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Kentucky Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) Accessing SNAP and Allowable Purchases with EBT Vol. I, MS 0270 -0340
Benefit Issuance • Initial SNAP are added to the recipient’s EBT account overnight when the application is processed • Monthly issuance is automatically available on the EBT card per the regular monthly issuance schedule.
Monthly Issuance Benefits are available at 5: 00 am EST on the following day of the month, based on the last digit of the recipient’s SSN, as follows: § SSN ends in 0 – benefits available on the 1 st § SSN ends in 1 - 2 nd § SSN ends in 2 - 3 rd § SSN ends in 3 - 4 th § SSN ends in 4 - 5 th § SSN ends in 5 - 6 th § SSN ends in 6 - 7 th § SSN ends in 7 - 8 th § SSN ends in 8 - 9 th § SSN ends in 9 - 10 th
The EBT Card • The Kentucky card has 16 digits beginning with 507709 • The Federal EBT card looks the same, except the number begins with 507688 • The Case name is listed under the number. • Only one EBT card is issued for each SSN.
The Flip Side • On the back of the card is a magnetic stripe containing the card number in electronic form, and a signature stripe for additional identification. • The Customer Service number and client website are also listed.
Receiving the EBT Card • The EBT card is mailed within 3 days after a case is approved. • Additional information on how and where to use the card, and how to protect it, is also included in this packet.
Activating the EBT Card • Cards are mailed with an inactive status. • An attached sticker tells the recipient to call the Customer Service Representative (CSR) to activate the card. • The card does not work until activated!
To Activate the EBT Card: 1. On the Customer Service line, select either the English or Spanish option. 2. Provide the 16 -digit EBT card number, the Head of Household’s date of birth. 3. Select a PIN. This must be entered twice to confirm the correct PIN.
Securing the Personal Identification Number (PIN) • No one else should know this number, and it should not be given to anyone except the Authorized Representative. • If the household opts to have an authorized representative for EBT, enter this individual on the KAMES system.
EBT Representatives • Naming an EBT representative allows that person to contact the Customer Service line on the household’s behalf. • If the household designates two reps (one to apply and the other to use the EBT card), have the client specify which will use EBT.
Entering the EBT Representative • If two reps are selected, the individual who can apply for benefits is listed first, using code “A” to “Apply” for HH • Enter the EBT representative second, with “P” for EB T. • Authorized reps do not receive their own EBT card.
Using the EBT Card • Recipients may use the EBT card at FNSapproved retailers displaying a QUEST sign with a grocery bag labeled “food stamps” in the bottom-left hand corner. • The EBT card looks like, and is used, the same way as a bank debit card.
Point Of Sale (POS) • The EBT system distributes benefits to recipients through POS terminals at authorized FNS retailers. • In addition, EBT can also be used at authorized retailers who do not have a POS terminal. • These retailers are trained in how to complete these special EBT requests.
Time to Shop! Recipients should know their account balance before they shop! They can do this by: § Keeping their most recent receipt § Calling Customer Service § Checking their balance at a POS machine, if that function is available.
Forgotten PIN • Recipients who forget their PIN may try 4 times to enter the correct number. • After the 4 th incorrect attempt, the card is locked until the following day.
Changing the PIN • If a recipient cannot remember the PIN, he/she can select a new one by calling the Customer Service Representative (CSR). • If a recipient wants to change the PIN, this can be done on the EBT Website as long as he/she enters the old PIN first.
Customer Service Representative (CSR) • The Customer Service toll-free number is operational 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and is voice-automated. • If calling from a rotary dial phone, the recipient is instructed to stay on the line to speak with a CSR.
Customer Services Available Recipients can use CSR to: • Activate the EBT card • Report the card lost, stolen, or damaged and request a new EBT card • Check their benefit balance • Review their last 10 transactions • Select a new PIN • Dispute a transaction
Internet Access to EBT • Recipients have access to EBT account information on a secure website at: www. ebtaccount. jpmorgan. com • There is no additional cost to the client. • This site can be viewed from any computer with internet access (home, library, etc. )
EBT Website Features Clients can use this website to: − − Check their EBT balance Review transaction history Change their PIN Contact Customer Service The client can login to this site using EBT card number and PIN, or register to establish a userid and password.
Retailer Assistance • FNS certified retailers also have a toll-free assistance number, used when a problem arises with POS equipment or completing a transaction. • A manual voucher can be used when a POS terminal is not available or not operational.
EBT Inquiry for Workers • The staff inquiry system for EBT is located on the In. TRAnet in Volume I, Section 0270 at: http: //manuals. chfs. ky. gov/dcbs_manual s/DFS/voli/OMVOLI. pdf • After selecting the appropriate option, you will be asked to log on. • Enter “KY” then your 7 -digit HR userid and password.
Forget Your Password? • On the third wrong attempt to remember the password, the worker will be locked out of the EBT Intranet site. • The worker must then call the CHFS Help Desk at (502) 573 -5831, option 2 for help getting back into this site.
Intranet Site Options Staff can use the EBT Inquiry System to: • See if an EBT card was issued and when • See if a PIN was selected • Check for discrepancies between KAMES and the EBT system • Review benefit information, and assist in resolving concerns that could not be solved by the CSR
Using the Intranet Site To view information, use “Cardholder Search” and enter either: − The recipient’s last name − The recipient’s Social Security Number − The 16 -digit EBT card number − The 14 -digit EBT case number
EBT Inquiry on KAMES Option X on the Case/Pending Inquiry Menu has limited information on EBT accounts. The information displayed on this screen is: − The 14 -digit EBT case number − The latest data transmitted to the EBT system − Case status on the EBT system − Date an EBT card was returned as undeliverable
On the Road Again. . . • Recipients may now use their EBT card in FNS approved stores in any state in the US, except Ohio and Wyoming. • In these two states, the EBT card will only work at national chain stores. • An FNS approved store will display the Quest sign on a door or window.
Discontinuance of SNAP • The discontinuance of the Food Stamp Benefits case has no impact on the EBT account or the benefits issued. • As long as there are benefits in the account, the recipient can use those benefits.
Reapplication for SNAP • When a recipient reapplies for benefits, the caseworker needs to check the status of that person’s EBT card through the EBT Inquiry System. • Do NOT assume the old EBT card still works.
When to Order a New EBT Card • If the status is anything other than “Active 01” or “Inactive-00”, or if the EBT card number is blank, the caseworker should tell KAMES to issue a new EBT card. • Be sure to tell the recipient that the old card will not work.
EBT Time Limits: MS 8110 • Benefits may carried over from month to month, but must be used within 12 months of issuance. • The EBT account must be debited by the recipient at least once every 12 months.
Time Limits on Use of Benefits • If the card is not used for 12 months, benefits in the account issued more than 12 months prior will be expunged and cannot be retrieved. • KAMES will send a notice at 12 months to notify the recipient of loss of benefits. • Staff will also receive a related spot check.
Policy Search • Use the Online Policy Manuals to fill in the blanks and answer the remaining questions on your Notes Pages. • When you have finished this activity, return to Blackboard to complete the final activities for this segment.