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Keir Hardie/ James Burnham and The Managerial Revolution By Hannah Lebovitz Clesson AP Lang – 9 January 13, 2008
Keir Hardie • • • Born August 15, 1856 Family was extremely poor Worked from a young age Learned to read and write on his own Read newspapers to learn about trade unions Led a strike Named secretary of Scottish Miners’ Federation Started publishing The Miner Advocated socialism Ran for Parliament twice – won second time
Keir Hardie • Helped found Independent Labor Party • Wanted House of Commons to send message of condolences to relatives of dead miners • House of Commons refused; Hardie made a speech attacking the monarchy • Criticized in national newspapers • Spent years campaigning for Labor Party and women’s suffrage • Disapproved of Britain’s involvement in World War I • Participated in anti-war demonstrations despite illness • Died September 25, 1915
James Burnham • • • Born in Chicago in 1905 Attended Princeton University Leading Trotskyist during the 1930 s Helped form Socialist Workers Party Eventually separated from Socialist Workers Party and communist movement to take a job in the Office of Strategic Services during World War II • Wrote for the National Review during the Cold War • Awarded Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1983 • Died in 1987
James Burnham • Published The Managerial Revolution in 1941 • World will be divided into three superstates: United States, Germany, and Japan • Three states will fight to rule the world • Capitalism is on the decline, but socialism will not replace it • Capitalist class being replaced by managerial class, made up of soldiers, business executives, bureaucrats, etc. • Heavily influenced Orwell’s 1984
Bibliography • • Helin, Lori. “Burnham: The Managerial Revolution. ” October 1988. 13 January 2008. <http: //econc 10. bu. edu/economic_systems/Theory/Capitalism_XXcent ury/Burnham. htm> Simkin, John. “James Kerr Hardie. ” Spartacus Educational. 13 January 2008. <http: //www. spartacus. schoolnet. co. uk/PRhardie. htm>