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Intersections Description: § Intersection Refers to the Following – Each at grade crossing of road elements – Each location where a DCW transitions into a SCW – Each location where the carriageways of a DCW each become a separate SCW – Each location where the road network ends – Each crossing of a road with the boundary of an administrative area (Order 8 or above) – Each location situated at the extremities of a captured Freeway Intersection www. rmsi. com #2
Description – Intersection refers to a point location(s) or to a combination of line(s). The composing parts of an intersection shall not belong to more than one intersection and cannot be adjacent to one another. – An intersection corresponding with one route advice has to be interpreted as one decision point for car navigation. www. rmsi. com #3
Interpretation § An intersection corresponding with one route advice has to be interpreted as one decision point for car navigation § The Actual Network Geometry intersection would be added to the junction and it would be composed as follows www. rmsi. com #4
Case § In this situation, one intersection point cannot be used. If you are driving along street “A” and you want to continue north along street “B”, you will need to take a right turn and then take a left. That will require two route advices to properly navigate through the junction. When the Level II geometry is displayed, the “take a right then a left” route advice needs to be maintained. FOW 3 FOW 9 FOW 2 FOW 9 FOW 3 www. rmsi. com #5
Case FOW 3 FOW 9 B B FOW 2 A FOW 9 FOW 3 If the intersection was composed as shown above then … www. rmsi. com A The Level II display would look like this. Notice that the display no longer takes into account both route advices needed to travel from A to B. #6
Case FOW 3 B B FOW 9 FOW 2 FOW 9 A A FOW 3 By capturing three separate intersection points at this junction will maintain the proper route advices a driver would need if they were to traverse through this junction. www. rmsi. com This is the Level II display for this junction when the intersections are captured as shown in the diagram to the left. Notice that the two route advices needed to travel from A to B have been maintained. #7
Intersection and FOW § Intersection and FOW – Form of Way (FOW) play a major part in how intersection points are composed in the database. As intersections are being worked, FOW values of segments involved in the composition of the points need to be verified for correctness. – When doing any work involving Level II attribution, it is within the scope of edit to change/update any incorrect FOW values. www. rmsi. com #8
Crossing of Single Carriageways § Intersection shall be captured at each location where two or more SCW cross at-grade. These intersections will be placed in the database upon creation of product and editors (in-house, in the field, or overseas) will not be required to add them. SCW SCW Intersection composed of all the segment ends at the node. Figure - Schematic showing intersections at SCW crossings www. rmsi. com #9
Crossing of Dual Carriageways § Intersection shall be captured at each location along a dual carriageway/freeway where it is intersected by captured road network geometry. The intersection will be composed of the road elements that cross the DCW (combination of lines) or the junctions where the DCW intersects the cross street (points). In some cases, a segment will need to be split in order to apply the intersection point. DCW SCW May need to split here SCW DCW SCW Intersection composed of all the segments interior to the DCW (linear). Intersection composed of all the segment ends at the nodes (points). Figure - schematic showing intersections at DCW crossings www. rmsi. com #10
Crossing of Dual Carriageways Figure - Display of intersections at DCW crossings www. rmsi. com #11
Crossing with Traffic islands SCW SCW Unless noted otherwise all segments in this figure are SCW Distance >40 meters DCW SCW Intersection composed of segments. Figure - Schematic showing intersections where traffic islands are less than 40 meters Less than 40 meters www. rmsi. com Intersection composed of all the segment ends at the node. Figure - schematic representing how intersections will be applied when the traffic island is greater than 40 meters Greater than 40 meters #12
Intersection – Crossing with at-grade slip road § Intersection shall be captured where a small slip road occurs and will be composed of the road elements representing the slip road and the road elements representing the main road. SCW Unless noted otherwise all segments in this figure are SCW DCW SSR SSR Split segment SSR DCW SSR Split segment SSR Intersection composed of segments. Figure - schematic showing how intersections will be captured when slip roads exist at the junction www. rmsi. com #13
Level II Intersection – Basic Intersections www. rmsi. com #14
