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Kennedy to Johnson Kennedy to Johnson

“We have received official confirmation that President Kennedy is dead. I am saddened to “We have received official confirmation that President Kennedy is dead. I am saddened to have to tell you this grievous news… We have a new President. May God bless our new President and our Nation. ” -Dean Rusk (Sec of State)

36. Lyndon B Johnson Di. O: 1963 -1969 PP: Democrat Born: August 27, 1908 36. Lyndon B Johnson Di. O: 1963 -1969 PP: Democrat Born: August 27, 1908 Died: January 22, 1973 Platform: Great Society VP: Hubert Humphrey State: Texas

(1) Lyndon B. Johnson Sworn in hours after the assassination of JFK November 22, (1) Lyndon B. Johnson Sworn in hours after the assassination of JFK November 22, 1963 n Elected on his own in 1964 n

JFK LAID TO REST n n The assassination and the televised funeral became historic JFK LAID TO REST n n The assassination and the televised funeral became historic events (4) LBJ set up the Kerner Commission in 1963 a government group to look into the Kennedy assassination and Three-year old John Kennedy Jr. salutes his father’s coffin during the funeral get the true story to the American people.

President Lyndon Baines Johnson A. LBJ continued the ideas of the Kennedy administration: (1 President Lyndon Baines Johnson A. LBJ continued the ideas of the Kennedy administration: (1 cont. ) civil rights, war on poverty, and continued containment

 In the mid-1960 s, the U. S. had the highest standard of living In the mid-1960 s, the U. S. had the highest standard of living in the world 1. Michael Harrington—The Other America (1962) wrote that “pockets” of poverty remained in America 2. Harrington claimed that as many as 40 million Americans (1/4 of the population) were poor, and they were in the slums of central cities and rural areas—Appalachia, the Deep South, and Native American reservations

th Amendment (23) 25 n Deals with who’s next… succession to the Presidency (if th Amendment (23) 25 n Deals with who’s next… succession to the Presidency (if the prez dies…) and establishes procedures both for filling a vacancy in the office of the Vice President, as well as responding to Presidential disabilities. The Vice President Joseph Biden Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi President pro tempore of the Senate 1 Robert Byrd Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner Secretary of Defense Robert Gates Attorney General Eric Holder 2 Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack Secretary of Commerce TBA Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis 2 Secretary of Health and Human Services Tom Daschle 2 Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Shaun Donovan Secretary of Transportation Ray La. Hood Secretary of Energy Stephen Chu Secretary of Education Arne Duncan Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric Shinseki Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano

(13) Election of 1964 L. B. Johnson vs. Barry Goldwater (13) Election of 1964 L. B. Johnson vs. Barry Goldwater

THE 1964 ELECTION n n n In 1964, the Republicans nominated conservative senator Barry THE 1964 ELECTION n n n In 1964, the Republicans nominated conservative senator Barry Goldwater of Arizona to oppose Democrat Lyndon Johnson Goldwater opposed LBJ’s social legislation Goldwater alienated voters by suggesting the use of nuclear weapons in Cuba and North Vietnam

LBJ WINS BY A LANDSLIDE n n n LBJ won the 1964 election by LBJ WINS BY A LANDSLIDE n n n LBJ won the 1964 election by a landslide For many it was an anti. Goldwater vote Many Americans saw Goldwater as a War Hawk The Democrats also increased their majority in Congress Now Johnson launched his reform program in earnest

LBJ easily defeats Goldwater in ‘ 64 LBJ easily defeats Goldwater in ‘ 64

BUILDING THE GREAT SOCIETY n n In May of 1964, LBJ summed up his BUILDING THE GREAT SOCIETY n n In May of 1964, LBJ summed up his vision for America in a phrase: “The Great Society” By the time he left the White House in 1969, Congress had passed 206 of LBJ’s Great Society legislative initiatives

(2) Johnson used goals of social justice to campaign for the presidency—“The Great Society” (2) Johnson used goals of social justice to campaign for the presidency—“The Great Society” was aimed to reach all Americans 1. designed to fight poverty, discrimination, unemployment, pollution, and other social ills of America 2. promised major tax cuts for individuals and corporations

13 cont. C. Johnson’s wide appeal won him more than 60 % of the 13 cont. C. Johnson’s wide appeal won him more than 60 % of the popular vote. Democrats win again D. Goldwater carried only Arizona and five Southern states, where “Dixiecrats” switched to the Republican party E. Johnson declared a “war on poverty” and began the Great Society programs.

