- Количество слайдов: 16
Ken W. Stewart, School Librarian Blue Valley High School 1972 UGA BBA 1990 UMKC BA 1992 UMKC MA 1997 ESU MLS
Life Before Libraries…
Blue Valley School District, USD 229 Johnson County, KS Kansas City metro area 2012/2013 22, 154 students 20 elementary schools (1 full-time librarian, 1 full-time para) 9 middle schools (1 full-time librarian, 1 full-time para) 5 high schools (2 full-time librarians, 2 full-time paras)
Beginnings. . How Coffee Connects to College Readiness Once upon a time. . . there were two librarians who liked to talk, dream, drink coffee and talk some more about. . . Shared experiences and moaned about how unprepared many freshman appeared to be for basic research What was going on? How could this be? Hey. . WE were prepared for our freshman year ; -)
Inquiring Minds Wanted to Know. . What were the challenges high schools were facing in their efforts to develop information literacy competencies? How were Information Literacy Standards incorporated into the curriculum of high schools and higher education? How can librarians and fellow educators collaborate to bridge the perceived gap in critical thinking skills?
A College Readiness Dialogue Oct. 2010
Get Your Administration Involved
Teacher Buy-in
nd annual 2 College Readiness Dialogue Nov. 2011 9: 00 – 4: 00 New additions: o Skype-ing o Public Librarians o Best Practices
3 rd College Readiness Dialogue April 2013 9: 00 – 4: 00 New additions: o Kauffman Foundation o Common Core o Special Librarians
What's Next. . . 4 th College Readiness Dialogue • April 1 st, 2014 • Location: Kauffman Foundation Conference Center, KC, MO • Librarians and fellow educators from high schools, middle schools, higher education as well as public & special librarians • Emphasis on Information Literacy Visit the College Readiness Dialogue webpage http: //bvhlearningcommons. bluevalleyk 12. org/collegereadinessdialogues
kstewart@bluevalleyk 12. org http: //bvhlearningcommons. bluevalleyk 12. org/collegereadinessdialogues
TIPS Ø Get a co-host from the other side (Academic or Secondary) Ø Mileage: How far would you drive for this? (But post on state listservs) Ø Enlist the support of school administration! (Facility fees) Ø Don’t rely on school/library websites for names or email addresses; use primarily for phone numbers Ø Keep the first meeting simple as far as agenda goes