Crossing with at-grade slip road § If the slip road or main road is intersected by another road element, intersections will be captured primarily as points. SSR SSR DCW Split segment Intersection composed of segments. Intersection composed of all segment ends at the node Figure - schematic showing how intersections will be composed when another street intersects the junction www. rmsi. com #15
Crossing with at-grade slip road § The road elements that would make up the intersection point are intersected by another road element so multiple intersection points need to be captured. In this example 4 points are needed. Point #3 does not need to be added manually. It will be added when product is created. However, it isn’t wrong if an editor puts it in the database. 1 3 2 Splited segment 4 www. rmsi. com #16
Level II Intersection – Crossing with at-grade slip road § In this example 2 small slip roads exist. The road elements that would make up the intersection point are intersected by another road element so multiple intersection points need to be captured. Intersection #1 is composed of the road elements and the other three are composed of the segment ends at the nodes. Points 2 -4 will be added when product is created. 4 2 1 3 Example showing small slips roads where one is entirely composed in an intersection point and the other is not due to another road element intersecting the road www. rmsi. com #17
Level II Intersection – Jughandles § Small slip roads will not be a part of an intersection when involving a jughandle. Intersection points still need to be applied at these junctions but the small slip roads that make up the jughandle cannot be included in the intersection point. SCW SSR Jughandle SCW Split segment DCW DCW Intersection composed of segments. Intersection composed of all segment ends at the node Schematic showing how intersection points are captured at junctions involving jughandles www. rmsi. com #18
Jughandles www. rmsi. com #19
Intersection – Jughandles jughandles and small slip roads at a junction www. rmsi. com #20
Stacked Roads § Intersection points will be captured where stacked roads begin, end, or intersect with another road element. Stacked roads DCW DCW SCW stacked roads schematic FW FW FW MSR Grade separated crossing (z-level) www. rmsi. com #21
Stacked Roads § Example of intersection point composed at stacked road junction where the cross street intersects the upper level. N Franklin St intersects Upper Wacker Dr but there’s no at-grade intersection with Lower Wacker Dr. The intersection point will be added to the junction of N Franklin St and Upper Wacker Dr. and be composed of the road elements that make up the crossing. No intersection should be added at the junction of N Franklin St and Lower Wacker Dr. www. rmsi. com #22
Level II Intersection – Carriageway Designators § Points will also be captured when carriageway designators begin or end, they are HOV, Express, or Local road element. HOV lane begins - carriageway www. rmsi. com HOV lane ends designator schematic #23
Crossings with Freeway § Intersection will be captured when freeways are intersected by another road element (other than another freeway) at-grade. If the V 3 nodes are less than 25 m apart from one another then only one intersection is needed. If the distance is greater than 25 m, two intersections will be needed, one for each crossing. <25 m >25 m www. rmsi. com #24
Crossings with Freeway www. rmsi. com #25
Crossings with Freeway § Point intersections captured at every junction between freeway/DCW and other road elements www. rmsi. com #26
Crossings with Freeway § When a freeway is intersected by another freeway at-grade, an intersection composed of the road elements between the two opposing lanes will be added if the distance is less than 100 m. If the distance is greater than 100 m the intersection will be composed of nodes and the FOW will need to be updated. FW <100 m MSR FW SCW >100 m FW Figure - schematic showing intersections composed where two freeways intersect www. rmsi. com #27
Crossings with Roundabouts § Intersections will be captured at each crossing with roundabouts (FOW 4) and special traffic figures (FOW 17). There will be no situation where the entire roundabout will be entirely composed in one single intersection point. Intersection composed of all segment ends at the node These intersection points will not need to be added by editors (in-house or overseas) as they will be added upon product create www. rmsi. com #28
Crossings with Roundabouts § Intersections captured at a roundabout where all intersecting streets are Double Carriageways Intersection composed of segments. www. rmsi. com #29
Crossings with Roundabouts § Intersection composed of segments Intersection composed of all segment ends at the node. When roundabouts are intersected with small slip roads, those slip roads (whether external or internal) will not be a composing part of the intersection. Intersection composed of all segment ends at the node Intersection composed of segments www. rmsi. com #30