III. Specific Problems facing the US A. Industry had done away with jobs B. III. Specific Problems facing the US A. Industry had done away with jobs B. Small farmers could not compete with agribusiness C. Training was unavailable for new jobs D. Programs did not adequately cover medical expenses for older citizens

(3) Johnson declared a “War on Poverty” on January 8, 1964: 1. He developed (3) Johnson declared a “War on Poverty” on January 8, 1964: 1. He developed programs to deal with America’s problems such as job corps, neighborhood youth corps, VISTA, Project Head Start, Operation Upward Bound, college work study 2. The programs were well-received by Americans because people saw benefits for themselves.

LBJ’s plan for a GREAT US SOCIETY… LBJ’s plan for a GREAT US SOCIETY…

ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY ACT THE EOA legislation created: n The Job Corps n VISTA (Volunteers ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY ACT THE EOA legislation created: n The Job Corps n VISTA (Volunteers in service to America) n Project Head Start for underprivileged preschoolers n The Community Action Program which encouraged the poor to participate in public works program Project Head Start is still going strong

(6) Civil Rights Act 1964 • banned discrimination in voting, and any public (tax (6) Civil Rights Act 1964 • banned discrimination in voting, and any public (tax paid) accommodations, public facilities, federally assisted programs and employment • Helped end racial segregation

(16) Voting Rights Act 1965 • - prohibited discrimination in voter registration and provided (16) Voting Rights Act 1965 • - prohibited discrimination in voter registration and provided federal registration where necessary • Helped end racial segregation

(9) 24 th Amendment • ended poll taxes in federal elections (voting is free!!) (9) 24 th Amendment • ended poll taxes in federal elections (voting is free!!) • Eliminate racial injustice

(14) Medicare • provided medical care for the old aged under social security • (14) Medicare • provided medical care for the old aged under social security • Eliminate poverty, share the abundance, overcome disease

Medicaid • began a joint federal and state program to pay medical bills for Medicaid • began a joint federal and state program to pay medical bills for low income families and persons • Overcome disease, eliminate poverty

Immigration Act, 1965 • - ended old-fashioned national origins quota system, admitted immigrants on Immigration Act, 1965 • - ended old-fashioned national origins quota system, admitted immigrants on the basis of family relationships and national needs • Permit life of freedom, eliminate injustice

HUD- Department Of Housing and Urban Development • created cabinet-level agency to administer public HUD- Department Of Housing and Urban Development • created cabinet-level agency to administer public housing programs, F. H. A. , and other federal activity in the field • Revitalize the cities

(20) Betty Friedan/ NOW • She was an American feminist, activist and writer, best (20) Betty Friedan/ NOW • She was an American feminist, activist and writer, best known for starting the “Women's Liberation Movement“ • She wrote The Feminine Mystique (1966) Friedan was a co-founder of the National Organization for Women (NOW) in 1966

(15) Cesar Chavez 1. A Mexican American labor activist and leader of the United (15) Cesar Chavez 1. A Mexican American labor activist and leader of the United Farm Workers. 2. In 1969, Chávez and members of the UFW marched through the Imperial and Coachella Valley to the border of Mexico to protest growers' use of illegal aliens as temporary replacement workers during a strike. 3. Leading voice for migrant farm workers 4. Focused national attention on these laborers' terrible working conditions, which eventually led to improvements. Started the American Chicano Movement

The Civil Rights Movement under Johnson The Civil Rights Movement under Johnson

I. Remember Segregation and Integration… a. Segregation is separation by race of class in I. Remember Segregation and Integration… a. Segregation is separation by race of class in society. b. Integration is to join or open to all racial groups or classes.

(5) Mississippi Freedom Summer Project a. Summer of ‘ 64 b. 800 College students (5) Mississippi Freedom Summer Project a. Summer of ‘ 64 b. 800 College students from all over the US met in Ohio to be trained for voter registration in the South, especially Mississippi by SNCC.

5 (cont) c. Discouraged by the fact that one of their members was arrested 5 (cont) c. Discouraged by the fact that one of their members was arrested & 2 missing w/n the 1 st couple of days (later found dead). d. The focus of the project was the MS Delta and Mc. Comb. G. Mississippi Freedom Summer – summer 1964: while working to register African Americans to vote, 3 Civil Rights workers were murdered in Neshoba County, MS

*On June 21, 1964, three young civil rights workers — a 21 -year-old black *On June 21, 1964, three young civil rights workers — a 21 -year-old black Mississippian James Chaney and two white New Yorkers Andrew Goodman, 20, and Michael Schwerner, 24 —were murdered *June 21, 2005: Edgar Ray Killen, the supposed mastermind of the crime, was sentenced to 60 years in jail for the crimes.

III. Selma Voting Rights March A. March, 1965: MLK led a 54 mile walk III. Selma Voting Rights March A. March, 1965: MLK led a 54 mile walk from Selma to Montgomery to pressure for voting.

