- Количество слайдов: 41
Keeping the “c” in GMP Presented by: Karen Ginsbury For IFF, Denmark March 2012
EU GMPs Part 1 – Medicinal Products (finished Product) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Quality Management (Quality Management System) Updated to incorporate ICH Q 10 concepts Personnel Facilities and Equipment Documentation Production (and packaging) Quality Control (includes QA and QC) Contract Manufacture and Analysis (outsourced operations) Complaints and recalls Self - inspection
Course Objective Update with current regulations Update on regulations and guidance in the making Proactively plan improvements to the quality management system to: Reduce deviations Reduce non conformances Enhance compliance Ensure positive inspection outcomes.
Special Requests? Expectations? ? ?
Some tips before we get going Check out: FDA what’s new EMA what’s new FDA Guidance agenda 2011 (2012 not yet out) EMA IWG workplan 2012 And don’t forget to keep checking the websites
FDA – what’s new http: //www. fda. gov/Drugs/ News. Events/ucm 130958. htm
EMA - What’s new http: //www. ema. europa. eu/ema/index. jsp? curl=pages /news_and_events/landing/whats_new. jsp&mid=WC 0 b 01 ac 058004 d 5 c 4&jsenabled=true
FDA Guidance Agenda 2011
EMA IWG Workplan 2012 http: //www. ema. europa. eu/docs/en_G B/document_library/Other/2009/10/W C 500004875. pdf
Falsified Medicines Legislation and Delegated Act
http: //www. fda. gov/Drugs/Guidance. Compliance Regulatory. Information/Guidances/ucm 121568. htm
http: //www. fda. gov/downloads/Drugs/Guidance. Compliance Regulatory. Information/Guidances/ucm 079645. pdf
http: //www. fda. gov/downloads/Drugs/Guidance. Compliance Regulatory. Information/Guidances/ucm 079645. pdf
http: //www. fda. gov/downloads/Drugs/Guidance. Compliance Regulatory. Information/Guidances/ucm 079645. pdf
http: //www. ema. europa. eu/ema/index. jsp? curl=pages/news_and_ev ents/news/2011/11/news_detail_001392. jsp&mid=WC 0 b 01 ac 058004 d 5 c 1
http: //www. ema. europa. eu/ema/index. jsp? curl=pages/r egulation/landing/human_medicines_regulatory. jsp&mi d=WC 0 b 01 ac 058001 ff 89
http: //www. ema. europa. eu/ema/index. jsp? curl=pages/r egulation/general_content_000081. jsp&mid=W C 0 b 01 ac 0580027546
Who else is out there Other players: PIC/s WHO ICH USP ISO
http: //www. picscheme. org/
http: //www. picscheme. org/
PIC/s Guidances http: //www. picscheme. org/publication. php? id=4 GMP guide http: //www. picscheme. org/publication. php? id=14 Aide memoires http: //www. picscheme. org/publication. php? id=8 Guidance Documents
PIC/s Guidances
PIC/s Guidances
What is ICH The International Conference On Harmonisation of Technical Requirements For Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use PCI Pharmaceutical Consulting Israel Ltd
ICH Members Regulators and industry as equal partners in scientific and technical discussions of testing procedures required to ensure and assess safety, quality and efficacy of medicines Regulators: EU (EMEA), FDA, MHLW (Japan) Industry (trade organizations): EFPIA, Ph. RMA, JPMA Observers: WHO, EFTA (Norway, Switzerland. . . ), and (Health) Canada PCI Pharmaceutical Consulting Israel Ltd
http: //www. ich. org/cache/compo/276 -254 -1. html PCI Pharmaceutical Consulting Israel Ltd
ICH Q 8, 9, 10 vs FDA Quality System Guidance Pharmaceutical Development Quality Risk Management Pharmaceutical Quality System
ICH Q 8, 9, 10 vs FDA Quality System Guidance
ICH Q 8, 9, 10 vs FDA Quality System Guidance The guidance is similar in structure to Q 10 but far more detailed and more tied in with the GMPs For those intimately involved in establishing, maintaining and continually improving a QMS that meets US FDA requirements and expectations – it is worth a read
Latest guidance is Q 11 Development and manufacture of drug substance (API) Available for download
USP General chapters Chapters below <999> are mandatory Chapters above 1000 and over are NOT mandatory So chapter 11 on reference standards is mandatory Whereas chapter <1117> on Good Microbiological Laboratory Practice is NOT mandatory But general chapters can be a useful source of information And USP has a vendor qualifcation program…
Ph. Eur. and EDQM (European Directorate on Quality of Medicine) Certify starting materials in a formal qualification and inspection program Includes BSE / TSE certificates
ISO International Standards Organisation Voluntary standards ICH Q 10 modelled on ISO 9001: 2008
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