Crossings with Roundabouts § Intersection will be captured where major slip roads cross roundabouts. They will be composed of the road element representing the roundabout located in between the major slip roads. If another road element crosses the roundabout, intersection will be captured based on previous rules. SCW MSR FW/DCW MSR Intersection composed of all segment ends at the node Intersection composed of segments DCW This is how intersections will be represented when crossing major slip roads www. rmsi. com #31
Traffic flares and Roundabouts § § If the distance of the flare is greater than 40 m, the flares are DCW (FOW 2) and are not a composing part of the intersection point. If the distance of the flare is less than 40 m, the flares are SCW (FOW 3) and are composed in the intersection point. <40 m FOW 3 >40 m FOW 2 Intersection composed out of highlighted road elements Less than 40 meters www. rmsi. com Intersection composed out of highlighted road elements Greater than 40 meters #32
Crossings with Roundabouts In the previous example, the surface streets that intersect the roundabout are dual carriageways so the intersection point is composed of the road elements between the opposing sides of the dual carriageway. When the roundabout is intersected by a single carriageway that is split due to a traffic island, the intersection will be composed of the portion of roundabout between the two SCW and the portion of SCW around the traffic island. Single Carriageways www. rmsi. com Elevations #33
Crossings with Roundabouts >40 m FOW 2 FOW 3 <40 m Intersection www. rmsi. com #34
Crossings with internal small slip roads § Internal small slip roads will be entirely composed in the intersection point if the distance from the beginning of the slip road to the cross street is less than 100 m. If the distance is greater than 100 m, point intersections will be added. If a slip road exists on both sides of the cross street, each is looked at separately. www. rmsi. com #35
Crossings with internal small slip roads SCW <100 m SCW >100 m DCW SSR SSR SCW <100 m SSR DCW SCW >100 m DCW SCW DCW <100 m >100 m SCW DCW <100 m SCW >100 m DCW SSR SCW DCW >100 m Intersection composed of segments Less than 100 meter www. rmsi. com Intersection composed of all segment ends at the node Greater than 100 meter
Crossings with internal small slip roads Less than 100 meter www. rmsi. com #37
Crossings with internal small slip roads Greater than 100 meter www. rmsi. com
Crossings with Major Slip roads and Small/Major Slip roads § If the distance between two major slip roads along a non-freeway, located on the same side, is less than 80 m, an intersection shall be composed out of the road elements connecting the major slip roads <80 m >80 m MSR SCW DCW Intersection composed of segments www. rmsi. com SCW DCW Intersection composed out of all segment ends at the node #39
Crossings with Small/Major Slip roads § Small/major slip roads will be treated just like any other small slip road that exists at an at-grade junction. DCW S+M MSR MSR Intersection composed of segments www. rmsi. com SCW #40
Major Slip roads Traffic Island § If a traffic island separates the major slip roads, an intersection shall be composed as specified for other traffic island junctions when the distance between the major slip roads is less than 80 m and no freeway or motorway is present. DCW SCW MSR <80 m MSR Intersection composed of segments >80 m MSR Intersection composed of all segment ends at node Schematic and screen shots showing how to capture intersections when major slip roads are split by traffic island www. rmsi. com #41
Converging and Diverging Dual Carriageways § Intersection will be captured where each dual carriageway/freeway transitions into a single carriageway. The points do not need to be captured manually as they will be added when product is created. SCW DCW www. rmsi. com #42
Converging and Diverging Dual Carriageways www. rmsi. com #43
Roads in Enclosed Traffic Area § Intersection will be captured where an enclosed traffic area (ETA) exists and will be composed of all the road elements located inside the ETA Intersection composed of segments www. rmsi. com #44
End of Road Network and Crossing with an Administrative Boundary § End of Road Network – Intersection will be captured where road elements end. These situations will be added upon product create and will not be the responsibility of the editors to add. § Crossing with an Administrative Boundary – Intersection will be captured when the road network crosses an administrative boundary (order 8 and above). These situations will be added upon product create and will not be the responsibility of the editors to add. www. rmsi. com #45
Questions www. rmsi. com #46