B. The demonstrators were teargassed, clubbed, spat on, whipped, trampled by horses, and jeered B. The demonstrators were teargassed, clubbed, spat on, whipped, trampled by horses, and jeered by others for demanding the right to register to vote. Television and newspapers carried pictures of the event that became known as "Bloody Sunday. " C. As a result, Lyndon B. Johnson urged the passage of the Voting Rights Act; will become law in August of 1965.

A. 1965 B. Riots occurred in the Watts (all African American) (17) Watts Riots A. 1965 B. Riots occurred in the Watts (all African American) (17) Watts Riots neighborhood in L. A. C. $200 million in properties was destroyed and ruined. Local businesses on fire from riot

D. 34 people died, all of them black. E. MLK was furious, saying that D. 34 people died, all of them black. E. MLK was furious, saying that the black population was destroying themselves. F. In response, Watts residents said we won because we made them pay attention to us. Totem of Expression for Change in response to Watts Riot

VI. Civil Disobedience during the Civil Rights Movement A. NAACP- Attacked Jim Crow laws VI. Civil Disobedience during the Civil Rights Movement A. NAACP- Attacked Jim Crow laws Thurgood Marshall toured the south helping African Americans in need of law representation. NAACP representatives toured cities and began local chapters.

Jeopardy answer of the day: - first black American appointed to the Supreme Court Jeopardy answer of the day: - first black American appointed to the Supreme Court (22) Question: Who was Thurgood Marshall?

Martin Luther King, Jr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

1. MLK is from Atlanta, Ga. and is first known from leading the Montgomery 1. MLK is from Atlanta, Ga. and is first known from leading the Montgomery Bus boycott. 2. MLK embodied the movement. 3. MLK preached nonviolence and pacifism and the “turn the other cheek” philosophy. 4. He did encounter frustration from many African Americans who were “sick and tired of going to funerals of black men”

Black Power Black Power

1. Leader: Stokely Carmichael 2. Emphasized racial pride and social equality for African Americans 1. Leader: Stokely Carmichael 2. Emphasized racial pride and social equality for African Americans through the creation of political and cultural institutions 3. Called for black separatism 4. The symbol of Black Power was the raised, gloved fist in the air. Black Americans were to find a new sense of identity.

(19) Carmichael’s stand on black power greatly influenced a new movement in 1966 known (19) Carmichael’s stand on black power greatly influenced a new movement in 1966 known as the Black Panther Party, a revolutionary push for equality and defense of African Americans led by Huey Newton

African-American Reaction to Civil Disobedience A. Malcolm X - followed the teaching of Elijah African-American Reaction to Civil Disobedience A. Malcolm X - followed the teaching of Elijah Muhammad who taught that white society actively worked to keep African-Americans from empowering themselves and achieving political, economic and social success. B. Other goals included wanting a state of their own, separate from one inhabited by white people. C. Malcolm X changed views after becoming disillusioned about the teachings of Muhammad

 • 1925 -1965 a U. S. political activist. (7) He was a prominent • 1925 -1965 a U. S. political activist. (7) He was a prominent member of the Black Malcolm X Muslims and founder of the Organization of Afro-American Unity (1964) - (18) After moderating his views on black separatism and founding his own more aggressive Muslim organization he was assassinated in 1965 • http: //www. crimelibrary. com/terrorists_spies/assassins/malcolm_x/4. html

(8) Muhammad Ali • Boxer, born Cassius Marcellus Clay on January 17, 1942 in (8) Muhammad Ali • Boxer, born Cassius Marcellus Clay on January 17, 1942 in Louisville, Kentucky, USA. As an amateur boxer (1954– 60), winning 100 of 108 matches- one of best boxers in American History… • After winning the championship from Liston in 1964, Clay revealed that he was a member of the Nation of Islam (often called the Black Muslims at the time) That night, Malcolm X took Clay around town and announced that Clay would be renamed Muhammad (one who is worthy of praise) Ali (fourth rightly guided caliph).

(27) Death of a hero… Jesse Jackson was there… 1. April 4, 1968: Memphis (27) Death of a hero… Jesse Jackson was there… 1. April 4, 1968: Memphis Tennessee 2. MLK killed by a sniper’s bullet

3. (27)James Earl Ray: arrested in June of 1968 for killing MLK jr. 4. 3. (27)James Earl Ray: arrested in June of 1968 for killing MLK jr. 4. Sentenced to 99 years in prison; died in 1998. 5. Hinted he was only part of the conspiracy

(27) Many AAs will respond to this tragedy through violence. At the end of (27) Many AAs will respond to this tragedy through violence. At the end of a week of rioting, almost 50 were dead! Isn’t this exactly what MLK preached AGAINST? !? ! "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. Hate multiplies hate, violence multiplies violence and toughness multiplies toughness in a descending spiral of destruction. The chain reaction of evil………must be broken, or we shall be plunged into the dark abyss of annihilation. ” ~Dr. MLK, Jr