. SEEN I. . beautiful painting. 3. It's the most beautiful painting I've ever seen. SEEN I. . beautiful painting.

have never seen such a 've never seen such a have never seen a have never seen such a 've never seen such a have never seen a more 've never seen a more

4. This summer has been much cooler than last year. COOL Last summer. . 4. This summer has been much cooler than last year. COOL Last summer. . . this year.

wasn't as cool as was not as cool as wasn't as cool as was not as cool as

5. I'm not as good at maths as you. BETTER You. . . me. 5. I'm not as good at maths as you. BETTER You. . . me.

are better at maths than 're better at maths than can do maths better are better at maths than 're better at maths than can do maths better than

6. The course wasn't as easy as I'd expected. MORE The course. . . 6. The course wasn't as easy as I'd expected. MORE The course. . . I'd expected.

was more difficult than was more difficult than

7. This car isn't safe enough to drive. DANGEROUS This car. . . drive. 7. This car isn't safe enough to drive. DANGEROUS This car. . . drive.

's too dangerous to is too dangerous to 's too dangerous to is too dangerous to

8. This exercise is easier than the last one. HARD This exercise. . . 8. This exercise is easier than the last one. HARD This exercise. . . the last one.

is not as hard as isn't as hard as is not as hard as isn't as hard as

Passive Passive

1. The examiner tells candidates the regulations at the beginning of the exam. TOLD 1. The examiner tells candidates the regulations at the beginning of the exam. TOLD At the beginning of the exam candidates. . . the regulations.

are told about are told are told about are told

2. Did we send that letter to Mr Thomas? WAS Do you know if. 2. Did we send that letter to Mr Thomas? WAS Do you know if. . . to Mr Thomas?

that letter was sent the letter was sent that letter was sent the letter was sent

3. We haven't arranged a date for the wedding yet. BEEN A date for 3. We haven't arranged a date for the wedding yet. BEEN A date for the wedding. . . yet.

has not been arranged hasn't been arranged has not been set hasn't been set has not been arranged hasn't been arranged has not been set hasn't been set

4. They will have given him the news by now. TOLD He. . . 4. They will have given him the news by now. TOLD He. . . the news by now.

will have been told 'll have been told will have been told 'll have been told

5. Experts estimate that most people now have access to the Internet. IS. . 5. Experts estimate that most people now have access to the Internet. IS. . . that most people now have access to the Internet.

It is estimated It's estimated It is estimated by experts It's estimated by experts It is estimated It's estimated It is estimated by experts It's estimated by experts

6. The garage on the corner usually repairs my car. HAVE I. . . 6. The garage on the corner usually repairs my car. HAVE I. . . by the garage on the corner.

usually have my car repaired usually get my car repaired usually have my car repaired usually get my car repaired

7. Steve definitely didn't write that essay. HAVE That essay. . . by Steve. 7. Steve definitely didn't write that essay. HAVE That essay. . . by Steve.

can't have been written won't have been written cannot have been written will not can't have been written won't have been written cannot have been written will not have been written

8. The police have cancelled the demonstration. HAS The demonstration. . . by the 8. The police have cancelled the demonstration. HAS The demonstration. . . by the police.

has been cancelled 's been cancelled has been cancelled 's been cancelled

Direct and Indirect Speech Direct and Indirect Speech

1. 'What do you think of the college? ' ASKED She . . of 1. 'What do you think of the college? ' ASKED She . . of the college. .

asked me what I thought asked what I thought asked me what I thought asked what I thought

2. 'I'll call you later tonight, ' Keith promised. WOULD Keith promised that . 2. 'I'll call you later tonight, ' Keith promised. WOULD Keith promised that . . . night.

he would call later that he would phone later that he would telephone later he would call later that he would phone later that he would telephone later that he would ring later that

3. 'I didn't break the window, ' said the boy. DENIED The boy . 3. 'I didn't break the window, ' said the boy. DENIED The boy . . . the window

denied breaking denied breaking

4. 'Why don't you come this evening? ' SUGGESTED She . . . that 4. 'Why don't you come this evening? ' SUGGESTED She . . . that evening.

suggested coming suggested that I come suggested that we come suggested coming suggested that I come suggested that we come

5. 'You look really tired, ' he told her. SAID He . . . 5. 'You look really tired, ' he told her. SAID He . . . really tired.

said she looked said that she looked said she looked said that she looked

6. 'You must do your homework tonight. ' the teacher said. TOLD The teacher 6. 'You must do your homework tonight. ' the teacher said. TOLD The teacher . . . my homework.

told me to do told me to do

7. 'What's your name? ' he asked. KNOW He . . . what my 7. 'What's your name? ' he asked. KNOW He . . . what my name was.

wanted to know wanted to know

8. 'I might be late for. ' he told me. INFORMED He . . 8. 'I might be late for. ' he told me. INFORMED He . . . might be late.

informed me that he informed me he informed me that he informed me he